Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1468

Everyone except Uchiha Itachi rushed towards the nine-faced beast.

And Uchiha Itachi fell directly in front of Uchiha Obito.

"I see, is this also the distortion of this world..."

What a peaceful world.

"The Hokage actually asked Akatsuki for help..."

"The way you seems like physical attacks are ineffective against you..."

Itachi analyzed calmly.

"'s not completely impossible..."

Uchiha Itachi said, opening the Mangekyo Sharingan!

"You are still as troublesome as ever..."

Uchiha Obito said and disappeared.

Whether it's the kaleidoscope eye technique Tsukuyomi or the ten-fist sword.

You can send Uchiha Obito to see the Sage of Six Paths.

At least until Uchiha Obito is promoted to the Sixth Level, this situation will not change.

1199. Complete Tailed Beast Transformation·Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki·Uzumaki Menma

Boom boom boom! !

There were explosions in the air.

Deidara's art blew up a nine-faced beast.

"Sure has to explode...huh?!"

Deidara noticed the creature falling from the sky.

"Is that the true body?"

After being defeated, the nine-faced beast transformed into a masked fox.

Other members of the Akatsuki organization also ended the Nine-faced Beast in their own way.



Menma and Hinata were facing each other hand to hand and foot to foot.

The hurricane caused by the two even blew away countless bushes of grass.

"It's good to be able to fight with me..."

Ri Xiangxiao saw the strength of the masked man.

Sure is an existence with a Taoist degree of over 80%.

Ordinary people would have been blasted to pieces by Ri Xiangxiao's fist several times the speed of sound.

A dark purple halo floated around the masked man.

"It's probably the reason for these special chakras."

next moment.

Ri Xiangxiao's figure flashed and disappeared.

Go directly behind the masked man through the shadow flash chakra mode.


The masked man's eyes suddenly opened wide.

His eyes were full of disbelief.

After reappearing.

Hinata Xiao slapped the masked man on the back of the head.

Just like a father hitting his son, it has an amazing effect.

Centered on the contact surface of the palm, a terrifying air wave formed a shock wave and shot out in all directions.

A few meters in radius were suddenly reduced to a vacuum state.


The masked man flew backwards.

The whole body seemed to be crushed by a huge mountain and suddenly collapsed.

A palm.

Ri Xiangxiao pushed the masked man into the ground.

Except creating a big hole.

The remaining power continues to pass through the masked man's body.

The entire earth is constantly sinking.

It was as if an invisible giant palm was pressing on the cake.

When the earth stops shaking.

A huge crater with a diameter of ten meters was created on the entire ground.

This is what pure power does.


The earth-shaking attack naturally attracted the full attention of Minato Namikaze and his wife, as well as Itachi Uchiha and others.

"What a terrible physical skill..."

They all exclaimed in exclamation.


No need to do it yourself at all.

This guy from the Hyuga clan can take care of him by himself.


When had such a powerful person appeared in the Hyuga clan?


The masked man climbed up from the rubble.

His clothes were torn to pieces.

Revealing his well-trained upper body.

Well-proportioned without any excess muscle.

"You guy..."

Snap! Snap!

As the mask breaks.

His face was also revealed.


The moment Uzumaki Kushina saw the other person, she recognized the identity of the masked man.

Uzumaki Menma!

How Uzumaki Menma went astray and became a villain.

We obviously have a happy family, but we have gone astray...

This kind of thing.

It can no longer be studied.

The only conclusion is that Menma Uzumaki is an internationally wanted S-class criminal.

"I didn't expect that there would be someone as powerful as me in this world..."

Uzumaki Menma raised his head.

His face was full of ferocity.

"That's why I can't stand it!"

He roared at Ri Xiangxiao.

"The thought of someone like you existing makes my hair stand on end and I can't even sleep peacefully...! I am the strongest! Let me...erase you!!"

Ri Xiangxiao's answer was only one sentence...

"Are you a giant baby spoiled by your parents?"

These words ignited Uzumaki Menma's anger.

A harmonious family.

An inverse child will appear.

There is only one explanation.

This rebellious son was raised into a giant baby.

Whether it's intentional or not.

Apparently, Uzumaki Menma had had too many good days and his brain had gone crazy.

Obviously having such excellent parents got something that Uzumaki Naruko could never get.

"Just now, you were thinking about killing your parents too..."

Hinata Xiao murmured.

This thing refers to the Great Spiral Yu.

"Hmph...that boring thing...!"

Sudden changes occur.

The nine foxes defeated by the Akatsuki organization suddenly turned into streams of light and flew towards Menma.

After the orange beam penetrated Menma's body...

His chakra volume and strength increased visibly to the naked eye.


Uzumaki Menma raised his head, the corners of his mouth raised crazily, revealing a sinister smile.

The eyes that turned into scarlet vertical pupils confirmed this point.

"I see...disperse the power of the nine tails outside the body and use it as a tool...recycle it when necessary..."


As Menma roared.

The shock wave of power spreads.

A strong wind came, making everyone's clothes rustle.


Four huge hoof claws stepped on the ground.

The nine tails swayed, showing the ominous situation under the scarlet moon.

The Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki...fully transformed into a tailed beast, Menma Uzumaki appears!

An unprecedented scene.

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