Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Chapter 1243 Hokage That Started With Blind Eyes

Jiraiya is also at war in his heart.

Is it really possible?

Obviously Nagato only has six attributes...

No, if the old man said it himself, it is absolutely possible!

Seven attributes...a genius of all attributes, Nagato who knows more than 1,000 kinds of ninjutsu...his most proud disciple.

Even talent surpasses Namikaze Minato.

Jiraiya's judgment was correct.

Even Minakaze Minato, in the hands of Nagato, can't walk back and forth a few times.

The strength of Namikaze Minato is known to be similar to that of the 15-year-old Kirabi.

And in the original comics.

More than 20 years later, Kirabi, who was in his 30s, and the golden prince Naruto were almost killed by Nagato directly.

Even Namikaze Minato can use Flying Thunder God.

But Nagato also has a way to restrain Flying Thunder God, so that Flying Thunder God can't even fly out!

No dead ends, full-attribute ninjas! Knows all kinds of enchantments, sealing techniques, and has the eyes of reincarnation!

"Could it be that... Penn is invincible?"

The corner of Terumi Mei's mouth twitched.

In the end, he could only look to the sun and put his hope on the white demon.

"Seven attributes..."

Hinata Shoto watched Nagato's fight against Gokage.

The ninjutsu of Shenluo Tianzheng lingered in Hinata Xiao's mind.

Immortal White Snake was vague about the fusion of seven attributes.

I just talked about seeking Taoyu.

But it didn't say what the fusion of seven attributes should be called...

"I'm afraid...the road to becoming stronger should focus on the fusion of the seven attributes..."

Hinata Xiao's judgment is no problem.

When the seven attributes are assembled, a wonderful power can be produced.

Uchiha Madara's "Power of Everything" is to use seven attributes at the same time.

Nagato's "Shenluo Tianzheng" and "Wanxiang Tianyin" also use the seven attributes at the same time.

But even so.

Their seven attributes are also incomplete.

Because if Uchiha Madara and Nagato fully grasp the seven attributes, they can manually rub out the seeking jade.

Obtained the existence named "Blood Successor Snare"!

That is the domain that only the gods... Sage of the Six Paths, Otsuki Hamura, and Otsutsuki Kaguya can master!


Uchiha Madara and Nagato, there is no Blood Succession snare.

It's not even "six levels".

But in terms of "utilization" of their moves, they are already infinitely close to Liudao.

Hinata Shaw thought for a moment.

Finally determined his own promotion route.

"Fusion of seven attributes! Create special power like Uchiha Madara and Payne!"

Whether it's the seven attributes alone, or the blood succession limit.

There are traces to follow, and there is reason to tell.

Even the elimination of blood successors with the fusion of three attributes is at most a fuss about imagination.

However, Uchiha Madara's omnipresent and Nagato's Shenluotianzheng are unreasonable "mind images".

That is...

I can do whatever I want.

Of course, this kind of imagination does not include such unrealistic things as "I will destroy the world in a second".

Rather, within the scope of the power boundary, the ability to maximize thinking is created.

Ninjutsu is reasonable.

Blood successor limit and blood successor elimination also pay attention to basic routines.

And trying to fuse seven attributes to create spells... is completely unreasonable!

The power of the heart, the power of the will!

This is one of the differences between the strong and the weak.

On the basis of gaining strength, the strong began to reflect their hearts and imaginations into reality!

Maybe some ninjas think that the power of the heart is all nonsense.

But in this world, the power of heart and will is definitely not nonsense!


The power of a ninja is composed of "physical energy" + "spiritual energy"!

Even through the reincarnation of the dirty soil, the fourth generation of Raikage was extracted by the human Tao Payne, which proves the existence of heart, will, and soul!

Ri Xiangxiao has some insights.

To reflect the mental image into reality, you first need strength...that is, the seven attributes.

The good news is that...

Hinata Xiao also has seven attributes.

This was obtained step by step in the past.

The past Hinata Xiao was indeed useless, but through plundering, Hinata obtained the complete seven attributes.

Now, these seven attributes come in handy.

On the basis of having strength.

"Spiritual energy" is strong enough.

With a large amount of "spiritual energy" + "seven attributes" mixed, you can get the power to be felt and seen!

Visible and tangible, this is one of the power paths mastered by the strong after 80% Taoism.


This can be seen and touched.

You have to have eyes with powerful pupils like Hinata Sho.

Without writing sharing eyes, reincarnation eyes, and white eyes, of course you can't see anything. can't see if your eyes aren't strong enough.

For example, ordinary kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Neither Uchiha Izumi nor Uchiha Shin could see through the truth of Shen Luo Tianzheng.

"After reaching 80% of the degree of Taoism... the strong can influence the material world with their minds!"

"But it's just the foundation. If you can find the one that suits you at the starting point of influencing the material world, you can enter the room!"

"At that time, you will be able to develop your own unique and special skills! Just like Uchiha Madara and Payne."

After understanding these points.

Hinata Xiao's silent heart warmed up after a long absence.

The road to becoming stronger... is unfolding before my eyes!

Defeat powerful enemies, integrate seven attributes and spiritual energy.

While sharpening Yin-Yang Dun and the five attributes back and forth, you can get your own special spells.


Hinata Xiao understood.

But no one knows what it means.

"Hmph! The kid who pretends to be a ghost..."

Onogi snorted coldly, his face was ugly.

What he doesn't know is that...

Hinata Xiao really understood.

998. Fusion of seven attributes

Currently, Hinata Xiao has seven attributes in his body.

There are also various blood succession limit star points.

This means that Hinata Xiao can combine the seven attributes at will.

Except for the special star points that cannot be obtained by Shenhunming, such as Mudun, all kinds of special combination methods are under the control of Hinata Xiao.


Hinata Aya still has three attributes and a combination of the above.

At present, it is really difficult to combine seven attributes at once.

A combination of three can be named Blood Successor Elimination, still starting with "X Dun", such as Dust Dun.

And the combination of seven attributes can be named Shenluo Tianzheng or Vientiane Tianyin.

This is an essential difference.


What is your mental image?

For Hinata Sho, becoming stronger is everything.

Which means...

"For me, having "power" is considered becoming stronger. "

Hinata Xiao's inner will has already become extremely tenacious.

So there is no need to say that strength needs a matching heart.

Hinata Sho already has the latter.

Now just go for power.

"That is to say... my special ability after combining the seven attributes is related to "power"..."

Think here.

Hinata Xiao began to try to gather the seven attributes.

Generally speaking.

The owner of the blood succession limit.

Such as Yamato.

Use "water" in the left hand and "earth" in the right hand to form a wooden escape.

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