Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Chapter 1211 Hokage That Started With Blind Eyes

early in the morning.

Four ninjas came from Caoyin Village.

They carried a wooden cage.

The shape of this cage looks square, a bit like the kind used for soaking pigs in ancient times.

From the four corners, stick out two wooden sticks.

Four people carry it on their shoulders.

Prisoners will naturally be locked in a cage.

In an extremely humiliating way, he was carried to Ghost Lamp City by four grass ninjas.

According to the agreement of the five major powers.

When the ninjas of the five great ninja villages saw grass ninja borrowing the way on the road.

They will all give way.

Leave these pallbearers alone.

Generally speaking, the prisoners who are locked in the ghost lamp city cannot leave that place for the rest of their lives, which is equivalent to being sentenced to life imprisonment.

their only thought.

It is only when the five great powers collapse one day that it is possible to end a lifetime of tragic bondage.


The cage was put down, and the four Kusanagi opened the door.

Stuffed Uchiha Itachi in.

Then, the door was locked.

The four Kusanagi began to stick spells.

Soon, yellow paper charms with sealing and barrier abilities were plastered all over the cage.


Uchiha Itachi was imprisoned in Konoha for three days.

From his apology at the beginning to his silence now.

Three days of slovenliness.

It made Uchiha Itachi's hair messy a lot.

He was dressed in a light brown overcoat and loose blue prison pants. His forehead and neck were surrounded by a red rag, with only bangs and a pair of eyes exposed.

those eyes...

There was a certain look of determination in it.

When Uchiha Itachi left, no one came to see him off.

All the Uchiha clan are silently at their posts.

This scene seemed particularly sad.


He has already become a disgrace to the Uchiha clan.

From the position of genius in the clouds, he fell down and became the object of everyone's scolding.

"Master White are ready to leave..."

Wearing a bamboo hat and coir raincoat, Kusanagi Kusanagi, who looked like a boatman on a ferry, walked up to Ao Hinata, bowed his head and asked for instructions.

The name of the white demon.

No one knows no one knows.


Hinata Xiao broke into Ghost Lantern City twice, and chopped off one of Raikage's arms in front of everyone.

Scared Onoki away, shocked Luo Sha...

All kinds of deeds are deeply rooted in the hearts of the ninjas in Caoyin Village.

Beside Hinata Xiao.

Stand Dragon Tongue.

Perhaps it was because of the sparring, her footsteps were a little sloppy and her standing was not stable.

"Let's go!"

Hinata Xiao gave an order.

The four Kusanagi lifted up the cage and headed towards Caoyin Village...

And Akira Hinata himself, as the help to escort Uchiha Itachi, also went together...


It wasn't long before Hyuga Shaw acted.

A certain street in Konoha.

A pedestrian walked into the alley.

A butterfly fell from the sky and landed on the shoulder of a pedestrian.

And then... the butterflies were drawn into his body.

After the pedestrian left Konoha, his figure changed back to Xiaonan's appearance.

"Xiaonan... Hinata Xiao has already headed towards Caoyin Village with the team..."

Heijuebaijue came out of the ground and exchanged information with Xiaonan.

The paper butterfly just now is part of Xiaonan's technique.

Xiao Nan naturally saw the same scene as Black and White Jue.

When Xiao Nan spread his wings and prepared to follow from high altitude...

Hei Jue Bai Jue asked again: "Xiao you really not need me to contact "Madara" to support you? "


Xiao Nan shook his head.

Ever since Madara joined the gang, Xiao Nan didn't trust him.

Now, I have been walking around Konoha for a few days.

By investigating the gossip of Konoha residents and good ninjas.

Xiaonan learned that...

At the beginning, it was the real Uchiha Madara who broke into Konoha and performed ninjutsu such as Susanoo.

It was Hinata Xiao who defeated him.

Combined with time.

This "madara" inside Akatsuki's organization is the perpetual impostor.

This made Xiao Nan's vigilance and disgust towards "Blade" to the extreme.


Black and white nodded.

"After all, there are Didara and Hidan supporting you...but you must be careful..."

Heijuebaijue reminded him kindly.

"no problem......"

Xiao Nan replied blankly.

The next moment, he spread his wings and soared into the sky.


Staring at Xiaonan to leave.

The black and white expression quickly turned into a smile.

"Hey, Hei Jue, Xiao Nan will be caught by the white demon this time..."


Heijue nodded.

"The next time we meet... Obito and Nagato will join hands to deal with Xiao Hinata..."

After saying this, Heijuebaijue sneaked into the ground, ready to watch the scene of Xiaonan's arrest.

970. Yubo Liangshan, One Move in Seconds

It has been several days since I left Konoha.

Everyone trekked through mountains and rivers, not knowing how many villages they had passed.

After walking a little further, I felt the wind gradually getting stronger.

After entering the path on the prairie, the wind became even more violent.

Looking around, there are endless green plants everywhere.

Among them, the countless oranges that appear in groups are——

ghost lamp.

This proves that they are already approaching Caoyin Village.

The flowers of ghost lights blooming on the grassland in front of him, in the eyes of Itachi, are like signposts leading to hell.


"It's almost time to start, eh!"

Didara nodded, with a strange instrument on his right eye.

Looks...appears to be a tiny telescope.

These days.

Xiaonan has been following Hinata Xiao and the others, keeping a distance of 500 meters.

As for Didara and Fei Duan, they had ambushed in the Country of Grass early and prepared traps.

"Is it finally time to start killing?"

Sitting cross-legged on the clay bird, Fei Duan pressed the back of his neck.

Both he and Deidara were wearing Akatsuki's red cloud black robe uniform.

There are different looks of madness on the immature faces of the two.

Deidara, a terrorist with a penchant for the art of explosions.

He likes to kill and use it as a sacrifice to the evil god, the undead Hidan.


There is also Xiao Nan who has been following behind, maintaining a flying posture.

Three Akatsuki members.

With such power, it is not a problem to destroy a country.


Both Didala and Xiaonan can become medium and long-range attackers.

Especially Deidara.

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