In short, these family farces also reflect a problem.

That means Youya now indeed has his own team, enough for them to take seriously.

Although it was a clumsy method to cut off water, electricity and food for the Sarutobi clan, it was a good method that worked.

Just like these families.

After reviewing the internal situation, they desperately found that it was impossible to cut off contact with Youya.

If nothing else, let’s just talk about electric lights.

Although electricity now only has one specific function: light, this thing allows you to read a book at night, and allows you to go shopping and have fun at night.

Once your power is cut off, your nightlife will be cut off, and you will go back to the old life of sleeping at sunset and lighting candles if you don't rest. Not only does it not provide much light, but it is also more expensive than the electricity bill.

People who are accustomed to electric lights cannot go back to the past.

Not to mention that Youya’s business blueprint covers many companies.

Who is a small-time grain merchant in Konoha Village?

In the past, Konoha officials still sold grain, but now Konoha directly builds granaries, harvests a little more when the harvest is good, and then pulls the grain from the granaries and sells it to equalize the price of grains when production decreases.

Food prices in Konoha have not changed since seventeen years, not even a tael. Can you believe it?

This has caused many family grain merchants to complain. They used to harvest grain when the harvest was good and sell it at a higher price when the harvest was bad. Now that You Ya does this, they still make a ridiculous profit.

It's a pity that Yuya and the others couldn't win. Fortunately, Yuya spent most of his time building factories and didn't have time to do anything in Konoha Village. He only built a barbecue restaurant and a clothing store, and not much else.

Otherwise, they would really have to fight Yuya desperately.

If you take the bulk of it, it would be embarrassing if we don't even want to drink the soup.

This is the case for these businessmen within the ninja family. .

Basically, they all have shops in Konoha Village. So here comes the question. To do business, you have to have goods. Do you have your own factory?

Oh, there really is. Then please take a look at whose hands the raw materials are stuck. I won’t give you the raw materials and you can use air to make products, right?

Not to mention that business can only be win-win through cooperation. If there is really a confrontation, Yuya, who has control over the raw materials and Konoha's mines, cannot lose. Cooperation will benefit both sides. No one will be willing to do something that has no benefit at all from confrontation.

Let's think about whether we can win over him.

Youya had a headache about this.

Although the trick of that bastard, the old Hyuga clan leader, is disgusting, don't tell me, it is indeed effective.

It's impossible for Yuya to beat Hinata up just because the Hyuga clan said they wanted to introduce him to a wife.

In itself, in the eyes of most people, it is not a bad thing at all.

Youya sighed, what can he do?


Looking for a shield?

Forget it, things like shields will become real if you block them.

You Ya doesn't want his future partner to be with him because of his family's mission.

Although it's a bit pretentious to say this, Youya still respects and yearns for love.

However, it is a bit early to say this. I am not fully developed yet. To put it mildly, my hair has not even grown yet. Let these bastards handle this kind of thing by themselves.

I'll just let it go.

Youya made up his mind to just pretend that he didn't know about it.

Nara Shika is also a smart man, and he will not ask about this matter again.

Uchiha Kage would not ask this question. He placed his position very low. Although Yuya had told him many times that he was Yuya's older brother from the age point of view, Uchiha Kage's expression was very Serious means that the subordinate is the subordinate.

Youya can't do anything about it.

Most of the Uchiha clan are stubborn, and so is the Uchiha mirror. You can't force things.

The farce finally subsided because the battle reports from the front line were sent back to Konoha at the end of the year.

This war lasted all winter, starting from Senju Tobirama's pursuit, then into a defensive war, then into a retreat, and finally Shimura Danzo led the team in a surprise attack, and finally came to fruition.

Yuya was a little surprised by the result, but he didn't have any unnecessary thoughts. The biggest good news was that Senju Tobirama was fine. The other dead ninjas... Although I'm sorry to say this, Yuya really didn't care.

I just hope that this untimely victory will not give the Shimura family any unnecessary thoughts.

Well, Yuya had a good idea, but it was obvious that the Shimura family did not give this face.

During the year-end summary, the Shimura clan sent ninjas over, with a very low profile, but what they said made Nara Shikaya look ugly.

"Hello, Acting Secretary Youya, the patriarch of the Shimura family recently held a celebration for Princess Shimura's third birthday. The whole Shimura family is busy with this, so I can't come to help with the year-end review. Please forgive me."

Yuya looked at the Shimura ninja in front of him with a smile. He didn't bend down or bow at all from the beginning to the end. He didn't even say anything like bending down at a 90-degree angle with a neon smell and then saying "private Marseille with red bean paste". .

Gee, this is really...

Yuya looked at the Shimura ninja in front of him with a smile: "It's nothing. Since it's such a big thing, don't come if you don't want to come. Oh, by the way, I have to prepare gifts for such a big thing. Please go back and bring a message." , I will prepare gifts on the birthday party."

Ninja Shimura frowned. It was obvious that he felt that Yuya's words meant a threat.

However, since the Shimura clan didn't give him any face, they had nothing to say, so he just nodded and turned around to leave without even saluting.

"Too arrogant!" Nara Shikaya looked at Yuya with a livid face, "Aren't you angry, Agent?"

Yuya glanced at Shikaya: "Why are you so angry? You are from the Nara family."

Nara Shikaya was speechless: "What time is it now... Okay, okay, to put it bluntly, I was kicked out of our family. In fact, I live on West Third Street now and am no longer in the clan. "

Yuya smiled: "What a trick. After seeing Shimura Danzo's achievements, I found out that the Shimura clan might succeed the Sarutobi clan. I immediately cut off the relationship with you so that they can get into those families' circles, and even in the end If it doesn’t succeed, the worst they can do is welcome you back into the family and make you the new head of the Nara family. Your Nara family is really good, but it’s a pity that this wisdom could be used elsewhere.”

The smile on Yuya's face comes from the bottom of his heart. As the saying goes, there is endless fun in fighting against the sky, endless fun in fighting against the earth, and endless fun in fighting against others. Although the vision of these ninja family members and the general environment of the entire world have caused them to It may be narrow, but the IQ is definitely not defective.

If the family was not very smart, it would not have been able to survive the war to this day.

Well...except for the Uchiha.

This family relied on Uchiha Madara's force to get here.

"You can actually laugh..." Nara Shikaya sighed, then sat down and sighed helplessly:

“It’s exactly what you said, that’s what they think.

But it's precisely because they think so that I'm unhappy. "

There was a rare lack of laziness in Nara Shika's eyes and he was full of seriousness: "I can understand their operations, but it is a fact that I was thrown out of the family like a tool. I can't just let it go..."

The clay figurine is still very angry, not to mention the Nara deer.

Although the Nara clan was arranged by Yuya to make the Nara deer public, after all, the Nara clan is still in the Nara clan. Now...

"So..." Nara Shikaya stood up and bowed to Yuya, "I will do my best to assist the agent in the future."

Youya raised his eyebrows and looked at Nara Shikamasu's performance with deep meaning. Youya believed these words, but he didn't believe them all.

It is definitely true that there is anger, normal people will be angry.

But from now on, you will recognize me...

Yuya smiled and nodded to Nara Shikaya: "Okay, let's work hard together in the future. Now...

Help me write a greeting note to the Shimura family. "

Nara Shikaya: "..."

No, Agent, you don't play by the rules. At this time, shouldn't you give me a few words of encouragement and then we vow to make progress together until we win... the position of Hokage?

Why did you just take it and give me an order backhand...

Forget it, just write, it’s just a greeting.

Wait... Greetings?

"Are you going to admit defeat?" Nara Shikaya looked at Yuya and asked.

Yuya looked confused: "Why do you ask? I just really want to wish the little princess of the Shimura family a happy birthday."

Nara Shikaya: "..."

Believe it or not.

But I still have to write when I need to write...

"Oh, forget it, it's up to you, how to write it? Do you have a theme?"

You Ya chuckled: "You can use the theme as you wish. All you need to know is that I'm going to... give them a pair of shoes."

Nara Shikaya turned his head in confusion: "Shoes?"

Youya said with a smile: "Hey, and they are gold shoes."

Hmm ~ golden shoes made in my size.

ah? Is yesterday’s chapter still good? That was the beginning of a big plot, and some people asked me why I didn't ask Senju Tobirama for instructions... Yuya is a nephew, not a son, and he is an orphan. If you have to ask for instructions for this kind of thing, then Senju Tobirama is not the Hokage. Naruto is a dictator now

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