Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1419

You can also use the earth flow wall like Kakashi and carve a dog head on it...

"Gaara's strength is steady and has absolute defense. The ultimate upper limit will definitely exceed Rasa..."

Ri Xiangxiao judged.

Especially Gaara's skill in extracting minerals.

This allowed him to finally kill Luo Sha.

Luosha's placer gold is heavier than sand.

Placer gold enters the sand and can stop the flow of sand.

But Gaara figured out a way to refine various minerals and add them to sand.

This means that Gaara can in turn suppress Rasa's placer gold.

This is not a question of combat acumen, but also a sign of the son's ability to control magnetic energy beyond that of his father.

Gaara... has a bright future.

Ri Xiangxiao thought of this... his figure flashed and disappeared.

That day, Xiangxiao walked out of the entrance to Sand Hidden Village - One Thin Sky at lightning speed.

not far away.

A team of four ninjas are returning.

A Sunagakure Murakunin.

Three genin of Sunagakure Village.

It is worth mentioning...the genin girl from Sunagakure Village.

1157. Hinata Xiao’s incident in the east window, the conclusion of Akatsuki and Shinobi’s Darkness

She was wearing a white sleeveless cool outfit, which was very eye-catching in Sunagakure Village.

Her fair skin makes people wonder how she maintains herself in such a harsh environment.

In addition to natural beauty...

"Medical Ninja..."

Ri Xiangxiao judged this immediately.

Only a medical ninja could maintain her appearance so well.

With long brown hair and brown eyes, she and her teammates were rushing back to the village, but they didn't know...the crisis had arrived.

Hinata Xiao who is fused with a clay face.

Accumulation corrects the side effects of swallowing personality.


She was naturally targeted by Ri Xiangxiao.


next moment.

Ri Xiangxiao passed by the team and robbed the opponent before anyone could react.


From the exclamations coming from behind, Ri Xiangxiao also learned the girl's name.


In the world line of Beilihu.

Ame is an original character belonging to the "Naruto TV Animation".

He did not appear in the Naruto comics, but appeared in the TV Shippuden animation and the joint chunin exam held by Konoha and Sunagakure.

Yuno is good at combining medical ninjutsu with water escape properties.

You can also perform water release attack ninjutsu.

First appeared in the animation chapter 618.

Hinata Xiao easily subdued Yuno.

With just a few moves, she passed out.


Hinata's movement speed exceeded the speed of sound, making it impossible for Yuno's teammates behind her to track her.

Their roar lasted less than a second and quickly disappeared in the wind...

The news of Gaara's victory was heartening.

But the team that came back later reported the news that Yuno had been kidnapped.

What's happening here?

Why were the ninjas in our own village kidnapped when Clayface attacked?

Is all this a conspiracy of the other party?

The attack on Gaara was just a cover.

The real target is Yuno?


Ame is just a genin of Sunagakure Village.

Talk about talent.

It's just water escape properties combined with medical ninjutsu.

Although it is unique, it is not very powerful. It can only be said to be relatively novel.

So, why did the other party take action against Yuno?

This is something that Luo Sha and others cannot figure out.

But no matter what, our village has been kidnapped, and it is inevitable to launch an investigation.

Therefore, Luo Sha immediately dispatched his subordinates and began to explore the surrounding areas as radiation.


same moment.

The Akatsuki organization is on the move.

Deidara, Uchiha Obito, White Zetsu clones.

They headed overseas.

He went to the vast world beyond the five major countries to explore this planet.

Time flies.

Several months have passed since the death of the Heretic Golem.

these past few months.

Uchiha Obito and others have been wandering overseas.

Exploring the so-called Dongli and Fantasy Continent.

Naturally, nothing was achieved in the process.

However, several other civilizations were discovered overseas.

For example, knight civilization, this civilization appeared in one of the Naruto movies.

There are several other civilizations.

But there is no Dongli and Fantasy Continent.


Uchiha Obito, who traveled around the entire planet, realized...


Dongli and Xuanhuan don't exist at all.

Someone is pretending to be a so-called outsider.

If there is anyone in this world who is most likely to do such a thing.

Then it must be Hinata Xiao.

Uchiha Obito, Black Zetsu and the others have been pointing their fingers here.

That man is not someone who can die easily.

Uchiha Obito believed that Hinata Xiao must still be alive.

Assume the guess is correct.

So, what is the reason for Ri Xiangxiao to do this?

Based on Black Zetsu and White Zetsu's observations of the ninja world in the past few months.

The emergence of two forces, Dongli and Xuanhuan.

Although it caused certain disasters to the ninja world.

But it also caused the entire ninja world to be equipped with clockwork and full of strength.

In a state of rapid development, rapid changes began.

It seemed like there was a big hand behind my back.

Promoting the development and progress of the entire ninja world.

After coming to this conclusion.

Uchiha Obito realized.

How crazy is that person behind the scenes.

He wants to raise the level of the entire world!

First, let’s start with the vigilance of the five major countries.

In the Ninja world, there is a rumbling sound, and everyone is in danger.

Then Tsunade proposed reforms to the ninja organization.

Yunyin Village vigorously develops technology and ninja science slogans.

The explosive soldiers of Iwagakure Village.

Kirigakure Village's policy of continuing to recuperate and recuperate since the bloody fog era.

Sand Hidden Village slowly improves the desert environment.

Various performances.

They are constantly making progress in this world.

Although it is only a preliminary sign now.

It's only been a few months.

But... what if one year later, two years later, five years... ten years... later?

What will the world look like by then?

No matter what the world becomes.

As long as the five major countries are immortal, their total strength will not rise.

Under the intervention of external forces such as Dongli and Xuanhuan.

Not only will there be no war between the five major powers.

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