Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1488

Yumu Ren's pain could no longer be endured.

The cry in his throat was mixed with pain and unwillingness, echoing in the dim hall.

In Yumu's weakest moment.

Ri Xiangxiao did one more thing.

The flames ignited by the five fingers exuded a faint blue light in the night.

"Caged bird!"


The curse mark was deeply imprinted on Yumu Ren's lower abdomen.

Under the dual pain stimulation of water escape ninjutsu and the seal of the caged bird.

Yumuren suddenly lost consciousness.

Looking at Yukito who closed his eyes and fell into a coma.

Look at the pattern of the caged bird appearing on her lower abdomen.

Ri Xiangxiao nodded with satisfaction and sped up the sparring speed again.

At the same time, Ri Xiangxiao did not forget to cast another curse seal.

He slapped Yumu Ren's face.

Let those fiery red delicate lips open.

With the infusion of the curse seal.

After a while...

The seal of tongue's bane appeared on Yumu's tongue.

After finishing these two things, Ri Xiangxiao continued to practice hard.

The violent attacks seem to have no end...

And Yumu people can only passively bear it consciously and unconsciously...


This sparring lasted for two days and two nights.

Yumu Ren didn't know how many times he woke up and fell into coma.

every time.

They are all awakened by extreme pain.

He fell into coma due to the extreme pain.

no way.

Ninja battles are so brutal.

After another water escape ninjutsu was performed.

Yukito, who was watered by the water, woke up again.


She opened her eyes and looked forward drowsily.

Those white eyes immediately caught her pupils.

"Who...are you...person...?"

After two days of sparring, Yumu Ren was so weak that he could not even speak coherently.

"Let's supplement our nutrition first."

Ri Xiangxiao did not answer.

But without saying a word.

He directly pressed Yumu Ren's head and pressed it down violently.

After letting Yumu Ren drink all his own blood.

Ri Xiangxiao's blood, which can revive the dead and give birth to bones, is more effective than any supplements and medicines.

Although Yumu was not used to it, he immediately regained some strength.

She retched for a moment, raised her head, and stared at Ri Xiangxiao hatefully.


If looks could kill, Ri Xiangxiao must have died countless times.

Facing that murderous gaze, Ri Xiangxiao nodded and praised instead.

"You have a strong willpower and won't give in. That means... you still want to continue sparring with me."

The light words made Yumu Ren's body tremble directly.

She stared at Ri Xiangxiao with disbelief on her face: "You devil!"

What came out of Mu Ren's rebuke was nothing else.

But it was Ri Xiangxiao who took action again.


The attack without warning suddenly hit Yumu Ren.

Yumu Ren's body arched for an instant, and an uncontrollable scream of pain came from her throat.

Melodious and graceful, like a nightingale.


The sound of the waterfall outside was still heard.

The power of nature continues to impact the valley.

Wait until the sound gradually subsides.

Yukito also realized what just happened.

This time, she closed her mouth and stared at Ri Xiangxiao with hateful eyes, without daring to say any more harsh words.

"It doesn't matter who I am, you just need to know that in this world... I am the strongest."

Hinata Xiao is not talking nonsense.

this world.

The combat power seems to be a bit low.

Compared to the main world, it is incomparable.

In this world, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Hatake Sakumo and the Sandaime Raikage...etc.

They are all deceased.

The top combat power is congenitally reduced by a large amount.

With the addition of Tsunade and others, the reversal of character becomes even weaker.


This world can be said to be harmless to humans and animals, and can be regarded as a backyard garden.

Even if Ri Xiangxiao does not have the strength of the Sixth Path level.

You can do whatever you want in this world.

The blackened Uzumaki Menma is probably the ceiling of combat power in this world.

And Hinata Xiao defeated Menma Uzumaki.

Directly establishing the identity of the strongest.

As long as Ri Xiangxiao thinks about it, the world can be changed into whatever he wants.


Ri Xiangxiao will not interfere too much in this world.

After all, it is enough as a vacation place.


Yumu Ren didn't speak, but the anger and doubt in her eyes proved that she didn't believe that Ri Xiangxiao was the strongest at all.

"Lord Raikage will definitely take care of you!"


Ri Xiangxiao thought for a moment.

The limited Tsukuyomi world is a reverse world.

Completely opposite in character and other aspects.

For example, the Yumu person in front of him has an impatient personality.

It is different from the main world.

That is to say...

"The Fourth Raikage Ai in this world should be a rational and powerful being, even stronger than Kirabi?"

Thinking of this, Hinata Xiao felt a little interesting.

The original one-punch Tsunade, limited Tsukuyomi became a weak woman.

Ai, who could only be incompetent and furious, became capable and rational.


Onoki, who is cunning and cunning in the main world, is kind and sincere in the Tsukuyomi world?


What about Terumi Mei?


Did it go from being charming to being unattractive?

No...appearances don't necessarily change.

It might just be the personality that changes.


Terumi Mei in the main world delayed her wedding due to various things.

Terumi Mei in this world is probably already a wife?

But these things are not what Ri Xiangxiao needs to consider at the moment.

What Ri Xiangxiao wants to do right now is...

"Keep sparring with me."

Before Yumu Ren could refute, Ri Xiangxiao blocked her mouth.

boom! boom! boom!

In the dim hall, the sound of sparring resounded again.

It's still a little short of... being able to completely eliminate the side effects that swallowed up both personalities...

1217. Go to the world of Kamui Sakura

When the sun rises on the third day.

Hinata Xiao retreated.

After adjusting his collar, he ended the fierce battle and completely absorbed the side effects of his split personality.

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