Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 435 Is this possible?

Sasuke's mouth corners raised, he happily ate Choji's potato chips, and patted his chest to assure: "Don't worry, I'll be fine!"

"Have you made your beds? Let's play games together!"

Inuzuka Kiba looked at the two people, strictly speaking, at Naruto.

Naruto immediately held his head high and said: "No problem! I can make the bed in minutes!"

Sasuke curled his lips. It can only be said that everyone has their own expertise. Naruto's grades are very bad, but he is very good at playing games, so he is actually as popular as him.

As for Sasuke...

Sasuke can open the Sharingan during the exam to directly cast illusions on others, so as to tell others the correct answers through illusions. In this way, the teacher can't say you cheated. After all, the exams in the ninja school are not so perverted.

However, during the civil service exam, there is a separate compartment, and there are elite Chunin and elite Jonin patrolling together. If you are caught cheating, you will be disqualified directly, which means you will be disqualified from all exams in the second half of your life.

So the civil service exam is a world apart from the exams in school.

Well, I have to say something here.

How stupid can one be to fail the exam under such relaxed conditions?

"Woof woof"

A dog barking suddenly came from the second floor, and Inuzuka Kiba hammered his palm: "Oh, by the way, I forgot to give Akamaru water, wait for me for a while."

As he said, Inuzuka Kiba went to the second floor.

In fact, the space on the second floor is not big, only half a meter high, but it is definitely enough to raise pets.

While Kiba went to give Akamaru water, Naruto and Sasuke also went back to their dormitories.

"Do you need my help?" Uchiha Itachi smiled at his brother.

Sasuke's face turned red.

And Naruto looked over with shining eyes. There is no doubt that if Sasuke dared to agree, in the next three years, Naruto would definitely laugh at Sasuke as a kid who couldn't even make a bed.

So, Sasuke immediately shook his head and said, "No need, brother, go back quickly, I can handle it by myself."

Uchiha Itachi smiled and looked at Naruto.

Sasuke was naturally very relieved about Naruto.

After all, the two of them were a pair of happy enemies.

From childhood to adulthood, since Sasuke went to Hyuga Kindergarten, the two have been attending the same school.

Although it seems that the relationship between the two is not good, it is just a conflict between some children.

And to be honest, their mothers are best friends, so the relationship between the two can't be that bad.

Therefore, after seeing Sasuke making the bed here, Uchiha Itachi helped him take out all his things, and then he left.

After he left, Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other with hostility in their eyes.

Sasuke crossed his arms: "I go to bed early at night. If you wake me up because of playing games, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Naruto raised his head and looked at the other party proudly: "Humph, I don't know who is arguing with whom! I know that everyone in your Uchiha clan has a lot of quirks. If you disturb my rest, I will definitely beat you up!"

"What did you say?!"

"Why, do you want to fight?!"

Just as the two were kicking each other, a scream of fear came from next door:


Naruto and Sasuke's faces changed, and then they immediately ran to the next door.

"What's wrong?!"

Naruto pushed open the door, and then saw a watermelon-rind boy huddled in the corner pointing at a person and trembling and said: "You, why are there bugs all over your body?!"

Naruto and Sasuke looked at the person the watermelon-rind boy pointed at.

"What? It's Shino."

Aburame Shino looked over: "Naruto and Sasuke, so you two are the classmates who live next door to my dormitory.

Great, if you want to explain why, it's because you and I have been in the same school since childhood, so I don't have to be alone anymore..."

"Are you okay?" Naruto stretched out his hand to Rock Lee.

Rock Lee looked at Naruto with a confused look on his face.

Rock Lee's family is a real civilian family. Of course, under Yuya's rule, Rock Lee's family is not short of money, but he certainly can't go to the Hyuga kindergarten and the Sarutobi clan's elementary school.

Speaking of which, basically every family now has a kindergarten and an elementary school, even the Uchiha clan has this, so I won't explain it too much, but the quality is uneven.

In fact, the best kindergarten is the Hyuga clan, the best elementary school is the Sarutobi clan, and the best high school - that is, the period of study after graduating from the ninja school until taking the college entrance examination and entering the university is called high school - is the Shimura clan.

To explain why, it has to do with the fact that Shimura Danzo spent a lot of money to train nearly five or six hundred people from the Shimura clan who passed the assessment in order to make the civil servant assessment system proposed by Yuya work for him in order to cause trouble for Yuya.

That was the qualification to pass the assessment more than 20 years ago!

Therefore, these people were indeed assigned to various departments of Konoha later.

However, now these people are about to reach retirement age, and for the sake of their own future, many people simply resign and return to their own families to provide their family descendants with the knowledge and resources they know.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that the Shimura clan had handed over all of their territory except for the core area of ​​the clan, which is where the clan members live, to Konoha Village, Youya would definitely have dealt with the Shimura clan.

Unfortunately, the Shimura clan is too obedient.

The Sarutobi clan has reserved land for themselves to build schools. The high school built by the Shimura clan is rented from Konoha Village and pays rent every year. How can Youya target him when he is so obedient?

In short, basically, the schools between the various ninja clans are like this.

However, Xiao Li's family is definitely not qualified to go to the ninja clan's school, and they can't afford the tuition if they go there, so they might as well go to Southeast Elementary School.

Therefore, Xiao Li went to kindergarten and elementary school at Southeast School.

The current principal there is Yakushi Nonoyu, a very gentle female principal, and she also teaches art and crafts classes part-time.

After staying in that school for a few years, how could Xiao Li have come into contact with someone like Aburame Shino?

Therefore, when he came here, he was almost scared to death when he saw Aburame Shino covered with bugs.

So he pointed at Shino Aburame and said tremblingly: "He he he..."

Naruto spread his hands indifferently and said: "It's just some bugs, actually his bugs are pretty good, they can help a lot."

Xiao Li was stunned: "Help? What can they help with?"

Shino Aburame interrupted at this time: "They can clean, hang clothes, mop the floor, and if I learn cooking skills, I can even cook."

Xiao Li: "..."

Don't you think you are a bit too cool for a guy covered with bugs?

This is all right? !

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