Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 443 City of the Future

Walking out of the train station, a wave of heat hit me.

It's strange that the climate of a place like Konoha Village is not tropical, and it's only early April now.

As a result, it's so hot in early April. Youya thought that there is nothing in this world that destroys the natural environment. How can it be like this? In recent years, the hot weather has been getting earlier and longer.

If it continues like this, there will probably be only two seasons, summer and winter.


It is well known that the dead have no body temperature, so the two big guys behind Orochimaru didn't feel any heat waves.

And out of the subway exit, in addition to the heat waves, there are also hawking sounds on both sides of the road:

Some sell food, some sell mobile phone films, some sell milk tea, and some sell clothes directly here.

I don't know what they thought, but they put a clothing store at the entrance and exit of the train station and the subway entrance on the side of the train station.

But considering that this store has been open for three years...

It can actually make money? After all, the rent of such a place must be very expensive.

"That's amazing. I heard you say that this is just the outer city, right?" The gentle-looking strong man asked Orochimaru.

The other strong man with a cold face looked around calmly.

"Yes, the first generation." Orochimaru was very respectful to this man. After all...

If he wanted, this man could really kill him in an instant.

But he was not very afraid, after all...

His 99th copy just backed up his consciousness today. If he died, this consciousness would be activated immediately, so he would not be considered dead.

Not scared at all.

Okay, still pretty scared, after all, pain can't be faked.

It hurts.

Yes, these two strong men are the first generation Hokage Senju Hashirama and the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama who used the transformation technique to transform into humans.

In order not to cause a commotion, both the first generation and the second generation chose to transform.

But to be honest, Orochimaru felt that they didn't need this, because...

"So that's the inner city? It's really unbelievable..." The first generation put his hand on his forehead and looked in a direction in the distance, but unfortunately, the view was blocked by high-rise buildings.

"When I died... Konoha Village didn't have so many high-rise buildings." Senju Hashirama said.

Orochimaru smiled slightly, and then said to the two: "Let's go, go and deal with my affairs first, and then if you have any questions about the village, you can ask the current Hokage as much as you want."

Senju Tobirama crossed his arms and looked at the surrounding steel jungle from modern society built of reinforced concrete. Senju Tobirama sighed, and then smiled slightly: "Yuya, you're doing a good job."

Senju Hashirama also smiled.

God knows, when he saw Orochimaru, what he thought most was that Konoha Village was in danger and needed him, the first generation Hokage, to help.

Unexpectedly, Orochimaru's request was actually like that...

Simple and realistic.

Well, anyway, he and Senju Tobirama came, and then the two took a train for more than ten hours from the Grass Country to Konoha Village. Although it was only the outer city, there was no doubt that compared with the villages they passed along the way, the outer city of Konoha was already extremely prosperous.

And for Senju Hashirama, even the life of the people in the villages of the Fire Country and the small villas they built were already the perfect life that Senju Hashirama imagined.

After all. He lived in that big manor until his death.

Although the area is indeed large, compared with the infrastructure, it is really not as good as these ordinary villages in the Fire Country.

At least where he lived at that time, if you want to drink water, you have to fetch it yourself and boil it yourself. It's not like the villages here, where tap water pipes have been connected to every household.

Of course, the water source is naturally underground water, and the water pipes mainly play a filtering role.

In short, these villagers live better than himself, which made Senju Hashirama unexpected.

It is said that the place where Senju Hashirama used to live was transformed by Youya into the former residence of the first generation. Usually, he collects some tickets and occasionally organizes students to visit collectively. He also earns several million taels a year.

But Orochimaru really doesn't know about this. He is not interested in this.

Orochimaru brought the two big guys to the subway station, bought subway tickets with his ID card and temporary visa, and the group came to the subway.

Senju Hashirama entered the subway station and began to look around. For him, these things are indeed a bit too trendy.

After getting on the subway, Senju Hashirama asked about the speed. After learning that it was 300 kilometers per hour, Senju Hashirama took a deep breath.

It's unbelievable.

Senju Tobirama also has some doubts.

Has he really only died for more than 30 years?

Why does it feel like he has been dead for more than 300 years?

However, this is just the beginning.

It was said a long time ago that Youya's focus is on the inner city of Konoha. You have to make the inner city of Konoha better than the outer city of Konoha in order to attract people from the outer city of Konoha to desperately want to come to the inner city of Konoha.

Only in this way will they be willing to serve you wholeheartedly and be your slaves.

Therefore, Konoha Outer City is certainly better than other places in the Land of Fire, and even better than the other four major ninja villages.

But the truly prosperous...

It's the inner city of Konoha.

When the subway arrived at the station, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama got off the subway and followed the instructions to the entrance and exit of the subway.

"Huh? Why is there no one on duty? Is someone lazy?" Qianju Tobirama saw that there were only a few gates, and there was no one around. Even the gates were in a release state, and there was no one guarding them. This made Qianju Tobirama was a little dissatisfied.

Orochimaru waved his hand: "That's not the case, come with me."

Orochimaru said, and walked to the gate first. Then when he walked to the gate, an infrared wall composed of infrared rays appeared in front of him.

Orochimaru walked over directly.

"Welcome, Mr. Orochimaru."

The mechanical sound startled the two Hokages.

Orochimaru smiled slightly and opened his arms to indicate that the two of them could shuttle over.

After the two people passed through, the mechanical voice announced the names on their temporary visas.

"What is implemented here is unmanned access management. Because there is really a shortage of people, the current implementation in Konoha's inner city... is unmanned service."

Orochimaru opened his arms and said to Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama: "Welcome to Konoha, this is the city of the future."

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