Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1402

"The little Ninja Village has actually set up a mountain-protecting formation [barrier]. It seems to be quite impressive..."

The mountain-protecting formation mentioned by Zhang Jiao.

Naturally, it refers to the barrier of Tanigakure Village.

"This mountain-protecting formation relies on the power of the five elements. The five elements are endless and rely on the earth's veins and the energy traveling in the air for replenishment..."

Zhang Jiao said to himself matter-of-factly.

"But... in front of my great master, it's nothing... drink!"

The next moment, Zhang Jiao raised his arm and raised the Nine-jointed Staff, the Thunder Emperor's magical weapon.

"Thunder and lightning are coming!"

Boom boom boom! !

During the day, the sky suddenly resounded with a roar.

Purple thunder and lightning appeared out of thin air and struck the protective barrier outside Guyin Village.

Hei Jue's eyes opened slightly: "Sure enough...this guy wants to force his way in..."


The entire barrier trembled under the bombardment of thunder and lightning.

This violent vibration naturally spread throughout Guyin Village.

If you can't hear the loud thunder, you are deaf.

Zhang Jiao stared at the motionless barrier and the barrier shield that appeared in the electric light, and couldn't help but nodded.

"Well, some Taoist practices... It seems that it is a bit difficult to destroy them with ordinary Taoist techniques..."

The entire Valley Hidden Village is surrounded by a barrier.

That's for sure.

These barrier techniques were all obtained from the Uzumaki clan.

no way.

Eighty-nine out of ten barrier ninjutsu in the ninja world come from the country of whirlpool.

next moment.

Zhang Jiao increased his efforts.

The rumbling purple lightning continued to sound.

It also alerted everyone within a radius of more than ten kilometers.

Ignore the curses and shouts coming from the distance.

Zhang Jiao raised his hands and began to brew something.

"What does he want to do?"

Bai Jue looked at this scene curiously.

"Of course I am accumulating strength and preparing to release some kind of ninjutsu..."

Hei Jue stared at Zhang Jiao's hands.


Purple rays of light gathered above Zhang Jiao's head, and soon turned into a purple sun.

"Let your Guyin Village feel... the power of Huang Tiandaowei! Divine Thunder and Fire!"

The 50-centimeter purple sun suddenly grew in size and became 1 meter, 2 meters, 3 meters... and finally stopped at 10 meters in size.

A level 10-sized electric ball flashes with an astonishing arc.

Bai Jue stared at this scene dumbfounded.

In terms of attainments in Thunder Release Ninjutsu, this human named Zhang Jiao has probably reached the ultimate level...

next moment.

The electric ball surged, falling towards the barrier like a meteor...

1141. The raging Zhang Jiao, the art of cloud hidden from heaven

Everyone in Guyin Village still didn’t understand what was going on.

High temperatures, explosions, shock waves, and lightning have arrived.

The barrier trembled in the surge of electricity and light that shot up into the sky.

When the electric ball explodes.

The shock wave formed by the lightning instantly spread to a range of hundreds of meters.

Because electric energy burns the air, a large amount of heat energy is released in an instant, creating a high-temperature and high-pressure fire out of thin air.

Fireballs and shock waves exceeding 1,000 degrees spread at a speed of more than one kilometer per second.

A huge ball of fire and lightning shot into the sky.

Just like the name of this Taoist [Ninjutsu] - Divine Thunder and Fire.

The divine thunder and fire mixed several types of damage and spread in all directions, blasting everything they encountered into pieces.

There was a snap.

The barrier only lasted for a second before breaking.

Everything within a radius of a hundred meters was blown into coke.

Watching a purple flame swirling around.

Bai Jue's eyes were filled with surprise.

A few seconds later...the vision stopped, revealing the reality of a slightly pulsating arc.

The ninjas from Yanyin Village who arrived here were stunned when they saw the barrier above their heads being blasted to pieces.

"How can it be......"

"The barrier that no one has been able to shake for decades has been broken?!"


They saw the figure in the sky wearing a yellow robe and holding a nine-section staff.

"The main road to peace...the great virtuous teacher Zhang Jiao...!"

There is a lot of information about Ri Xiangxiao's split personality.

It had been spread by the Five Shadows Conference a month ago.

It can be said......

Every ninja village in the ninja world knows the information about these personalities.


Even in a remote location like Guyin Village, he knew exactly who the man in yellow above his head was.

Especially...seeing the purple electricity used by the other party will make his identity even clearer.

Standing in the sky, Zhang Jiao lowered his head and looked down at the ninjas of Tanyin Village below, as if he were looking at a swarm of ants.

"Tani Hidden Village ninja?"

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Someone who was brave asked with an angry look on his face.

"Destroy the ninja, of course."

Zhang Jiao said matter-of-factly.

"Because of you, the world is in ruins. If all ninjas die, then the world will naturally be peaceful."

Hear what Zhang Jiao said.

Everyone was stunned at first, and then showed angry expressions.

"That's nonsense!"


Obviously, they don't think it's the ninjas who are causing the world's instability.


Zhang Jiao sneered, not angry but proud.

"If it weren't for you, how could the three great ninja wars be started? If it weren't for you, so many civilians would be massacred, so what's going on? Today, I will do justice for heaven and eliminate you ninjas!"

Zhang Jiao shouted in a low voice and raised the nine-section staff, attracting thunder and lightning on the spot.

Boom boom boom! !

Several thunderbolts fell from the sky, killing more than a dozen ninjas from Tanigakure Village in front of them.

"waste time......"

Zhang Jiao went straight to Guyin Village without even looking at the charred corpse on the ground!


a long distance away.

The distant Yunyin Village.

"Lord Raikage, Zhang Jiao appeared in Valley Hidden Village and is currently wreaking havoc..."

The ANBU under his command sent information.

Kumogakure, who claims to be the most powerful nation in the ninja world, is naturally very concerned about the trends in the ninja world.


After the two forces Dongli and Xuanhuan appeared.

Yunyin Village changed its strategy.

They win over the small ninja village of the entire ninja world.

Tell them that Yunyin Village will provide firepower reinforcements at the right time.

This is not empty talk.

The emergence of Dongli and Xuanhuan is both a crisis and an opportunity.

If Yunyin Village can seize this gap.

You can win the surrender of other small shinobi villages.

Let them become affiliated with Kumogakure Village and provide various contributions to Kumogakure.

"Mabuyi! Prepare the gift of heaven immediately!"

Ai shouted angrily and said to the woman beside him.

A woman with short gray hair and dark skin named Mabui is the secretary-general of the Fourth Raikage Ai.

He is calm, full of wisdom and talent, and is good at judging and analyzing battle situations.

The so-called "divine gift".

It's an instant teleportation technique.

Can transport objects to any location at the speed of light.

This technique is mainly used to transport objects rather than humans. The ordinary human body will be unable to keep up with the transmission speed, causing the body to fall apart and die.

Only the Sandaime Raikage had ever successfully used the Heavenly Sending Technique to move his position, because his body was strong enough.

It is worth mentioning that......

During the Third Ninja War, Mabuyi, who had transmitted the third generation of lightning... was less than 10 years old.

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