Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1449

"The effectiveness of other gods on you is disappearing, isn't it?"

Since the BUFF like Curse Seal will be automatically removed by Bai Jue♀.

Obviously, BUFFs like other gods can also be subtracted.


Bai Jue looked around with his eyes.

It...feels guilty.


Hinata Xiao snorted coldly.

Directly attack Bai Jue.



The sudden attack caused Bai Jue's body to tremble suddenly, and the expression on his face froze at this moment.


When Bai Jue failed to react.

Ri Xiangxiao's attacks continue!

"This White Zetsu♀ has the ability to eliminate buffs that other White Zetsus don't have... This should be one of its unique points..."

boom! boom! boom!

Ri Xiangxiao thought to himself while attacking Bai Jue fiercely.

Even other gods can be eliminated.

It proves that it does have merit.

After all, other gods are also a BUFF in the final analysis.

This BUFF can be overwritten by other BUFFs, or it can be... cracked!


How should I deal with this White Zetsu?

Even the mark of the caged bird will be eliminated.

It means that Bai will never take control.

Will be free in the end.

It is controlled by the "will" planted by Otsutsuki Kaguya in her body.

"The mental and willpower buffs will be eliminated... then..."

Just transform it physically!

boom! boom! boom!

Ri Xiangxiao attacked Bai Jue fiercely.

next moment--


Ri Xiangxiao's hand knife penetrated Bai Jue's chest and entered directly from the middle part.


When Bai Jue saw this scene, he immediately exclaimed in fear.

It didn't know what Ri Xiangxiao was going to do.


A faint chirping resounded.

Black bones grew out of Bai Zetsu's chest, forming Bai Zetsu's sternum.

Just like a monster has no bones.

Ri Xiangxiao made a skeleton for the demon.


What Rixiangxiao wants to do is no different from what he did to the demon.

Under the influence of Ri Xiangxiao, Ren Baijue struggled and shouted.

Rixiang Xiaodu slowly shaped the skeleton in silence.


Bai Jue's limbs, upper body, lower body, including his head, formed a complete humanoid skeleton.


After finishing all this, Ri Xiangxiao withdrew her hand from Bai Jue's chest.

The greasy vegetable liquid covered Ri Xiangxiao's arms.

As Ri Xiangxiao's body surface shook, all the liquid fell down.

"W-what did you do to me?!"

Bai Jue screamed.


He saw Ri Xiangxiao staring at Bai Jue.

A slight twitch of consciousness.

Bai Jue slowly stretched out his left hand, then his right hand.



No matter where it is, it doesn't obey orders.

Even if Ri Xiangxiao has been released from the restraints.

Bai Zetsu can't have any freedom at all.

Because it's in its body.

A puppet mechanism has been buried, that is... the skeleton made by Ri Xiangxiao himself.

After devouring Dongli and Xuanhuan's personality.

The ability to control dead objects gained by Ri Xiangxiao.

It was used on Bai Zetsu♀.

This skeleton was made by Ri Xiangxiao and contains Ri Xiangxiao's own DNA and chakra, so it is easier for Ri Xiangxiao to control it.

These skeletons are under the control of Ri Xiangxiao.

Regenerate and build at will in the air.

Bai Jue couldn't move at all.

The bones that Ri Xiangxiao used on Bai Jue's body could imprison the opponent's actions without any risk.

By the way, break the opponent's spirit.


Hinata Xiao continued to practice with Shiro.

And relying on the ability to control objects, he controls the corpse bone veins, thereby controlling Bai Jue's body and making it assume various postures and movements.

Bai Jue had never experienced combat.

It is not truly strong and does not possess the heart of a strong person.

A little threat of death, and pain, will make it little more than an ordinary person's reaction.

boom! boom! boom!

Rixiang Xiao continued to attack.

And it's like playing chess with yourself.

Ri Xiangxiao controlled Bai Jue's movements with his own will.

Black and red are both sun and night.

The ruthless sparring and banging sounds resounded in this small bush.


Rixiangxiao also pays attention to the matter of regeneration.

As we all know, flowers watered with blood grow exceptionally strong.

When Bai Jue's strength gradually weakens...

Ri Xiangxiao fed Bai Jue all her blood.

A large amount of blood poured into Bai Jue's mouth, forcing it to swallow.

The absorptive ability of vegetative people is countless times stronger than that of humans.

Bai Jue quickly absorbed and spread this blood into his body.

Like a watered flower.

And Ri Xiangxiao's blood itself has the essence ability to live the dead and regenerate bones.

It is comparable to a magical medicine and elixir.


Bai Jue immediately regained his health.

not only that......


"Chakra levels increased?"

As Rixiang Xiao continued to practice, she discovered something interesting.

White Zetsu is truly botanical.

After it absorbed Ri Xiangxiao's blood, the amount of chakra increased dramatically, the body became tougher, and various qualities such as strength increased.


Ri Xiangxiao grabbed Bai Jue's hair and made a bang.

Bring its mouth up.


A large amount of blood was injected into Bai Jue's mouth again.


Bai Jue, who was extremely uncomfortable, looked up at Ri Xiangxiao with a pitiful expression.


Because it couldn't bear it, its eyes rolled up.


After finishing watering, Ri Xiangxiao flicked Bai Jue away.

Bai Jue fell to the ground.

Blood overflowed from its mouth, and its unconscious body was still twitching... and twitching...


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