Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1465

Strange sights filled the field of vision.

The human eye is almost unable to reflect this change.

"What...what is this?!"

Uzumaki Kushina shouted on the spot.

"Don't move around."

Hinata Xiao firmly held Kushina's back collar.

Carrying this couple is like carrying a chick.

"At least...3 times the speed of sound..."

Namikaze Minato could barely see the surrounding scene clearly.

But continuous observation can still be mentally draining.

So, he simply stopped looking at his surroundings.

"The strange thing is...our body temperature didn't rise..."

Namikaze Minato felt himself.

Don't talk about the heat.

You can barely feel the movement of the wind.

Generally speaking, the thermal barrier effect caused by a rapid speed of 3 times the speed of sound will cause the human body to soar to a temperature of more than 250 degrees.

This high temperature is more lethal than steam.

The average person's flesh will be steamed quickly.

Like meat buns on a steamer.

"Your Mightiness......"

Namikaze Minato looked at Hinata Xiao.

This sight made me even more shocked.

Rixiangxiao disappeared out of thin air...

It was as if there was an invisible force grabbing the two of them and shooting rapidly.

"I have entered a state of invisibility... This chakra mode allows me to gain high speed, become invisible, eliminate the influence of air, etc..."

Hinata Xiao explained.

After Minato Namikaze heard this, he was amazed.

Therefore, he became even more curious about Ri Xiangxiao's identity...

"7 minutes..."

Rixiangxiao calculated the result.

"We can reach the border of Grass Country in 7 minutes."

Ordinary ninjas travel 400 kilometers per day at 40 kilometers per hour, 10 hours, and 10 hours to reach.

Hinata Xiao can do it in 7 minutes.

"Who is your Excellency?"

Minato Namikaze asked.

"Didn't I tell you before, I am Hinata Xiao from the Hyuga clan."

"No...I want to ask, your Excellency must be very powerful in another world..."

Namikaze Minato asked expressing the admiration in his heart.


Hinata Xiao said to Namikaze Minato.

This is not modesty.

It’s not like setting a small goal of 100 million first.

Ri Xiangxiao admitted that there was still a gap between himself and Senju Hashirama, the number one person under the Six Paths.

So getting stronger is always Ri Xiangxiao's main theme.

"What do we... look like in the other world?"

After Namikaze Minato asked, he felt Hinata Xiao's eyes fixed on him.

"In that world, you and your wife are the heroes who sealed the Nine-Tails, and the Fourth Hokage is you."


Namikaze Minato was silent.

In other words, he in another world is much stronger than himself in this world.

"But your children in that world have lost their parents..."

Hinata Xiao shook his head.

I want it all.

Normally humans can't.

It is a common situation that you cannot have your cake and eat it too.

Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki became heroes, but lost their lives.

Although the world is alive, it may not be able to pass on the value of "fraternity" to children.

The Namikaze Minato couple in this world value their family more than the village.


Uzumaki Menma.

It might grow into something completely different.

Because there are no parents to set an example for their children.

The child's path will take a completely different state.


Seven minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

The dark jungle passed through.

The front suddenly becomes clear.

Thick grass covered the ground, and the moonlight shone down, adding a strange red color to it.

"There should be a trap ahead."

I came back to my senses from the high-speed movement that seemed like a dream.

Namikaze Minato tried to hold his breath and calm down.

A normal ninja's 10-hour journey...

This man actually did it in 7 minutes!

So amazing…

That said, whenever he wants to.

How many hours can it take to visit all the countries in the ninja world? ?

"Sir, I am more familiar with Jiraiya-sensei's techniques, so..."

Namikaze Minato stepped forward.

Step by step through the grass.

He is very careful.

But it still touched the mechanism left by Jiraiya.

Because what Jiraiya used was not a direct lethal technique at all.

Rather... a form of psychicism.

As the spell lights up.

With a bang, a large puff of smoke appeared on the spot.

Myoboku Mountain Toad Family Bucket...Assemble! !

1197. The truth about the limited Tsukuyomi world, Ri Xiangxiao’s back garden reservation?

In the ninja world, another place...

The mountain training hall once used by the Sandaime Hokage and the Fourth Hokage...

"Now that he has been controlled by this limited Tsukuyomi world..."

Uchiha Obito stood on the high platform and stared at the sky.

"That means half the battle is already won."

"In other words, can the white devil be eliminated at any time?" Bai Jue was more concerned about this matter.

"Don't worry, everything must be done in order... I will definitely kill Ri Xiangxiao... remove this obstacle, and then..."

Uchiha Obito's eyes opened slightly.

"The nine tailed beasts in this world are mine..."

With a whirlpool.

Uchiha Obito entered the main hall.

In the dark hall.

The masked man sits on it.

The fire lit up.

The lights burned as if they were alive.

"Thanks to your information, I found the whereabouts of the Two-Tailed Jinchuuriki..."

The masked man crossed his legs and rested his chin on the back of one hand.

Below the steps of the main hall.

It was the two Yuki men lying on the ground half-dead.

"There is nothing in this world that I don't know."

Uchiha Obito said.

"By the way, I'll give you a piece of advice. The enemy has already started to take action... We will get the Book of the Vermillion Moon right away."

"Is it......"

The masked man stood up.

"Take me there."

"no problem......"


"Now that it's activated, there's nothing we can do... We are the ninjas of Konoha..."

Minato Namikaze walked up to Bunta.

It seems that he doesn't recognize Wen Tai's appearance.

It seemed that Minato Namikaze of this world had been severely slashed.

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