Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 453: This is your first reaction?

After that, the two big guys were also treated to a treat by the black tiger brother.

How to put it this way, the population of the inner city of Konoha Village is indeed large, but in the civil service assessment, the first thing he looks at is actually nothing else but whether you have a household registration in the inner city.

After all, if you don’t have a household registration and you have to leave when your visa expires, what will you do with your job?

Find someone again? That certainly won't work.

So Youya decided to use the simplest method.

Only those with registered permanent residence are recruited.

And the current situation is that there are about a thousand people retiring in Konoha every year because of age. Here we only talk about people in the civil service system.

Then there were probably hundreds of people who came in for various reasons.

As a result, two to three thousand or more civil servants are vacant every year.

Although this number is large, it is nothing if it is spread throughout Konoha.

Especially for the security department, what Uchiha Fugaku requested most every year at the annual meeting was to expand the security department. At the same time, he wanted to cooperate with other families and let other ninja families work in their security department.

After all, the security department needs to maintain stability, and it would be best if they were ninjas.

However, other families are not fools. The women in your security department are treated like men, and the men are treated like beasts. It was agreed that you would work from nine to five and go out at seven every day, and come home at eleven or twelve in the evening to make us blind? !

You are so tired. Can the people below not be tired?

We don’t want our own people to suffer. It’s not like we don’t have our own industry. We don’t lack jobs at all.

And now that Youya has released the management authority of some departments, they can be considered to have their own power.

Although they knew that they would definitely take back power when the new Hokage came to power, they had to take care of him now, so they had to take care of it first.

As a result, no one in the security department was willing to go.

This is why Heihu would rather stuff a pack of cigarettes and tell the city management to get out of here than get this "iron rice bowl".

His son was very proud to be admitted to the civil service examination at the age of 18. If he fails to pass the examination this year, he will only have one chance in his life.

And no matter how old you are, you need to start from the bottom. If you are over 25, most people will give up directly.

Because there is no need for that anymore. Even if you pass the exam after 25, you will be a district chief at the end of your life.

Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama ate and drank with Brother Black Tiger, which perfectly solved their dilemma of not having any money at all.

Yes, they did bring no money.

Originally they thought they were going to have a king's meal today, but they didn't expect that they would be taken advantage of.

Because he is already dead, food actually has no taste.

But for these two big guys, it’s not the food that matters, it’s the atmosphere.

Senju Tobirama asked Black Tiger unwillingly: "Actually, I'm still a little confused. Why do the villagers of Konoha Village have such big opinions on the Second Hokage?"

Black Tiger was stunned for a moment, looked up and down at the middle-aged man who had transformed from Senju Tobirama, and then smiled: "Oh, you are from out of town, right?"

Senju Tobirama nodded.

Black Tiger waved his hand as if everyone was drunk but I was alone: ​​"Actually, I quite like the Second Hokage."

Senju Tobirama's eyes suddenly lit up.

Then I heard Black Tiger say: "After all, if the Second Hokage had been in office, I would definitely be able to live a better life than now."

Several of his younger brothers nodded: "That's for sure."

Senshou Tobirama was confused: "Brother, what do you do?"

"Oh, debt collector." Black Tiger said.

Thousand Hands Tobirama: "..."

Black Tiger patted his thigh: "Those people now, relying on the third generation law to say that they are not allowed to hurt people, make it very difficult for us debt collectors! If the second generation Hokage is in office, we will only Can you throw excrement and paint to force the debtor to pay back? I've already started beating him!"

Thousand Hands Tobirama: "..."

Black Tiger continued to talk, and Senju Hashirama could hardly hold back his laughter.

Black Tiger talked about how brilliant he would be if the Second Hokage were still here, and then sighed and said: "If you ask me, the Third Hokage is good at everything, but he is too good for some bastards in the inner city! What do you mean by inaccuracy? Hurt someone? He deserves it if some bastard beats him to death!

Hey, do you know? That stupid bastard, didn’t he lose all his money in Golden City, the legal gambling house in our village, and then he actually wanted to sell his house! Sell ​​the house and go to Golden City. Isn’t this fucking cheap? Forget about selling my own, I actually want to sell my parents’ house too!

If he hadn't had a son, those two old men would have put all their hopes in their grandson. They didn't want their grandson to have no father. Let me tell you, they wished we would beat that bastard to death! "

Senju Tobirama frowned, came over and asked: "Does the Third Hokage not care about this kind of thing? How does he, the Hokage, do things?!"

Black Tiger looked at Senju Tobirama up and down, then snorted and said, "Who do you think you are talking about the Sandaime like that?"

Thousand Hands Tobirama: "..."

I'm afraid you'll be scared to death if I reveal my fucking identity.

Black Tiger patted his thigh and said, "Why didn't the Sandaime care? He has already made regulations. The Golden City only accepts cash and prohibits private lending. At the same time, the Golden City is also connected to the Internet. If you find that this person has a debt record when you enter, it will be wrong. He is allowed to enter the Golden City.

Moreover, the third generation also clearly stipulated that if anyone enters the Golden City after selling houses or land or doing similar actions in the near future, they will be kicked out of the Golden City, all sales money will be recovered immediately, and the houses, land and other properties will be returned.

But I can’t stand that stupid bastard!

He couldn't sell the house, so he thought of a way.

He asked his relatives to borrow money. After borrowing the money, Golden City saw that he had real estate, no official liabilities, and cash, so he let him in.

As a result, I lost all my money and refused to admit it.

His relatives couldn't find me.

When I threw the shit, I spilled it a little crookedly and onto the corridor, so they damned me and put me in the detention center on the charge of being uncivilized.

Forget it, it's okay as long as it doesn't go into my file and taint my son's resume.

In short, you can never imagine the limitless things those betting dogs can do. "

After Hei Hu finished speaking, he shook his head with disgust.

Senju Tobirama also sighed after hearing this.

It is true that Youya's system cannot be perfected to the point of completeness, and as long as it is not a thorough system, it is impossible to completely control people's hearts.

There will always be someone who breaks the lower limit...

Picking up the wine glass, Senju Hashirama shook his head helplessly.

In this case...

What can he do? !

Let's have some barbecue and wait until we find Madara and his bragging rights.

late at night:

"Dong dong dong"

Yuya and Tsunade, who were hugged by Tsunade, were awakened by a knock on the door.

"Hmm, what time is it?" Tsunade rubbed her eyes.

Youya yawned and said, "Well, let's see, it's one o'clock in the morning?! Who is so wicked to come to me so late?"

Youya said but still got out of bed.

It might be something urgent after all.

"His grandma, you'd better really have something serious to do with me."

Youya came to the door wearing pajamas and dragging slippers.

Opening the door, Youya saw a long, straight, black...middle-aged man standing at the door with a blond kid.

"You are..." Youya frowned and looked at the two guys, one big and one small, in front of him.

The middle-aged man took a deep breath, looked at Yuya and said with a serious face: "Please don't be afraid of what I'm going to say next, and don't think that I'm a madman. I am Uchiha Sasuke, and this guy named Bo The human child comes from the future more than twenty years later! By chance, he and I came here. I don’t know why we came here, but I think this is an opportunity, because you will be here two years later, and I don’t know. He fought with the famous enemy and died of serious injuries shortly after returning!"

Yuya blinked and looked at the middle-aged Sasuke in front of him.

Ah, yes, it seems that there is a related plot in Boruto...

Why did Sasuke and Boruto go back to the past?

Forget it, this is not important, what is important now is...

"Oh, you come from the future..." Yuya looked at middle-aged Sasuke.

Middle-aged Sasuke looked nervous: "Yes, please believe me!"

Yuya nodded and touched his chin, then asked: "Then...who will succeed me as Hokage after I die? How is he doing?"

Middle-aged Sasuke looked at Yuya blankly...


Your first fucking reaction to asking this? !

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