Public opinion also followed.

"Except for some important moments, Hokage-sama will leave the village. Most of the time, he will stay in Konoha."

Sai looked surprised.

"Yes, that's why it's weird. Suppose someone pretends to be Hokage-sama and uses her appearance to do bad things..."

Gui explained.



The person who ruined Tsunade's reputation must be Shimura Danzo.

Because Danzo Shimura wants to be Hokage and wants to be crazy.

Tsunade is also a member of the Senju clan, plus a quarter of the Uzumaki clan's blood, so he can live very well.

Under normal circumstances, it is no problem to live to the age of 80.

And Danzo Shimura...

Can't wait until then.

Therefore, he used some method to tarnish Tsunade's reputation as a foreshadowing for his revenge and return to Konoha.

It can be said.

Shimura Danzo was responsible for the Tailed Beast Ninja incident and the incident of discrediting Tsunade.

1024. Today, we are all fun people

"What will happen if this continues?"

Sai asked.

"If things go on like this, Hokage-sama will be in trouble... But, before going to the worse, Gokage will definitely hold a meeting first. After all, Tsunade-sama is Hokage, and for her, even a discussion is impossible. No, impeachment by name is out of the question."

Gui pondered for a while.

"In other should be fine." Saii was not in a hurry.

The four major powers have now become allies.

Even if Danzo Shimura ruined Tsunade's reputation, it would have no effect.

Oh, there are still.

"Although Gokage's personal feelings are biased, the voices in the village are not necessarily consistent. After all, Kage is the person who represents the wishes of the village. If there is a village that is dissatisfied with Konoha's voice, then even Gokage It won't help if Ying thinks the same...Maybe a war will break out at that time..."

Just like Fugaku Uchiha.

It's like being coerced by the Uchiha clan and being forced to launch a coup d'état.

Although Uchiha Fugaku also meant a coup d'état.

But he can actually not coup d'état.

the question is that.

He was held hostage by public opinion.

If such a village appears among the Five Great Ninja Villages, it means that a new war will emerge.


"Adults are not afraid of such things at all."

Sai smiled.

If others want war, we will give them war.

"As long as the adults do it, everything can be settled, whether it is war or five shadows..."

Gui is full of confidence in Hinata Xiao.


She changed the subject.

"Even so, it's not the style of an adult to be used as a spearman... Just in time, after two days with the adult, when Nanao Jinchuriki comes to Konoha, he will set off for Yunyin... "

And in the process of going to Yunyin Village, they will inevitably pass by the land of the frost country under their feet.


"Notify the adults of the news...wait..."

Gui suddenly noticed something.

It's Obito Uchiha and Kisame Dried Persimmon.

The two were heading towards Shimura Danzo's base.

"Akatsuki's people...why are they here..."

To deceive the enemy, you must first deceive your own people.

Except for Hinata Xiao, no one knows that Kisame Kisame is a spy he planted inside Akatsuki's organization.


Gui and Sai immediately became extremely vigilant.

"Anyway, pass the news to the adults..."

Gui decided on this matter, and immediately summoned Er's psychic beast.

Because of the technique of ghost sprouting, he creates various synthetic beasts every year.

If you get tired of watching it, just throw it to Sai and the others.

Synthetic beasts that play the role of combat and support have various abilities.

Like... arraignment.

After writing the message, Gui disarmed the psychic beast and let it carry the information back to the village.

"Those two people are very dangerous... One is Kisame, the weirdo of Kisame Kisame, and the other is a man who calls himself "Madara"...Although he is not the real Uchiha Madara, but Possesses the power to crush Sannin... Be careful..."

Gui exhorted.


Sai watched Gui's figure disappearing in the air.

Earth escape · camouflage concealment technique.

Think about it.

Sai took out a scroll and quickly drew on it with an ink pen.

Soon, the animals inside came to life.

Rats, snakes, spiders, birds... All kinds of animals came out of their nests and headed towards the Uchiha Obito and root base...


Root base, in the clearing outside the canyon.

Magier and Takato's two deputies stood behind Shimura Danzo.

Danzo Shimura leaned on his cane and stared at the two uninvited guests in front of him.

A few years ago, after having to give up the arm of the letter to escape.

Shimura Danzo used cloning technology to re-clone an arm.

There are still a lot of Sharingan transplanted on it.

Danzo, who has the power of Mutun and Sharingan at the same time, has returned to its peak strength.

"Long time no see, Danzo."

Obito Uchiha spoke first, still using Madara's voice.

Last time we met.

It was still time to plan the Uchiha Clan Extermination Event.

Obito Uchiha not only teamed up with Itachi.

There is also a deal with Danzang.

Although...the achievement is not destroyed in the end.

"What a clumsy show, Obito Uchiha."

Danzo narrowed his eyes and called out the name.

After a series of events, so many years of evolution.

Uchiha Obito's tiger skin became more and more dilapidated.

More and more people know his true identity.

Among them, Danzo is included.

"That blunt kid back then would even pull Uchiha Madara's tiger skin to trick him, hehe..."

In Danzo's laughter, I don't know if it's mostly ridicule or other meanings.

"Danzo, let's capture him without a fight, I can save your life!"

Uchiha Obito ignored Danzo's ridicule and said coldly.

"It's you who should be captured...I don't want to kill you now, because your eyes are very valuable..."

Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

That's what Danzo dreamed of.

"The reason why Hatake Kakashi's eyes were taken away is because you got back your own eyes..."

Next to him, Jimu Guihu sneered.


Obito Uchiha glanced at him.

What trash is qualified to talk to me?

"The Uchiha family is a family of the most affectionate and true..."

Jimu Guihu raised his arms, and he continued.

"And it is this kind of deep love that endows them with powerful pupil power. You who have opened your eyes can't be more clear..."

these years.

Jimu Guihu and Majiye have done a lot of research on Sharingan.

The effect is quite rich.

"Beloved family members, friends, lovers... If you are killed in front of your eyes, everyone will be distraught. But... The Uchiha clan is not limited to grief. Great grief will Work on their brains, give power to their eyes..."


Uchiha Obito said nothing.

"Hehe...we're going to use your eyes to make medicine. No matter who drinks it! You can use the medicine for Sharingan! Do you think...will it sell well?"

Your family's expression is a little abnormal.

"Your organization, wealth beyond our dreams, will gather at our feet...real gold and silver!"

The restrained low smile turned into an unscrupulous grin, echoing in the valley.


Kisame Kisame clenched the big knife behind his back.

He looked at Jimu Guihu, the man.

What I felt for the first time was not disgust, but terror.

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