Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 465: Konoha's 62nd year and the beginning of the war

In the 62nd year of Konoha, the first weekend of the New Year.

In the commercial streets of Konoha's inner city, almost every household is decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and various "New Year's Specials" are posted at the door of the shops. You say how much the specials are, we don't know, but anyway, there are definitely specials.

In the commercial streets in the center of Konoha's inner city, almost every household is full.

And in such a street, in such a crowded crowd, a complaint came.

"So I said you shouldn't come shopping. How can there be not many people during the New Year's Day."

Naruto complained with a pout.

And the Namikaze Flower Spirit sitting on the top of Namikaze Minato pouted and looked at Naruto with some dissatisfaction: "Brother!"

Kushina also cast a death stare at Naruto: "Don't force me to slap you when I'm happy!"

Naruto was scared and wanted to cry.

Since he got older, his parents really don't love him at all.


This is related to his frequent suicide.

"Hey kid! Tell Kushina to go home after shopping! Today is the promotion match for me from Platinum 2 to Platinum 1!"

Naruto yawned, not bothering to pay attention to the stupid fox in his body.

He is terrible at playing games and has not made any progress.

He has been playing that game since he was a child, but he has become worse and worse as he grows up.

What's the point of keeping such a fox?

It is said that the Nine-Tailed Fox in his body is powerful, how can he not see it?

The most common sentence every night is: Log in! I must get points today.

Or: Log in! I'm in the promotion match!

You tell me that this kind of fox is very powerful? How is it powerful?

"Ah! Quick, look! Over there! It's Xue'er from the Snow Country!"

Suddenly, a scream was heard, and other passers-by heard it and immediately rushed over there.

"What?!" Kushina's face changed, and then she immediately picked up her skirt and rushed over there.

While running, she shouted: "Xue'er! Xue'er! I'm your fan!"

Xue'er, the princess of the Snow Country.

It is said that the previous princess of the Snow Country, who is also the queen of the current Snow Country, had some stories with Youya.

The other party also said that if Youya is willing to go to the Snow Country, she doesn't mind letting Youya become the king of the Snow Country, and she can be an ordinary queen.

Later, she even said that Youya can fill the harem as he likes, and she will never be jealous.


Then Youya ignored her.

In the end, for the inheritance of the kingdom, she still chose someone to marry into the royal family and gave birth to Xue'er.

The first generation of the Snow Country Princess once participated in the first music talent show in Konoha Village at that time. At that time, Kushina was still young, and she liked to listen to the princess's songs very much.

Later, the songs released by the current queen have decreased year by year, and recently she has not released a new song for three consecutive years.

But in contrast, her daughter Xue'er has gradually entered people's field of vision.

Sixteen-year-old Xue'er is youthful, enthusiastic, cheerful and lively.

The most important thing is that her singing voice is not bad at all.

This instantly turned a group of fans of the former queen into "mom fans".

Kushina is naturally one of them.

Naruto looked at this scene, turned his head and looked at Minato Namikaze speechlessly: "Isn't it just a woman? Is it necessary to be like this?"

Minato Namikaze turned his head and said to Naruto calmly: "Your father is also her fan."

After all...

At that time, Minato Namikaze's father even dragged him to vote for the queen.

It's just that men are relatively reserved in chasing stars and won't act so crazy.

Naruto: ? ? ?

I feel like I am your fake son...

Naruto fell into autism.

And at this time, the space in the sky gradually distorted, and a black hole appeared...

It was the space ninjutsu of the Otsutsuki clan, Yomi Hirasaka.

Otsutsuki Urashiki carrying a red fishing rod walked out of the black wormhole, grinning, and then began to search for his target...


"Everyone, thank you for your love, thank you very much, everyone must take care of your body and pay attention to safety~"

Xue'er is young, beautiful, lively and cute. She waved to her fans while walking towards a jewelry store.

Yes, it was this jewelry store that spent a lot of money to invite her to perform today.

Xue'er stood in front of the stage, and her bodyguards separated to stop those who wanted to get close to Xue'er.

And at this moment, a red fish hook shot towards Kushina from the air...


Namikaze Minato stuffed the flower spirit into Naruto's arms: "Protect your sister!"

Then he immediately used a body-flash technique, covered the shuriken with chakra, and hit the red fish hook.

Afterwards, Namikaze Minato came to Kushina.

Kushina was a little confused. She was chasing stars with all her heart and did not notice Otsutsuki Urashiki's attack.

So it is said that being a star is harmful to people~

Okay, just kidding.

Of course, Minato Namikaze's actions were discovered.

Xue'er frowned as she held the microphone.

Today was her performance, she didn't want to mess it up.

And at this moment...

"Everyone! Disperse!"

A loud roar sounded, and a group of Uchiha clan members with black hair and black eyes, wearing the uniform of the security department, stood on the high platforms on both sides of the street.

This platform was originally used to set up a platform for trains running at high levels.

Yes, the rail trains in the commercial street of Konoha's inner city are above the commercial street.

For Konoha Village, this is very normal.

"Call headquarters! Request support! The location is here at the Daifuku Jewelry Store in District 13 of the commercial street! As for the enemy...

The enemy has the ability to stand in the air without using any other ninjutsu! Request support from the minister and the elite team!"

Xue'er looked up and saw the miserable look on Otsutsuki Urashiki's face.

Xue'er frowned immediately: "Who is that white guy?"

The people of the Otsutsuki clan do look white all over, and the clothes they wear are mostly white. At first glance, you might think they have albinism.

Xue'er was of course dissatisfied. She finally received a big order from Konoha today!

Konoha does have a lot of orders, but there are not many who are generous.

There are even fewer like the generous jewelry store.

She doesn't want to lose her job.

However, just when she was about to use the microphone to blame the guy in the sky...

A figure moved faster than her.

It was Minato Namikaze.

It turned out that Minato Namikaze had just thrown a kunai at Otsutsuki Urashiki, and that kunai had the Flying Thunder God Technique.

He just dodged and grabbed the Flying Thunder God Kunai and attacked Otsutsuki Urashiki.

Otsutsuki Urashiki did not dodge, and his palm reached for the gourd behind him.

Then a fierce flame pushed Minato Namikaze away...

It turned into a huge fireball and smashed into the crowd of people coming and going in the commercial street below...

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