That is...

"Chakra Cannon".

To be precise.

That weapon is still in its infancy.

The chakra cannon is not a conventional weapon, but a space-time weapon.

The shells fired are spells that can distort space.

Maximum power, one shot can destroy the moon!

Of course, there are still many difficulties in realizing the idea.

But... after going back.

The third generation of Raikage planned to discuss with the daimyo of the land of thunder to increase investment in national power research.

Build this weapon!

By the time......

Regardless of whether it is the eye of reincarnation or the white demon, kill them all in one fell swoop!


Yuyin Village.

It's still raining.

A peculiar icy atmosphere spread among everyone in the Akatsuki organization.

for some reason.

The Akatsuki organization is actually divided into the Obito faction and the Nagato faction.

Obito continued to weaken the strength of the Nagato faction.

In the end, it came to where it is today.

Xiao organization present.

The people around Obito are black and white, dried persimmons and ghosts.

The people beside Nagato include Didara and Hidan.

The two knew it well.


The two still don't know.

Black and white are absolutely two or five boys.

So is Kisame.

Deidara also has no absolute position. He can dedicate himself to art at any time, rather than factional struggles.

Hi Duan is not a serious person.


Xiao organization's current situation is more complicated and severe.

1009. Hungry ghost way! Nagato body back to health?

Kisame's proposal can be said to be a bad proposal.

From the standpoint of Uchiha Obito.

He didn't want Nagato to regain his health.


Can Nagato's Hungry Ghost Road really restore one's own injuries and health?

Uchiha Obito expressed doubts.

so many years.

Nagato's body didn't move at all.

Always rely on Penn Liudao to fight the enemy.

In other words, even if it is to absorb chakra, it is the hungry ghost Dao Payne who is dispatched.

But even so.

Whether the Hungry Ghost Dao can restore health should also be concluded.

Uchiha Obito's suspicion is also Nagato's suspicion.

Of course, Nagato used his body to perform the Hungry Ghost Way.

But the recovery from the injury never happened.


Now that Konan was captured and Yahiko's body was taken away, Nagato...needs more strength!

Even if there is even the slightest possibility, he will try it!

Because... his body is really too weak.

Of course, this kind of weakness is compared to Hinata Xiao.

Nagato's huge Chatonla can drive the eyes of reincarnation.

Looking at the entire ninja world, only tailed beasts can compete with Nagato in terms of chakra.


Uchiha Obito squinted his eyes, secretly scolding Kisame for eating inside and outside.


This is also because I didn't explain it to him.

You can't blame Ghost Shark entirely.

Didara and Hidan looked at Nagato expectantly.

Hope he can act as a big sucker.

"let's start......"

Nagato said so.

As soon as he stretched out his hand at will, a mechanical arm grew out of his arm.

"Asura way!"

Even if Payne Liudao has been lost.

Nagato can still use the ability of reincarnation eye.

Among them... naturally include abilities such as Shura Dao.

in other words......

When Payne was defeated in all six ways.

The abilities of each path will be taken back and completely concentrated on Nagato.

Form the ultimate state of six in one!

One person can use all the abilities of Payne's Six Paths at the same time!

When these six abilities are combined on Nagato, as the main body... the top master whose strength surpasses the Kage class and whose Dao degree is above 80%.

Nagato will show unparalleled strength!

The only weakness...of course, is Nagato's inability to move around.


Nagato's legs were attacked by Sansho Hanzo's fire escape and detonation formation.

At that time.

Nagato's reincarnation eyes are not very proficient yet.

Therefore, even though he absorbed part of the damage from the detonation flames, he still became a person with limited legs and feet.

In this case, Nagato can still walk, and he can also use the teleportation technique to move.


As Nagato's physical condition deteriorated.

He also gradually needed mechanical assistance to stand up.

call out.

The extended mechanical arm easily grabbed Lao Zi and Yu Gao.

That's right!

What Nagato conjured up was not an arm! But two!

The mechanical arm on his arm, just like his original arm, is commanded by the arm.

Although weak enough to sit on a mechanical device.

Still relying on the mechanical arm, Nagato easily lifted two adults!

It looks effortless!


Uchiha Obito stared at Nagato, clenched his fists.

The killing intent in his heart was almost about to emerge.

Is it now to order Kisame to forcibly kill Nagato?

Take away his reincarnation eye?



Kisame stood where he was, looking at Nagato with two shark-like eyes, as kind as he usually appears.

"With soil..."

Black and white looked at Obito Uchiha.

Hei Jue is still watching.

Its actions will depend on the actions of Obito Uchiha.

Both Nagato and Obito are just tool people.

It doesn't really matter who has the eyes of reincarnation.

Heijue and Baijue can even help them complete the collection of the Nine Tailed Beasts, because this is Heijue's original purpose.

But to collect the Tailed Beast, you have to defeat the White Demon first.

Otherwise the plan will be blocked.


At present, investing in Nagato is also a better choice.


In the end, Obito Uchiha didn't take a shot at Nagato.

Perhaps he felt that he could not defeat Hinata Xiao by himself.

Need a helper.

And this helper is Nagato.

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