Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Chapter 1223 Hokage That Started With Blind Eyes

These papers are her last ninjutsu.

"Nagato is a bridge... Then I will be the pillar supporting the bridge!"

With firm eyes, Xiaonan gathered all the pieces of paper into a rotating saw blade.

"I'm a withered flower, so I'm here to put you—"


The saw blade made of pieces of paper fluttered across Hyuga Xiao's neck.


The saw blade was shattered and turned into confetti.

"it's useless."

Hinata Xiao slowly walked towards Xiaonan.

Any attack by Xiao Nan will not be effective against Hinata Xiao.

From the very beginning, the outcome of her defeat was determined.


Hinata Sho raised her arms.

Xiao Nan staggered back.

"...empty palm!"

boom! !

Hinata Xiao slapped Xiao Nan's body with a palm across the air.

The palm technique containing Chakra and compressed air penetrated Xiao Nan's robe and entered Xiao Nan's body surface and meridians.


Xiaonan snorted.

A pain that she had never felt before hit her heart, and she couldn't help but stare back.

The two legs wrapped in black stockings were slender and thin.


To be precise, it's not black stockings.


Black silk pantyhose.

The perfect curve of the lower body was displayed in front of Hinata Xiao.

980. Completely Destroy Xiaonan

"Xiao Nan...failed..."

Staring at Xiao Nan whose Chakra and physical strength had bottomed out, Bai Jue murmured.

It has a smile of both innocence and cruelty on its face.

"In this way... Nagato will take the initiative to attack the white demon..."

Heijue said in a hoarse voice.

Then, Bai Ze looked at Obito Uchiha.

"Obito, let's go tell Nagato the news now."

"Yiye...wait a little longer."

Obito Uchiha said that he should wait.

At least wait until Xiao Nan is completely defeated.

Oh, right.

"Bai Jue, did you record this scene?"

"Of course, I've been watching."

Bai Jue has the ability to remember images.

It can play the image it sees without any difference in one frame, presenting the effect of stereoscopic projection.

"Then wait a little longer..."

Obito Uchiha said.

"Wait until the white demon defeats Xiaonan and takes Xiaonan away, then you can show this video to Nagato."


It will intensify Nagato's pain.

And the more painful Nagato is, the crazier he will be, thus exerting more power.

At that time... defeating Hinata Xiao will be even more relentless.

Jiraiya and others who are blocking the way... completely kill!

The entire Konoha will be completely destroyed.

Nine-Tails is also at your fingertips.

And when the time comes, Nagato, who is already extremely weak, will lose his value.

I can logically get Nagato... no, Uchiha Madara's reincarnation eyes.

"Okay, Obito is really bad... Hehehe..."

Bai Jue laughed.


The three of them observed that scene again...



Hinata Sho stood with her hands behind her back.

No hands at all.

Direct use of pupil power, white eyes and coercion can cause damage to Xiao Nan.

And Hinata Xiao, who is already superb in controlling Chakra.

Inject the white eyes into the soft fist method.

With a glance, Chakra shot into Xiaonan's body.


Xiao Nan snorted and backed away again.

Her legs wrapped in black silk rompers were trembling constantly.

The depletion of physical strength and chakra made it difficult for her to sustain it.


Hyuga Sho was still attacking her with the soft fists of the Hyuga Clan.

This kind of attack that penetrated the meridians made Xiao Nan even more vulnerable.

"kill me......!"

Xiao Nan panted heavily, and said viciously.

"I reject."

Sho Hinata glared, and cast her white eyes · coercion again.


Pupil force and soft fist, once again penetrated into Xiaonan's body.


Xiao Nan backed up and almost fell.

Seeing how she was struggling to hold on, Hinata Xiao only was very interesting.

"I don't even use my hands, you are no match for me..."

Hinata Shakes his head.

"Surrender obediently, so that you will suffer less flesh and blood."


Xiao Nan said with a look of hatred.

"You Konoha's ninjas have invaded our Yuyin, this hatred...uh~!"

While Konan was speaking, Hinata Sho took a step forward.

Baguazhang a little bit.

Xiao Nan felt an unprecedented pain, which hit her mind.

Because of the pain felt by the brain, Xiao Nan's eyes began to roll up.

Mouth slightly open.

The expression became blank.

There was a buzzing in my ears.

It was as if all sound had been taken away... leaving only the echo of pain inside.

Moments later...


The sound of rain came from the outside, entered the ears, and was heard again.

At the same time, the darkness in front of his eyes was gradually replaced by the scenery...and Hinata Xiao's cheek.

one strike.

Xiaonan almost lost consciousness after being hit.


Xiao Nan knelt down on the sea.

She tries to stand up.

Hyuga Xiao stepped forward, stepped forward, and made a sudden move——


Xiao Nan snorted.

"Bagua...sixty-four palms!"

bang bang bang!

Hyuga Sho's attack turned into an afterimage, and the terrifying combo embodies the essence of the Hyuga clan's soft boxing technique.

Xiao Nan, who passively endured the attack, was shaking like chaff.

She knelt on the surface of the sea, struggling to maintain consciousness.

" hundred and twenty-eight palms!"

Hinata Sho did not show any sympathy, and launched a more violent attack again.

"Bagua...two hundred and fifty-six palms...!"

boom! boom! boom!

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