Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1293

It can also increase Naruko's favorability and deepen Sasuke's plan.

Motoi was bound to explain to Naruko what happened.

Once Naruko learns of the "sacrifice" she has made, she will definitely practice harder.

Before confirming whether he was completely dead, even if Yunyin Village had a plan, he would not dare to act rashly immediately.

"Ho ho... Mr. Xiao, it turns out that all of this is part of your plan..."

Orochimaru stared at the unharmed Hinata Xiao and smiled.

Orochimaru's acting skills are also quite superb.

This can be seen from the fact that he has pretended to be a "good guy" in Konoha for decades.

He gave up becoming a windmill and instead observed the largest windmill, Hinata Xiao, to see how he stirred the wind and pushed the shinobi world forward.


A few days later.

The five-tailed Jinchūriki, under the protection of Hatake Sakumo, Kakashi, and Yamato, arrived at Turtle Island overseas in Kumogakure.

News that the white demon was seriously injured and on the verge of death spread throughout the ninja world.

For a while.

The storm is rising.

The alliance originally reached by various countries is about to fall apart just after it has begun.


They can't confirm the death of the white demon yet, so... no one has made any secrets yet.


Some secret plans are indispensable.


Yunyin Village.

The Sandaime Raikage sat with his son Ai, talking to Motoi through the monitor.

The place where perfect Jinchuuriki is practiced is called "Turtle Island".

Although it is an island.

But it is an ecological system supported by a living creature.

The island's body is a huge turtle.

Countless creatures and plants live and multiply on it. This is the essence of Turtle Island.

This giant turtle first originated when Yunyin Village was established.

Raised by Yunyin Village.

Because it can swim on its own.

The location of Turtle Island is not constant.

This is why Turtle Island is so difficult to discover.

Special moments.

It is said that Turtle Island can also be used as a troop transport.

It is said that during the Second Ninja War, Kumogakure Village transported ninjas through Turtle Island and raided the Country of Whirlpool.

The Kingdom of Whirlpool also perished due to the sudden arrival of a large number of Cloud Ninjas, who united with the Mist Ninjas.

The legend of Turtle Island has become more mysterious and vague.

"Where is Yukito now?!"

Ai asked loudly.

He was more concerned about the village's Jinchūriki... the tailed beasts, a precious resource, than whether Hinata Xiao died or not.

"Raikage-sama, Yukito... probably chased Konoha."

Motoi said with a serious expression.

"It seems that the hateful relationship between her and the white devil has been resolved, but..."

However, another problem arises.

Yukito seems to have always liked the white devil.

This is not good...

"no problem."

The Sandaime Raikage spoke in a deep voice with a calm expression.

"No matter what, Yuki is a ninja of our Hidden Cloud Village. She will not betray her companions..."

Even if Yumu was temporarily dazzled by love.

There was no way she could betray her village.

The Sandaime Raikage... was relieved.

What reassured him even more was...

Yukito chased the white demon.

Anyway, enough delay.

Regardless of whether the white devil is dying or not.

The Kingdom of Thunder has the most advanced "technology" and the best group of scientists in the world.

After all, this world’s products include air conditioners, televisions, computers, light bulbs, washing machines, refrigerators, ships, etc.

They were all invented by the Kingdom of Thunder.

As long as Yunyin Village is given enough time to complete the weapon...

At that time, not to mention the white devil, even the entire Konoha will disappear in an instant.

——Time and space chakra cannon plan!


Iwagakure Village.

"Lord Tsuchikage, Han has successfully arrived at Turtle Island..."

The ANBU took the message from Han and presented it to Ohnoki.

"It's been such an eventful time."

Ohnoki looked at another piece of news.

It read the news that the white demon had been severely injured by the two Yukijins of the Two-Tailed Jinchuuriki, and was on the verge of death, perhaps even dead.


Onoki fell into deep thought.

At this time, should we fall out with Konoha, or...should we just wait and see what happens?

"Stand still for now."

Finally, Onoki made his decision.

"Let Han practice well on Turtle Island in Yunyin Village and strive to become a perfect jinchūriki as soon as possible. During this period, we will have close friendship with other ninja villages..."

Orders were issued one after another.

In order to prevent the chaos caused by the white devil's real death.

Iwagakure Village... is about to explode again.

The demobilization of retired ninjas, the assessment of genin promotion to chunin, various mobilizations...

Everyone will be busy.

Iwagakure Village, this war machine, will turn again.


Kirigakure Village.

"Mizukage-sama, how should we act?"

Ao asked, standing in front of Terumi Mei's desk.

Although Yagura's reign in the blood mist has ended.

But a few years are not enough for Kirigakure Village to recover.

It can be said that Kirigakure Village is the weakest in overall strength among the five great ninja villages.

Losing the Six-Tailed Yugao is also a major loss for Kirigakure Village.

in addition.

According to the news sent back from Kumogakure, there is a suspected existence of "The Fourth Mizukage, Gotachibana Yagura".

That is to say...

The Yondaime is still alive? !

This news must be carefully examined.

If one of them is not good, it will easily lead to turmoil in the situation.


"The top priority is to send people to confirm whether Yagura is really alive..."

Mei Terumi said seriously, showing off her Mizukage style.


Qing nodded solemnly and began to issue orders to Kirigakure's pursuit troops.

And in a place where Ao, Chojuro and others didn't see it.

Terumi Mei's eyes flashed with worry.

"What trick is the white devil... playing?"

Of course Terumi Mei knew that Yagura was alive.

Kirigakure is a puppet of the white devil. Terumi Mei is also aware of this matter.


This does not mean that she will always surrender to the white devil's power.

It's just that... Kirigakure Village lacks power now.

Before you have the strength to resist.

Terumi Mei decided to stay put and continue to recuperate.


Sand Hidden Village.

As soon as Rasa, Chiyo and others returned to the village, they heard the information from the ANBU.

"What?! The white devil is seriously injured and on the verge of death?!"

Is there such a good thing? !

If placed before.

Luo Sha's first thought was to immediately become a second-in-command and think of ways to make things happen.

But it's a pity...

Times have changed.

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