Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1479

You can activate the power of dragon veins.

next moment.

Uchiha Obito jumped off the stage.

call out!

He landed on the power of dragon veins that looked like the surface of the sea.

Slowly flowing awareness came from the soles of my feet.

This sea is all the power of dragon veins.

Uchiha Obito turned on the kaleidoscope and pointed it in front of him: "Kamui!"

call out!

Under the influence of divine power.

The "sea" was stirred.

A wound quickly appeared, revealing the true form of the dragon's power—purple liquid-like chakra.

Obito Uchiha, who cast a spell at close range, quickly formed a seal.


The liquid was induced to cover his whole body.

call out!

Uchiha Obito's body flashed with light.

The act of covering oneself with space-time energy caused some fluctuations in the power of dragon veins.

Uchiha Obito disappeared immediately...

"Gone away..."

Bai Jue murmured.

Did Uchiha Obito fall into the turbulence of time and space, or did he really go to the world of Beiruhu?

no one knows.


"Our plan will continue..."

Hei Jue stared towards the other side.

Their plans...


When all parties begin to act...

Ri Xiangxiao also raced against time to start her continuous journey to become stronger.

Zeratul appears the day after the Five Shadows call.

Ri Xiangxiao returned to the Kingdom of Thunder.

The Kingdom of Thunder is exceptionally peaceful today.

Except for some little guys from the border defense, there was no one else.

The invisible Ri Xiangxiao directly bypassed these minions and headed towards the center of the Kingdom of Thunder.


Ri Xiangxiao entered Yunyin Village.

In other words, the outskirts of Yunyin Village.

"Is it a barrier..."

Ri Xiangxiao raised his head and looked at the huge barrier that enveloped the entire Yunyin Village, feeling incredible.


This layer of barrier is 18 layers thick.

That is to say.

Yunyin Village used their most suitable barrier.

These barriers not only have strong defensive power, but can also regenerate themselves.

"It's exactly the same as the barrier on Turtle Island..."

When Hinata Xiao was on Turtle Island, she also saw the same barrier.

In this case......

"Let's go to Turtle Island, which has weaker troops first..."

After saying that, Ri Xiangxiao disappeared.


Cloud Hidden Village, Raikage Building.

The fourth generation Raikage Ai is handling official duties today.

In order to avoid greater losses.

Ai even temporarily stopped accepting all missions in order to welcome the attack of those nasty guys.

after all.

The opponent's previous distributed attacks gave him quite a headache.

"How is the situation over there with the Yumu people?"

Ai asked.

In addition to the base camp of Yunyin Village, Turtle Island also belongs to the influence of Yunyin Village. Yukito, who successfully cultivated into a perfect Jinchuuriki, took on the responsibility of the guardian of Turtle Island.

"There is no danger at the moment..."

As soon as Mabuyi finished speaking, she received a new piece of information.

She unfolded the information and her eyes suddenly opened.

"Lord Raikage, it's bad! Turtle Island was attacked by Illidan Stormrage!"


Ai immediately stood up with an angry look on his face.

1209. Illidan attacks Turtle Island

same moment.

Turtle Island, in the waters of the Land of Thunder.

Violent vibrations resounded throughout the barrier surrounding Turtle Island.

The huge crash was like thunder on the sea.

Illidan Stormrage stared at the barrier in front of him and couldn't help but nodded.

"Awesome...there's something about this spell barrier..."

The entire Turtle Island is surrounded by 18 layers of barriers.

Specialized team members guard this place.

Any human beings who do not have permission and those who are hostile will be fully defended by this barrier.

That is to say...

To enter it, one must possess the divine power of space transfer like Uchiha Obito.

Otherwise, we can only force a breakthrough.

When Illidan's moon blade slashed at the barrier, the power of the entire barrier instantly increased.

The chakra from the personnel operating the barrier team is transported here.

at the same time.

Illidan's attack on the barrier was also discovered by the barrier team and Yumu Ren.

Ignoring the exclamations and curses coming from Turtle Island.

He didn't care about the consequences of doing so.

Illidan flew into the sky and then...quickly fell again.

"Strengthen defense!!"

The monitor of the barrier class shouted loudly.

boom! !

Illidan fell like a meteor and hit the barrier again.

This time, the barrier clicked and shattered several layers.

But soon.

The barrier begins to regenerate.


Illidan groaned, thought for a moment, put away the war blade, and placed the devil's claws on it.

"Illidan Stormrage! We know your information and have passed the news to Lord Raikage. Lord Raikage will be here soon! You are dead!"

The people in the barrier class shouted loudly.

They wanted to scare off this powerful enemy.


Illidan, who broke into Turtle Island alone, didn't care about their threats.

"Mana Burning!!"


Yumu Ren's pupils shrank and he looked at the changes in the sky.

The sky barrier covering the entire Turtle Island immediately showed signs of distortion.

The crackling sound continued.

Under the influence of demon hunter Illidan's mana burning.

The barrier quickly collapsed.

It's like being infected with a virus.

boom! Click!

The barrier is completely broken...


Illidan's magnetic chuckle reached everyone's ears.

The entire barrier class looked dumbfounded at the completely broken barrier in the sky, and said with dull expressions: "The barrier... was actually broken?"

"How can this be!"

Their faces were full of disbelief.

The barrier on Turtle Island is composed of 18 layers of renewable barriers.

Now, it was crushed by one person!

"Spells are...meaningless in front of a demon hunter."

Illidan flapped his wings and flew over.

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