Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1454


The white demon roared, opened its bloody mouth, and rushed over!


Bai Jue's extremely frightened screams echoed in the room...

1187. Terrorizing Bai Jue, Naruto Cthulhu

I don’t know how long has passed...


Bai Jue opened his eyes.

It's back to the starting room.

The first reaction was to get up directly and immediately look around vigilantly.

The trembling legs confirmed Bai Jue's mood at the moment.

Terrified, terrified beyond measure.

The room is still the same as the interrogation room.

All kinds of messy torture instruments were scattered all over the place.

"What the hell is this..."

Bai Jue didn't notice that cold sweat was still breaking out on his forehead.

At this moment, footsteps suddenly came...

Bai Jue turned his head sharply and immediately observed.

Listened for a moment.

it found.

The footsteps came from the corridor.

The door of the interrogation room, which was originally wide open, was now closed.

There was no sign of the white devil in the room either.

Bai Jue doesn't understand the current situation.

"Could it be that...the white devil is coming?"

Bai Jue thought, his heart couldn't help but clench, fear struck again.

Thinking of the split face of the white devil, Bai Jue felt a wave of fear.

Click... click...

The sound of footsteps echoed.

Getting closer, getting closer...

at last.

It seems that he walked directly here, close to the entrance...


The footsteps suddenly disappeared.

‘Is this… walking to my door? ’

In the silence, Bai Jue seemed to be able to hear his own heartbeat, but he never heard the sound of footsteps again.

Speaking of you have a heart?

That's not the point...

'Someone has been standing behind the door? ’

Feeling the silence in the darkness, Bai Jue trembled and hugged his body.

so cold......

It pricked up its ears and listened to the sounds outside...

In this eerie silence...

Bai Jue couldn't help but become more and more nervous.

Just when it was thinking about what to do...

The door of the whole room suddenly shook!

Then... there was the sound of the door handle being turned.

‘Is someone opening the door? ’

Bai Zetsu could see the doorknob turning.

One turn left, one turn right.

Click click click click click click click...

But the door was never opened.

So, the other party stopped, and An Jing returned to the room...

Just when Bai Jue breathed a long sigh of relief and felt that he had gotten over it...


boom! boom! boom!

The room door suddenly shook violently.

It sounded like someone banging furiously on the door.

Seeing the door banging and vibrating, Bai Jue was shocked.


Bai Jue shouted towards the door.

"Who's out there?!"

Hearing Bai Jue's shout, the movement behind the door suddenly stopped.

Bai Jue swallowed and stood there.

He raised his ears and continued to listen to what was happening behind the door.

It's worth mentioning... Bai Zetsu's teeth have grown back.

In the quiet darkness, everything was silent, and the person behind the door seemed to have disappeared.

Bai Jue couldn't help but exhale and slowly turned around.

I want to find something to defend myself.

There is no doubt that those terrible torture instruments on the stage, the torture instruments from the white devil, can be used as self-defense weapons at this moment.

But when Bai Jue turned around...

A bloody face that was split from the Tianling Cap to the chin.

appeared before its eyes.

It is less than 1 centimeter away, almost zero contact distance.

And this face with seven bleeding holes is the face of the white devil Ri Xiangxiao...


Bai Jue's miserable scream... his eyes rolled up...

at last.

It completely passed out...


Wake up again.

Drowsily, Bai Jue felt someone pushing him hard.

"Bai Jue...Bai Jue..."

"Hey, don't sleep in. If you sleep again, we will eat your breakfast!"

Bai Jue opened his eyes suddenly.

What I saw were Black Zetsu and White Zetsu♂.

Meet fellow countrymen.

Both had tears in their eyes.

Needless to say.

Bai Jue recognized Black Jue and the others immediately.


The scary thing is.

Ri Xiangxiao's strange face still flashed through Bai Jue's mind.

It said with some shock: "The white devil... is so scary...! His face... is cracked!"

Bai Jue danced and described it.


Black Zetsu is a bit strange.

"What are you talking about? Isn't the white devil human?"

"Not human~~!"

Bai Juehou said fearfully.

"The white something else...!"

"What are you talking about, Bai Jue...are you awake?"

Black Jue asked with a strange look on his face.

"That's right, that's right...hehe..." Bai Jue ♂ helped from the side.

In a trance.

Bai Jue discovered that the combined faces of Black Jue and White Jue seemed to be split in the middle.

The next moment.

It seems that everything is back to normal and reconciled as before.


Bai Jue took a few steps back in fright.

"What's wrong?"

"It's so strange, you..."

Black Zetsu and White Zetsu said, feeling baffled.


Something even more terrifying was discovered by Bai Jue.

It found... that it was back in the original cold interrogation room!

Feeling of numbness in scalp.

The icy coldness crept up from the soles of the feet, through the back, to the top of the head...

Bai Jue's body trembled with fear again.

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