To be precise...he escaped from Yuyin Village.

Nagato's strength made them feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

The five shadows of the world.

In addition to the third Hokage, the third Raikage, and many other masters, facing Nagato alone, they were powerless to fight back.

The strength of the Samsara Eye far exceeded their expectations.

And the only one who can compete with Nagato, Hinata Sho, his strength has also been re-evaluated by everyone.

no doubt.

In the entire ninja world.

Except for the Tailed Orc Churiki, the only ones who are qualified to fight him are Raikage and Nagato.

But looking at the situation where Nagato lost the Fourth Raikage in seconds...

Even if the third generation of Raikage is invincible in offense and defense.

The combination of human world and hungry ghost is enough to make him die unexpectedly.

Because of the Hungry Ghost Way and Human Way, defense can be ignored.

Absorb chakra, and directly extract the soul.

As long as the head is touched, it is basically over.

Completely ignores characteristics such as defense.

In addition, although Penn Six was destroyed.

But I learned that Penn Liudao is just a corpse.

Nagato may not be able to remake the new Payne Six Paths.

If Nagato insists on hunting down the Kage-level ninja.

Shoukage-level ninjas, even...

The captured Laozi and Yugao, who are masters of renzhuli, made new Payne.

Then the strength of Payne's Six Paths...will be even more terrifying.

And even if Payne Six Paths is defeated.

There are more than 1,000 kinds of ninjutsu, the main body of Nagato with seven attributes, and the golem of the outside world are waiting.

Think here.

Everyone felt their scalps go numb.

The only good thing is that...

They think carefully about the details.

When you discover powerful moves such as Nagato driving the alien golem...

Life force and chakra will be absorbed.

This may be a breakthrough.

But what everyone doesn't know is that...

This breach will soon be repaired.

This battle.

Some people are happy and some are sad.

The one who rejoices is the Konoha side, and the one who is sad is also the Konoha side.

Hinata Shoto fell twice, razed Yuyin Village, and did something that no one in front of Konoha had done.

Even Namikaze Minato.

There is no way to do anything about Yuyin Village.


When Jiraiya, Tsunade, Orochimaru, Sarutobi Hiruzen and others were working, they also used Ugakure.


Hinata Xiao destroyed Yuyin with her own power.

It represents Konoha's strength, which has reached an unprecedented level.

is a good thing...


Although Yuyin Village has been destroyed.

But their "god" is still there.

Nagato is not dead.

Konoha has the possibility of being subverted at any time.

Need to... take the long view.

in addition.

In Onoki's heart, I am afraid that he is also the most entangled party.

If the white devil knows...

I spent 500 million taels to let Akatsuki organize to hunt him down... I'm afraid...

The end of Yuyin Village is the end of Yanyin Village.

Onoki turned and left without saying a word.


He's going back to arm himself.

Adjust the alert level of Yanyin Village to the highest.

The Four-Tails Jinchuriki, Old Purple, has been lost.

Absolutely can't lose the Five Tails Jinchuriki again...

"Grandpa... What about Brother Didara?"

Black Soil chased after him.

The family just left.

"Master Kazekage..."

Hiruzen Sarutobi looked at Luo Sha.

"Judging from the opponent's capture of Four-tailed Jinchuriki and Six-tailed Jinchuriki...I'm afraid they have a plan to capture the tailed beast..."

This is also the information Jiraiya got.

It is also the information confirmed by Hinata Xiao.

"One-tailed Jinchuriki in Guicun..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen turned his gaze to Gaara who was the same age as Naruko.

"You need to protect it well..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's tone was sincere.

And said that Konoha will also protect her own Jinchuriki.

Luo Sha nodded in agreement.

But there are still lingering entanglements in my heart.


As soon as Tiandao Payne launched Shenluo Tianzheng, he made Tang Kazekage, Kaga Gaara, and Chiyo lose their resistance.

Even Shuhe simply gave up the treatment.

In this situation......


Luo Sha felt very bitter in his heart.

If Nagato comes to force the demolition, I'm afraid... Sha Yin Village can't even protect the crane.

This is an unprecedented shame.

"It seems... I can only think of a way to turn Gaara into a perfect Jinchuriki..."

Chiyo, who also suffered a failure, sighed.


There is only one way to go.

The strength of the wild tailed beast is 1, and the strength of the human body is 1, then... 1+1 is greater than 1, but not equal to 2.

Because there is no connection between Jinchuriki and Tailed Beast.

at this time.

If you want to get the situation where 1+1 is greater than 2, you must become a perfect Renzhuriki......

And the scene.

The only one who has experience of perfect renjuri is...

Everyone looked at Eight-tailed Kirabi in unison.

——How to practice to become a perfect Renzhuli.

Presumably... this is where Kirabi comes in.

And last time, during the Five Kages Conference in the Iron Country.

Yunyin Village has formed an alliance with Konoha.

This means...

"Is there a way to control the tailed beast?"

The Third Raikage folded his arms around his chest.

Although he didn't fight Nagato, he also saw that he would fail.

An invincible shield spear with both offense and defense.

In front of the special pupil technique of reincarnation eye, it doesn't have much effect.

at the moment.

The biggest crisis is no longer the grievances of the five major powers.

Rather... Akatsuki organizes the threat of Nagato reincarnation eye.

"I can ask you to tell you how to become a perfect Renjuriki, but correspondingly, you have to pay a certain price."

benefit exchange.

Third generation Raikage said it very clearly.


Tsunade and Rosa nodded.

When San Dailei said it so honestly, they were not worried anymore.

The question raised by Raikage III is very simple.

The trouble should end it.

Konoha's white demon Hyuga Sho... must untie the knot between the two Yumu people.

Because of Hinata Xiao's operation, it is hopeless for the wooden man to become a perfect man.

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