Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Chapter 1201: Hokage That Started With Blind Eyes

What does that mean?

That is to say...

When the day moves toward the night.

Air doesn't just produce sonic booms.

It also creates a thermal barrier effect on the body surface and the air.

Let the temperature rise rapidly to 450~550 degrees.

At this temperature, the air is on fire.

Of course, that kind of thing doesn't happen.

Because the Shadow Flash Chakra mode is inherently silent and does not generate air resistance.

So there is no thermal barrier effect.

But the increase brought about by 5 times the speed of sound is real.


In the air, a gloomy cold light burned.

At this moment of attack.

The cold light is surrounded by bright flames.

Air Flame Knife!

Although the movement will not produce thermal barriers and sonic booms.

But when Hinata Aya attacks, she will leave this state and will not enjoy the balance BUFF of Shadow Flash Chakra Mode.


When the five times the speed of the blade arrives.

The rampant Hinata Sho cut off Uchiha Madara's right arm with a single knife.


The blood burned with the air, and traces of steam vacated.

The battle is just a moment.

Hinata Xiao relies on her own spells and movements.

And Uchiha Madara relies on his own strength and a reaction speed that surpasses the ordinary Six Paths.

Except Heijue.

Bai Jue and Orochimaru didn't even see clearly what happened.

Uchiha Madara's arm flew into the sky.

This is the result of his evasion.

Uchiha's too big.

if possible.

Uchiha Madara should always maintain Susano.

But he has no eyes now.

The pupil power in the body is used a little less.

Different from chathra in the body.

The recovery of the pupil power in his body was extremely slow.

Therefore, I did not choose to maintain Susano.

It was this flaw that was caught by Hinata Xiao, and he looked at his arm with a single knife.


Bai Jue emerged from the soil again.

Uchiha Madara cut off Bai Ze's arm without saying a word.

Then, he pressed it on his severed arm.


With the snort of steam.

Bai Ze's arm and Uchiha Madara's body merged together.


Uchiha Madara raised his arm and licked the blood left on it.

"This smell of blood... this pain... is my body! Finally... I can really feel the battle... Hahahahaha... ...hahahahahaha!!!"

Uchiha Madara looked up and laughed.

Showing a crazy smile expression that is no less than Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Itachi.

See this scene.

Orochimaru's scalp felt cold.

I even felt a cold air coming out of my chest.

"Perhaps... this is the monster."

Gazing at Uchiha Madara who inherited Senju Hashirama's cells, Orochimaru murmured.

Wait until the laugh is over.

Uchiha Madara raised his head and "looked" at the void.

"Hinata Shoto, so... what is your next attack? Is it your three ninjutsu? Or some small toys hidden in your ghost?"

Hinata Xiao's answer is...

A pitch-black halo fist protruding from the void.

From behind, Uchiha Madara's head was pushed directly into the ground.


Uchiha Madara, who felt an unimaginably strong force, vomited blood for the second time.

In the next moment, the whole person sank deeply into the earth.

961. Shenhunming vs Eternal Susan

in the air.

A figure with a black halo all over his body, like a demon in hell, stepped out.

It is the opening of the chakra mode of the soul life.

Hinata Xiao, who avoids things and avoids magic.

Uchiha Madara reacted and judged that this was some kind of "Chakra mode".

During the Warring States Period, he had seen many kinds of such enemies.

Facing Hinata Xiao's soul life.

Uchiha Madara activated the omnipotent power on the spot.

That is... the predecessor of Qiu Daoyu.

Yin and Yang escape method.

Merge yin and yang, two different and opposite forces together.

You can get many mysterious abilities.

one of them.

It is "decomposition".

Although Uchiha Madara is currently unable to "decompose everything".

But dismantling ninjutsu is possible.


With Uchiha Madara launching Yin Yang escape.

He was surprised to find that his Yin Yang Dun had no effect on Hinata Xiao's Chakra mode!

Even the phenomenon of "melting" a hole did not appear!

Yin-Yang escape is invalid? !

Divine life.

It is one of the vertices of this set of evolutionary diagrams.

It heralds the maturity of Hyuga Xiao's strength.

It's like growing from a baby to a teenager.

Combine the bone vein chakra mode with the shadow flash chakra mode.

What you get is the soul life that can be immune to almost all attacks.

Perhaps the Sage of the Six Paths appears now, and it is possible to decompose Hinata Xiao's Chakra mode.

But with Uchiha Madara's current ability, it is still far from being able to do it.

There is also a level and restraint relationship between spells and spells.

Hinata Xiao, who had transformed into a state of divine soul life, directly devoured Yin Dun and Yang Dun completely, like an unsatisfied demon.

The fist sliced ​​through the air, creating a sonic boom like a demonic scream.

Blood flowed from Uchiha Madara's nose, ears, and mouth.

one second.

Hinata Shari threw 100 punches.

Uchiha Madara was beaten and trembled like a sieve.

The earth roared even more.

In the end, Uchiha Madara was completely smashed into the ground alive.


The wind blows.

In the flying sand and rocks, dark blue chakra flames rose.

Uchiha Madara, who was not Hinata Shogun's opponent at all in hand-to-hand combat, directly opened Susano.

And at this time...

Two seconds had passed since Hinata Xiao cast Yuhunming.

Hinata Xiao, who got the celestial chakra, made the blue bar in his body skyrocket.

Plus all the things that became stronger before.

As a matter of course, the star point has been greatly strengthened.


Hinata Xiao's Shadow Flash Chakra Mode can last for a full 20 minutes.

And the soul chakra mode can last for 60 seconds!

Double directly from 30 seconds!

That is to say...Hinata Sho has nearly 60 seconds of invincibility.

Excluding the previous consumption, there are still 2 seconds left.

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