Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1423

They took out a photo of Yuno and described her features.

But got...

is a conclusion that everyone shakes their head at.

So, is there a way for enemies to change their appearance?


Juan sent his subordinates again.

Let them investigate and see if any new faces have stayed or entered this oasis recently.

" does exist."

At a business premises.

The person in charge of this place nodded.


He then described the appearance of the two men.

It's a man and a woman.

It's them!

Juan thought to himself, led the team to gather in this building, and quietly used the transformation technique to start the operation.


Juan and his group arrived at the top floor.

They stood at the door of the room.

At this time, it was already late at night.

Everything was quiet.

From outside, no sound could be heard.

The room was also unusually quiet.

Because the noise treatment in the guest rooms is done very well.


Even if no sound can be heard here, Yuno may be undergoing a brutal interrogation inside.

"I count 1, 2, 3..."

Roll gesture.

Everyone in the team nodded.



One of the team members kicked open the room door.

Whoosh! !

A stack of shurikens flew out of the dark room.

Tsk tsk tsk! !

Although the ninja fought hard, he was still hit several times.

His companions pulled him away and the medical ninja treated his injuries.

Others rushed forward.


If there was an ordinary person inside, it would be impossible to shoot a shuriken.

This incidates that......

The enemy is here!

In the dark room, no one could be seen clearly.

Juan took the lead and gently threw a shuriken.

The shuriken touched the light switch.

The lights came on in the room.

The moment the light transforms——


A dark figure, with Yuno wrapped under his arm, jumped from the roof of the building!


Juan shouted, his movements not slow at all.

The whole person stepped forward and jumped out of the broken window as well.

Following the actions of each sand ninja.

The pursuit in the night...began...


There were shouts in the middle of the night.

It woke up many people.

But there is one person who is watching this scene and has everything under control.

He is none other than Ri Xiangxiao.

Through the opened curtains, you can look down at the oasis from the top floor.

Hinata Xiao could clearly see Juan and her companions chasing the escaping prisoners and Yuno.


If the rain is here.

Then who is Yu Nao below?

Of course... Rixiang Xiao used the new ability of Clay Face to create a dead thing that was not even a sand clone.

The black shadows and Yuno below are both made of sand.

Just inject a certain amount of mental energy.

They will temporarily come alive.

In the form of a puppet, move temporarily for a while.

This is a combination of skills that utilizes the two personalities of Mie Tiangui and Clayface.

boom! boom! boom!

Ri Xiangxiao looked out the window.

The body moves constantly.

Constantly attacking the real Yuno.

But at this moment...the real Yuno's eyes rolled up and tears continued to flow.

Under Ri Xiangxiao's terrifying physical attack, he couldn't even focus on the scene outside.

Water escape!

As the sun goes to night, he uses water escape.

Yuno arched her body suddenly.

Because of being bound.

She could only withstand the attack of Water Release Ninjutsu and was unable to leave the place.

This is Ri Xiangxiao's plan.

Use the dummy to attract the attention of Juan and others and let them shrink the surrounding net.

In the can only come to nothing.

Come to the conclusion that "the other party has escaped."

By the time......

You can stay here safely and spend some time without being disturbed.


Yuno, who was hunched over, fell down.

Ri Xiangxiao turned his gaze and looked at her.

There was an unusual calmness on his handsome face.

"Next...we have a long...long time to practice slowly."

Finish this sentence.

Ri Xiangxiao attacked again.

boom! boom! boom!

The terrifying sound of physical skills resounded in this sealed silent room...

The pursuit of Juan and others is destined to be in vain.

I believe it will be soon.

They will list Yuno as missing.

Just like her predecessors...

1161. If the villain is Ri Xiangxiao, the Five Shadows Conference

Early the next morning.

A meeting was held almost simultaneously in the five major countries.


Bai Jue's clone.

At the same time, he appeared in the offices of Tsuchikage, Hokage, Kazekage, Raikage and Kazekage.

This was a plan that Uchiha Obito had planned in advance.

In broad daylight, Bai Zetsu suddenly appeared in the office.

The five shadows were shocked at the same time.

Although they are thousands of miles apart, their reactions are similar.

Everyone was on extreme alert.

And the good news is...

The Fourth Raikage Ai, who had been recovering from his injuries for more than two months, has returned to health.

With the previous lesson, he finally didn't rush forward and pinch Bai Jue's neck this time.

"Our Xiao organization has obtained information about Dongli and Xuanhuan."

Bai Zetsu, who has a human form but looks like a combination of monster and plant, said to the Five Shadows.


"In the past few months, our Akatsuki organization has investigated the intelligence of these two forces..."

The expressions of the Bai Jue clones slowly changed, and their tone of voice changed from joking at the beginning to calm.

"We traveled overseas, visited various countries and islands, and visited the entire planet..."

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