Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Chapter 1231 Hokage That Started With Blind Eyes

"Assuming that the base camp of the Akatsuki organization is really in Yuyin Village...then it may be difficult for us to get in by using conventional methods..."

Zilai also shook his head.

"Because Yuyin Village is run like an iron barrel by the demigod Sanshoyu Hanzo...Even for the Chunin exam visa, it is very troublesome to obtain a visa..."

The name of the demigod Sanshoyu Hanzo.

Everyone knows.

Since he has the title of demigod.

it means...

Sansho Hanzo was above Gokage.

The second ninja war at that time.

Yanyin Village, Muyeyin Village, Sandyin Village, the three major ninja villages fought in Yuyin Village.


The three ninja villages also failed to capture Yuyin.

all of these.

All because of the existence of demigods.

Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru, the title of Sannin, was bestowed by Sanshoyu Hanzo after the defeat.

That's right.

Sannin is not an honor at all, but a disgrace.

as the price of life.

Jiraiya and the three told Sanshoyu Hanzo the names of the three of them.

"That is to say...the demigod Sanshoyu Hanzo is probably also a member of the Akatsuki organization? Or even...the demigod is the real founder of the Akatsuki organization?"

Luo Sha frowned and guessed.

If so.

The major ninja villages will once again face the Yuyin Village led by the demigod Sanshoyu Hanzo.

Although Yuyin's combat power is not as good as that of the Five Great Ninja Villages.

But Hanzo alone can shake most of the situation.

No matter how muddy his men were, they couldn't support the wall.

With the blessing of demigods, it can also compete with the five great ninja villages.

Such a terrifying character.

Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru go together, and they will be killed if they can't touch the corners of their clothes.

Judgment by day to night.

A demigod should be a strong man with 80% Taoism.

Although it is not a creature of another dimension, it is not in the category of ordinary ninjas.


The premise is that Sansho Hanzo is still alive.

Unfortunately, he is dead.

And it was killed by Payne less than 10 years ago.

This piece of information was investigated by Kanshi Kisame, an internal agent arranged by Hinata Xiao in Akatsuki's organization.

The demigod is dead.

Payne is the real leader of Yuyin Village.

He is the god of Yuyin Village.

To the outside world, Yuyin Village declared that Hanzo was still alive.

Create an illusion of confusion.

But in fact, the inside has already been occupied by doves and magpies.

This information.

Also only Hinata Xiao himself knows.

Others were kept in the dark.

At this time, Zilai also stood up: "Let me go to Yuyin Village to investigate first!"

Driven by a sense of responsibility.

I also feel that I should take responsibility.

Go to investigate Nagato's affairs.

987. Invasion of Hidden Rain Village

After all, it was just an investigation mission, and Zilai also believed that with his own strength, it should be no problem.

"No need to."

Hinata Sho took a step forward and stopped Jiraiya.

It's not that I'm worried that I will die too.

Instead, I think that there will be bad things from time to time.

Thinking carefully about Jiraiya's half of his life, he basically spent it in failure.

Whether or not to recover Orochimaru.

Still haven't caught up with Tsunade.

Or something else.

They are also designed by losers.

That's why he was asked to teach Sasuke.

Jilai also looked at Hinata Xiao with some doubts, but he didn't rush to speak, as if he was waiting for Hinata Xiao's explanation.

Hyuga Xiao raised his head, looked at the sea city on the other side of the coast, that is, Yuyin Village, and said to everyone: "Just go straight in."


Hinata Xiao's approach was obviously bolder than everyone thought.

"I told you before, I will kill Akatsuki by myself..."

Hinata Xiao did what she said.

What a big tone.

This idea popped up in everyone's mind.

But Hinata Xiao does have the ability to be arrogant.

In the past, everyone who had seen Hinata Xiao's strength could only keep their mouths shut and listen to Hinata Xiao's orders honestly.


No one present thought that there was anything wrong with Hinata Xiao's doing so.

That is...

The matter of invading Hidden Rain Village.

In the eyes of these beneficiaries of big powers, it seems natural for big powers to invade small countries.

Even Tsunade didn't think there was any problem.

After all, major countries have done this kind of thing in the past.

"Ho ho ho..."

Orochimaru stood beside Hiruzaru Sarutobi.

He has already changed his appearance with the technique of erasing face.

As Orochimaru said in the past.

Standing under Hiruzaru Sarutobi's eyes, it is impossible for anyone to recognize him.

"A demigod? Even if he is a demigod, he will definitely not be a match for the white demon!"

The words of the letter should be heard.

He believed that with Hinata Xiao's strength, it was enough to defeat the demigod, and once again a new legend was born.

For fanaticism's sake.

He is more blind than Uchiha Izumi to Hinata Soo.

"let's start."

Hinata Sho took the lead and walked onto the bridge.

A bridge that seems to be floating on the sea, almost level with the sea level.

This bridge acts as a road leading to Yuyin Village.

It has been stretching for several kilometers, and through this only path, you can reach Yuyin Village...

Seeing Hinata Xiao's actions, everyone looked at each other and followed with different thoughts.


Yuyin Village, in the tower.

Nagato was in a dark room.

Watching the video played by Baijue over and over again.

this image.

It's a scene where Hinata Xiao fights Konan.

In the past few days, he has watched it countless times.

In order to deepen their hatred.

Let yourself be more ruthless when you shoot.


Bai Jue spoke suddenly.

Through the telepathic communication with Hei Jue and the communication from Bai Jue's body, it learned some things.

"The white demon is coming... along the bridge, coming towards us..."


Nagato opened his eyes slightly.


He has been looking forward to it for a long time.

"Let everyone hide in a facility deep underground... I'm going to start a battle..."

Nagato ordered.

Because it rains all the year round.

Therefore, Yuyin Village has well-developed pipeline facilities.

There are countless underground places.

Especially... a refuge facility at a depth of 50 meters underground.

Even the Tailed Beast Jade can easily block it.

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