Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Chapter 1229 Hokage That Started With Blind Eyes

The quality and quantity of objects that can be stored is also increasing.

Maybe there are ninjas.

Wouldn't it be good to just throw it down?

If you do that, it won't do much damage.


It is obviously not the same thing compared with the speed of a meteor falling from a high-altitude parabola and a simulated outer space.

The lethality of the latter is quadrillion times greater than that of the former.

When accelerating to around the speed of sound.

A single boulder can create a huge mushroom cloud.

It is equivalent to blasting 2~3 hydrogen bombs.

Or the equivalent of detonating 150 old nuclear bombs.

Buildings within 10 kilometers will be razed to the ground.

Strong tremors will be felt within 30 kilometers.

Within 300 kilometers, the glass will be completely shattered.

Lethality... about half that of the Tunguska explosion.

For a village, this is a devastating blow.

A meteorite.

Hinata Xiao can destroy any ninja village among the five great nations.

Of course, the premise is that no one blocks it.

The benefits of being in the village are revealed here.

Suppose Hinata Xiao wants to invade Yanyin Village.

If Hinata Xiao didn't kill Onoki first.

There is a high probability that this meteorite will be destroyed by Onoki's dust escape and decomposed into molecules.


Releasing the meteorite at a suitable time and at a suitable distance is what Hinata Akari will consider next.

Except ninjutsu.

No one can block it head-on.

Hinata Xiao believes.

Even the third generation of Raikage.

It doesn't work either.

The power of nearly 150 atomic bombs exploded at the moment of contact.

It will cause the temperature of Raikage III's body surface to rise rapidly.

The kinetic energy of the meteorite itself.

It was enough to kill Raikage III on the spot.

Picking up Xiao Nan who was limp on the ground with a dazed face, Hinata Xiao disappeared in a flash...on the spot.

985. Tu Miexiao, the Five Kages Conference Opened by Hinata Xiao

"Have Lei Ying and the others arrived?"

After Hinata Sho made 4 meteorites, she asked Gui.

Gui nodded.

As early as a few days ago, when Hinata Xiao hadn't fought against Xiaonan, Didala, and Fei Duan.

Let Gui pass on the news secretly.

At the same time, Kazakage Rasa, Third Generation Raikage, Mizukage Terumimei, and Tsuchikage Ohnoki were invited.

There is also an arrangement for Tsunade to hold a meeting inside the Naruto Building.

When Hinata Xiao came to the Hokage Building.

Many shadows, as well as their guards, are already waiting here.

This kind of scene is rare.

Especially inside the Konoha.

The gathering of the Five Kages, usually in the Iron Country, can be said... because of Hinata Sho's face.

All the shadows made an exception and did this once.

"Everyone, I've come from a long way, I won't talk nonsense, let's get straight to the point..."

Hinata Xiao walked into the meeting room.

Gazing at the faces at the scene.

Many shadows looked solemn, waiting for Hinata Xiao to speak.

It's not just the third or fourth generation of Raikage father and son in the same frame.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also appeared on the scene.

It can be seen that this time things are extraordinary.

But Hinata Sho did not continue to speak.

The most irritable Fourth Generation Raikage slammed his fist on the table.

"The Xiao organization can be established, and you Konoha have an inescapable responsibility!"

According to the intelligence shared by Hinata Xiao to other countries.

Everyone generally knows many things about the organization.

One of the...

Including, the leader of the Akatsuki organization is one of the three disciples taught by Jiraiya.

Konan, Yahiko, and Nagato.

Is Yahiko really Payne? Or is Nagato Payne?

This is the only question left.

Hinata Xiao did not use Sharingan or other means to torture Xiaonan for information.

On the basis of not using illusion, Xiao Nan's mouth is also very hard, just not to tell Payne's secret.

Hinata Xiao took this as a small challenge.

Jiraiya looked gloomy, and nodded: "I don't intend to shirk responsibility... If the information is true, then I really have a duty to do it... But the most important thing at the moment is to solve the problem of the Akatsuki organization... ..."

Knowing that his three disciples may still be alive.

Zilai also felt extremely surprised.

Because the news he investigated before said.

The three elders were very active in the past, but then they all died.

It seems.

This is a smoke bomb deliberately released by the Xiao organization.

"The strange person of Kirin, the dried persimmon ghost shark known as the tailless beast."

Kazekage Rasa looked at Terumi Mei and reported the composition of the members of the Akatsuki organization.

Terumi Mei laughed a little stiffly.

Because back then, Kisame's defection incident was also inextricably related to her.

Unloading the grind and killing the donkey... Probably, it was what Terumi Mei did.

"Didara of Hidden Sand Village."

Luo Sha looked at Onoki again.

Onoki, who had a treacherous face, couldn't hold back his old face.

He never expected.

His useless disciple Didara actually ran into Xiao's organization.

"Brother Didara really..."

A black-haired girl with her hands behind her head, black earth.

She is Onogi's granddaughter.

In the past, he was very familiar with Grandpa's disciple Didara.

Heitu with short hair is a slender and energetic loli.

This time I came out, one is to see the world. The second is to persuade Didala.

"There is also the guy who calls himself Madara Uchiha, the vegetative man named Heijuebaijue, Itachi Uchiha, Hidan from Tangyin Village."

Luo Sha mentioned a few more names.

If you go back further, there will be more names.

The main problem here is not only difficult to deal with.

There is also the issue of compositional complexity.

That is a question of politics.

"White devil, what are you going to do?"

Third generation Raikage asked calmly, with a calm expression.

Following his question, everyone looked at Hinata Xiao together.

After all, this meeting was initiated by Isa Hinata, and he was the leader.

"Break into the base camp of the Akatsuki organization and kill Payne."

Hinata Xiao directly expressed her thoughts.


Everyone was silent.

They didn't expect Hinata Xiao to be so fierce.

Go straight into the enemy base.

"You mean... let us contribute?"

Onoki sneered and asked.


Hinata Xiao looked at him, shaking her head.

"You don't need to move, just watch. I alone... destroy the Xiao organization."

Everyone: "!"

Everyone has thought about it a lot.

I also thought that Konoha would coerce these allies to attack the Akatsuki organization.

But they still didn't expect...

Hinata Xiao just chose to let them watch...

This means...

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