Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1408

"Just here..."

Ri Xiangxiao put Shuiwu Yuebai aside casually.

Order her to wait here.

Then, we marched for a while.

His body shape changed.

Ri Xiangxiao became another person.


A week later.

Shiyin Village was occupied and renamed "Shuibo Liangshan". This news spread throughout the ninja world.

And issued a crusade order to the five major countries and even the entire ninja world.

It is said.

The leader of Shuibo Liangshan, Shiyu Songjiang, wants to conquer the ninja world and unify the world.

His "bold words" were naturally noticed by interested people.

more importantly......

Ji Yu·Song Jiang is not a ninja, but an outsider from the "fantasy" continent.

And like Zhang Jiao, it has the same danger.

Everyone who had learned the information about Song Jiang from Onomu naturally became murderous and prepared to go to Shuibo Liangshan.

The connection between the five shadows quickly unfolded.

Remote connection through science and technology.

The images of the five shadows appeared on the screen.

After a brief greeting.

The five shadows come to the point.

Bird country.

Because of its geographical boundaries.

It is closest to the Kingdom of Fire, the Kingdom of Wind, and the Kingdom of Earth.

Especially Sunagakure.

The Kingdom of Birds is located to the north of the Kingdom of Wind.

So Luo Sha took the lead in sending out reconnaissance ninjas to find out information, and got a lot of useful information.

"Timely Rain Song Jiang calls himself Song Gongming. After he occupied Shiyin Village, he didn't kill anyone..."

Following Luo Sha's description.

The picture scroll of Shiyin Village slowly unfolds.

"No one was killed?"

Ohnoki was puzzled.

"If he doesn't kill people, what does he do?"

Different from Zhang Jiao who destroyed the ninjas of Shuangyin Village and the ninjas of Valley Hidden Village.

Song Jiang's actions are full of weirdness.

"Song Jiang said that the name is unkind and he is here to do justice for heaven..."

Song Jiang occupied Shiyin Village, changed its name to Shuibo Liangshan, gathered ninjas and ordinary people, and prepared to overthrow the name.


The five shadows were silent for a moment.

"In short, we can think that Song Jiang has bewitched everyone in Shiyin Village and wants to become a rebel, right?"

The Sandaime Raikage concluded.

"Yes, Lord Raikage..."

Luo Sha nodded.

"The weirdest thing he bewitched so many people in Shiyin Village, we still haven't investigated clearly..."

"Let's just gather our troops and advance towards Shiyin Village."

Terumi Mei suggested.

No matter what the situation is, real people must be sent to test it.

Five shadows, you speak to me.

at last......

It was decided to send ninja teams from the five major countries to form a small coalition to go over.

"Just in time... we can put the organization proposed by Tsunade-sama into actual combat..."

One month plus one week.

It’s enough for the five major countries to come up with something.

The reform of the ninja force mentioned by Tsunade.

The idea of ​​combining ninjutsu with the same attribute to increase the power was adopted by various countries and put into practice.

Each Ninja Village has achieved extremely excellent results...


"Isn't it too prudent for us to go like this..."

Tsunade said.

"Assuming that Song Jiang is stronger than Zhang Jiao, the ninja team will be destroyed..."

After all, the fourth generation Raikage Ai had an overturning experience last time.

Although Ai was rescued.

He was even sent to Konoha and treated personally by Konoha's medical team.

However, Zhang Jiao's fierce power entangled everyone's hearts.

"But...we can't leave Liangshan alone, Hokage-sama..."

Onoki shook his head.

"All right......"

Tsunade nodded helplessly.

Finally, it was decided to send out a team.

that's all.

The expeditionary armies of the five major countries set off towards the Kingdom of Birds.

And scheduled to meet at the agreed point...


Another week has passed.

When the coalition forces of the five major powers gathered within a few kilometers of Shuibo Liangshan...

The sky suddenly became overcast, and heavy raindrops fell on the dense forest.

Soon, it turned into a violent storm.

The leader of Kirigakure Village said coldly: "It seems that we have been discovered. The rain is strange. It looks a bit similar to Pain's Rain Tiger Freedom Technique..."

He hasn't finished speaking yet.

I saw a lot of people moving in the surrounding forest.

The ninjas from the five major countries looked at each other and immediately became vigilant.

same moment.

Shuibo Liangshan [Shiyin Village].

Inside the tent.

"Brother really has a plan, and the ninjas from the five major countries really came to our door."

The ninjas of the Shiyin Village in the past are now the subordinates of Jiyu Songjiang.

And Song Jiang, who is called the eldest brother, sits firmly on the top spot.

I saw that Song Jiang looked gentle.

There was a strange devilish aura between his brows.

His mouth moved slightly, obviously reciting a spell to cause heavy rain to fall.

The weather outside is Song Jiang's masterpiece.

"Let the brothers test the strength of the five major countries first, and then consider..."

Song Jiang looked around.

Said to everyone.

Hearing Song Jiang's words, everyone had a weird smile on their face.

1147. The Art of Magic·Liangshan One Hundred and Eight Generals

This is where the first battle between the Ninja Alliance of the Five Great Nations and Shuibo Liangshan begins.

But when they actually started fighting, they discovered something strange...

"No! There's something weird about this rain!"

Everyone who was caught in the rain found that their speed had actually slowed down!

Yes, both attack speed and movement speed.

Under the influence of Song Jiang's rainstorm technique, everything seemed to be covered in a layer of glue.

The whole person's movements became slow and heavy.

On the other hand, the thieves in Shuibo Liangshan seemed to have been given a shot of blood, with their movement speed and attack speed increasing one after another.

As one of the "fantasy" personalities split from Ri Xiangxiao.

The ability that Song Jiang is good at is water magic [Water Escape].

And when Song Jiang integrated his spiritual energy into water magic...

This water system also produces various wonderful effects.

Slows down enemies caught in the rain.

At the same time, increase the strength of your own team.


This is the origin of Song Jiang's title of "Timely Rain".

Tsk tsk tsk!

Arrows and crossbow bolts were shot out from the rain forest one after another.

Suddenly, the ninja groups from the five major countries screamed.

Obviously, someone couldn't avoid it and got hit because of it.


There were people rushing out of the forest armed with various swords, guns, swords and halberds.

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