For this world not to be destroyed.

In order to eliminate INVADER.

Uchiha Saotome is ready to sacrifice herself.

There is a price to pay for maintaining it.

965. A new road to becoming stronger, yin and yang escape, fusion of all attributes

After leaving Uchiha Madara.

Hinata Xiao returned to the Witch Temple cluster.

In the enchantment hall specially set up at the rear.

Hyuga Sho will experience a new realm here.

This hall is the apse.

Usually people pay homage to the front hall.

The apse is not opened several times throughout the year.

Only on special days, the witch Maitreya will open it in person.

In terms of practical value, symbolic significance is greater than others.


This hall, which is covered with charms and enchanted, has become the best place for retreat...and...a place to seal demons.

The three snake demons are all locked here and cannot escape.

According to the news obtained by Hinata Xiao.

The three snake demons have more than 800 years of cultivation experience.

Just like Immortal Shima and Immortal Fukasaku of Mt. Myogi.

Because of natural energy, and long-term survival in the world.

This is also where non-humans are better than humans.

Human beings who practice immortal mode will not gain longevity.

The three snake princesses, and the toad from Mt. Miaomu, but the slug from the Wetbone Forest are fine.

Of course, it also includes Immortal White Snake, Immortal Toad, and Immortal Slug.

While Hinata Xiao is realizing the new realm, he also needs a certain partner to practice with.

And these three Snake Girls can help Hinata Xiao practice very well.

"Tian Xin Shen Ji, Ichikujima Hime, Tuan Jin Ji! I want you three snake demons to help me practice!"

Hinata Xiao said so.

He cast supersonic Baguazhang on the three snake monsters.

After the Dao degree enters 80%.

Ri Xiangxiao's Baguazhang became stronger.

In almost a second, Hinata Xiao played a palm technique at twice the speed of sound.

That is... 256 palms per second.


The limit of Baguazhang is only 64 palms.

256 palms is equivalent to 4 rounds of Baguazhang.

A set of Baguazhang goes down.

In 3 seconds, Hinata Sho made more than 700 palms, and the snake monsters killed were defeated.

About a minute or so.

The battle came to an end.

Hinata Xiao stared at the three Snake Girls lying on the ground, twitching constantly.

Obviously, the power of Baguazhang has been raised to an unimaginable level.

Then, Hinata Xiao tried other moves.

Like blasting palm or something.

After an hour down.

Hinata Xiao fully understood her own strength.

Hinata Sho said before...

After the degree of Dao is 80%, the most significant change is the skyrocketing amount of chakra.

Until this time, Hinata Soya's chakra was still increasing.

in other words......

Hinata Xiao didn't do anything, and the amount of chakra would surge every moment.

According to Hinata Isao's estimation, this change will not stop until it reaches a five-digit or even six-digit "card".

Such a huge amount of chakra seems very exaggerated.

In fact, it is true.

However, there is still a gap compared to the Tailed Beast.

Calculated based on Hinatasha.

The amount of Chakra of the Tailed Beast is at least calculated in "million calories".

In an original time and space.

The 40,000 ninja allied forces were all given Nine Tails Beast Uniforms.

Let's say a tailed fur is 200 calories of chakra.


40,000*200=8 million calories.

Assuming that a tailed beast suit is 1000 calories, the chakra of nine tails may be 40 million calories.

Let's say 2000 cal...and so on.


The chakra of the tailed beast starts with at least 8 million cards.

Look at the entire ninja world.

What Hinata Xiao knew and saw with her own eyes.

Chakra can rival Tailed Beast's.

There are only three generations of Raikage.

Assume that the third generation Raikage has the same amount of chakra as the eight tails.

That means that the amount of chakra of the third generation of thunder is calculated in millions of calories.


A lot of chakras doesn't necessarily mean strong strength.

Hinata Xiao had a premonition.

At this time, I have already been able to defeat the third generation of Raikage.

——Assuming that the strength of the third generation of Raikage is still at the time of the third Ninja World War.

But Hinata Sho never takes chances.

Hinata Xiao is more willing to believe.

The third generation of Raikage has passed nearly 10 years.

The strength is more refined.

That is... breaking through 79% of the degree of Taoism, reaching more than 80%.

Through the previous description of the White Snake Immortal.

Hinata Xiao knows what her path to becoming stronger is.

A road full of thorns, the most difficult.

This road is not a simple way to fight monsters and upgrade.

Instead, it is necessary to control Yin-Yang Dun and the five attributes.

Condensate the Taoist Jade as the goal.

At the moment of breaking through 90% of the degree of Taoism, he has the ability to condense the Taoist Jade.

Seeking Taoism is not the point.

The point is actually to control the seven attributes.

This is easy to say, but actually very difficult to do.

Independently control the seven attributes.

Sarutobi Hiruzen did it.

Kakashi did too.

Thousands of Hands can also.

Seven-attribute fighters are rare in this world, but they are not hard to find.


This kind of seven-attribute fighter is only seven-attribute in the general sense.

It's just like the difference between one gouyu writing wheel eye, and two gouyu, three gouyu, kaleidoscope, and eternal kaleidoscope.

Both are Sharingan, but the gap is vastly different.

Hinata Xiao also has seven attributes.

It's just the foundation like the same Gouyu Sharingan.

After controlling each attribute individually.

On top of that, there are blood succession boundaries that are fused in pairs.

at this point.

Just like Ergouyu's difficulty in writing sharing eyes.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, Kakashi, and Senju Tobima couldn't do it.

They can only use ninjutsu with seven attributes, but they cannot create their own blood successor limits.


All the top ninjas in the whole ninja world can have blood succession limits for everyone.

And above the limit of blood successors that merged in pairs.

There is a third type...that is, the elimination of blood successors.

Onoki's dust escape.

It is the Blood Successor Elimination·Dust Dun that combines the three nature changes at the same time.


Yin Dun, Yang Dun, and Yin Yang Dun are not the same thing.

The ability to eliminate ninjutsu that Uchiha Madara has shown before... "The Power of Everything".

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