Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1452


Ri Xiangxiao is mixed with other physical techniques in Baguazhang.

I heard a mix of pops and snaps.

Sometimes they ring together.

The violent physical attacks made Bai Jue scream.

Soon, it started begging for mercy.


Ri Xiangxiao seemed not to hear.


To be kind to your enemies is to be cruel to yourself.

Ri Xiangxiao understands this truth very well.


Before Bai Jue becomes his subordinate, Ri Xiangxiao will not give up using brutal physical skills to attack it.

"Water escape!"

Finally, Ri Xiangxiao used the finishing move.

Water escape ninjutsu.


Water jets.

Bai Jue, who was suspended in mid-air, started to wander.


The chains clattered.

Bai Jue seemed to fly.

Puff puff puff!

Due to the terrible attack of the Water Release Ninjutsu, the injured Bai Zetsu shed a large amount of plant blood.


Because of the attack.

Bai Jue's strength and voice were also much smaller.

Ri Xiangxiao looked at Bai Jue in the air with an indifferent expression, as if he was swinging.

The body swings back and forth between the two directions.

Wait until it's almost done.

Rixiangxiao adjusted the chain again.

Let Bai Jue resume his restrained movements in large fonts.


Ri Xiangxiao picked up the red-hot soldering iron from the stove beside her.

The soldering iron twisted the air and turned it red from the heat.

Hinata slowly turned left and right.


Slowly approached Bai Jue.


Bai Jue recovered slightly, and his eyes once again had a little sparkle.

When it raised its head, the scene it saw... was Ri Xiangxiao holding a red-hot soldering iron.

His originally dazed expression immediately turned into one of panic.

"Stop...stop, Ri Xiangxiao, I promise to be your subordinate, don't torture me anymore..."


Hinata Xiao asked.

Can a vegetative person really empathize with humans?

Did Bai Jue really feel fear?

"I do not believe."


Ri Xiangxiao speeded up the movement of her arms.

He directly pressed the branding iron towards Bai Jue's abdomen.


Terrible smoke rose.

Bai Jue shuddered violently, and his shrill scream could almost break the glass.

Because of the extreme pain.

The upturned yellow eyes were mixed with tears.

The wounds on the body that had not yet healed spurted out a large amount of plant blood.

Ri Xiangxiao controlled the bone vein skeleton and forcibly fixed Bai Jue.


Bai Jue was like a dissected frog, jumping around wildly, but due to his restraint, his body could only be shown to be trembling crazily.

Wait until the sizzling sound subsides.

Hinata Xiao took away the soldering iron.

Bai Jue's abdomen has been branded with the pattern of a caged bird.

Of course Rixiang Xiao knew.

Bai Jue has certain self-healing abilities.


Can any injury really heal on its own?

I'm afraid not.


Bai Jue tilted his head and his body occasionally twitched unconsciously.

Although his eyes were open, his dim pupils proved the fact that Bai Jue was unconscious...

Rixiangxiao put the soldering iron back.

Then, walk over slowly.


Hinata Xiao attacked fiercely.

Then, the attack sequence comes again.

boom! boom! boom!

Bai Jue's body shook, and was beaten like a sieve by Hinata Xiaotaijutsu.

The cold and ruthless Rixiang Xiao continued to use physical skills.

Use various means to deal with your enemies...

at the same time.

In Ri Xiangxiao's cold eyes, he had already thought of his next plan to correct Bai Jue.

The methods used to deal with Ye Cang and others in the past will come in handy soon...

1186. Ri Xiangxiao’s bad taste and indescribable fear

White Zetsu♀ wakes up again...

This time.

The shackles that bound it were loosened.

Bai Jue's vision swayed in confusion.

My body is very cold...

There was a man in sight.

There is no doubt that that is the white devil in the ninja world, Hinata Xiao!

What a terrible man this is!

The moment Bai Jue saw him, he wanted to run away.

Bai Zetsu tries to leave.

Bai Jue slowly crawled over.

Not noticed.

Ri Xiangxiao had her back turned to herself, as if she was tinkering with something.

Bai Jue saw the door.

While looking at the exit to escape, he looked at Hinata Xiao.

And just when Bai Jue was about to reach the exit...


The white devil's head suddenly turned 180 degrees!

Turning around with his back turned!

What a face that is!

His originally cold face was now bleeding from seven holes.

Scarier than the images in horror stories.

What's even more scary is...

His face continues to tear apart!


The white demon opened its mouth and face and roared.

That’s right!

Just open your face!

His face split from the Tianling Cap! Through the forehead!

Along the nose, mouth, and chin, divide it into two!

The white devil's face was split open, with teeth exposed on both sides of his face!

That's a bloody mouth!


Bai Jue was shocked when he saw this scene!

"What the hell~!"

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