
The village head of Longyin Village gave a secret order.

What did he say to his son Shibuki.

The boy nodded and ran away...

"What next?"

Immortal Shima asked worriedly.

"I can only... Secretly transfer Nanao... If the other party can continue to be resurrected..."

"Hand over Nanao."

Uchiha Obito said again.

His goals have always been clear.

"Otherwise... I will destroy Longyin Village!"


"Shiki? Shiki?"

Inside Longyin Village, the village among the waterfalls.

Shiki ran into the secret passage of the big tree in a panic, and after several turns, finally entered the deepest part of it.

The one who called his name was a girl with short green hair.

She has dark skin and looks cheerful.

The age is about the same age as Naruko and Sasuke.

"Fu, run away!"

Shibuki said to Fu while rummaging through the box.

"Someone is coming to catch you! It's a terrible enemy, he wants to take away the seven tails in your body."


Some naturally dumbfounded Fu tilted her head.

"Can't you be friends with him?"


Shemu's loud shout made Fu shrink back.

"Sorry... because that's the bad guy, the bad guy... I saw with my own eyes that he summoned a lot of ninjas to attack us... and interrupted that old man with white hair An arm..."


Fu's expression darkened.

"I obeyed my father's order to fetch the Hero's Water."

Shibuki took out a gourd.

"Fu...you find a place to hide...Can't you fly with the power of Nanao? The farther you run, the better...Before then, we will Fighting to the death."

Shemu held the gourd and said to Fu.

Although he said so, his trembling body still showed that he was afraid of it.


Fu, who was 3 years younger than Shibuki, slowly reached out and took his palm.

"No problem, I am Jinchuriki of Nanao, a weapon that can protect everyone!"

As Fu said, she snatched the Hero's Water from Shiki's hand.

Then he ran out in a hurry.

"Hey! Wait... Fu!"

Sheki turned around and followed immediately.



With the chopping of the Chakra blade.

The sky-blue giant displayed unparalleled destructive power.

With just one blow, the waterfall and pool in Longyin Village were split open.

"If you don't hand over Nanao...this is what will happen to you."

Uchiha Obito threatened.

In his opinion, this journey is undoubtedly stable.

Capturing Nanao Jinchuriki or something is a fairly simple task.

Even Sannin's Jiraiya is nothing more than a chicken and a dog.


Jiraiya clutched his severed arm, staring at the sky-blue Susano, couldn't help clenching his teeth.

"I want...to protect everyone!"

Just then, a little girl rushed over.

She was holding a gourd and was running from a position near the entrance.


"Is it Fu?!"

"Go back quickly! Fu! Don't send your death in vain!"

Following the loud shouts of the village chief and Long Ren.

Obito Uchiha sneered.

"Isn't this... just showing up? Nanao...!"

"Hoo... hoo..."

Fu, who ran out of breath, held the gourd and shouted loudly.



Fu tripped.

Naturally, she didn't pay attention to the ground and was thrown straight.

Everyone: "..."

And the gourd in her hand drew a parabola.


"Ho ho ho..."

The gourd was firmly caught by Orochimaru.

"Water of Heroes? Just right..."

Without saying a word, Orochimaru unscrewed the lid, Gulu Gulu raised his head and drank the hero's water in one gulp.


Orochimaru, who drank a whole can of hero water, wiped the corners of his mouth, and threw away the empty gourd.

When the body is weak, there are still two years before the body can be changed.

Orochimaru's state at this time can be said to be very catchy.

And the water of heroes in Longyin Village is the existence that can draw out the chakra and potential in the body.

You can take a breath... to overdraw the energy of the future to obtain a short-term burst.

next moment.

The Chakra on Orochimaru skyrocketed.

Generally speaking.

The less chakra you have, the greater the boost and increase you will get.

Just right for Orochimaru's current situation.

A blue halo wrapped around Orochimaru's body.

Let him be in an unprecedented peak state.

"That's right... the power is coming..."

Orochimaru stared at his hands, very satisfied.

"You actually... drank all the hero's water..."

The head of Longyin Village looked at Dashewan in a daze.

"I'm going to die..."

"Hey, no problem, my body is special..."

Orochimaru said.

His body tolerated it very well.

Whether it's drugs, toxins, bludgeoning damage, ninjutsu damage...

He has great resistance.

It also has the self-healing ability second only to the Tailed Orc Churiki.


Uchiha Obito turned his gaze and commented.

"But...you don't think you can defeat me with this thing..."

"Well...my body is not in good condition right now, so it's really not your opponent, but I said again, in the battle between ninjas, only the body can play?"

Orochimaru seal.


Obito Uchiha opened his eyes wide.


Damn it!

This guy, he doesn't...

"Psychic Art - Dirt Reincarnation!"


Orochimaru slapped his right palm on the ground.


Three coffins were raised.

These three coffins were written with the characters "beginning", "two", and "stop".

"That is......?!"

Jiraiya, who was clutching the wound of his severed arm, had a look of disbelief.

"What did he do... No, his identity is..."

Jiraiya, who had fought against Orochimaru before and witnessed this scene with his own eyes, naturally understood what these coffins meant.

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