Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1497

A scoff.

Behind Ri Xiangxiao, Illidan's demon wings spread out.

The whole person flew directly into the sky.

After gaining the ability to fly, Ri Xiangxiao became even more powerful.

Air combat capabilities have been acquired.

This is one of the conveniences brought by swallowing the split personality.

"Wait for me~!"

Quickly passed over the scene from low altitude.

Bai Juezi's shout quickly disappeared behind him...

But soon.

Ri Xiangxiao picked up Bai Juezi again.

Let it help you explore.

Although Bai Jue does not have the ability to see through.

But when you calm down and watch intently...

The field of vision can penetrate several kilometers, even dozens of kilometers.

This is equivalent to a high-power telescope.


Hinata Xiao carried Bai Jue and the two flew across the earth together.

At Ri Xiangxiao's speed, when flying, the fastest it can reach is the speed of sound.

Although this speed is not as good as running.

But the advantage is that you can observe all directions and ignore the terrain.

Take Loulan as the starting point.

Hinata Xiao first went to the Land of Fire.

The Fire Country in this world, as Sakura Kamui and Sarana said, all turned into yellow sand.


Except for the traces of the doomsday, there are no other living things in his eyes.

Not even an ant can be seen.

When we arrived in Konoha, there was also a piece of yellow sand.

There is no village named Konoha.

The Hokage Rock and other things also disappeared together.


Hinata Xiao left Konoha and crossed the sea.

Oh, and the sea is gone too.

There is only a very deep and empty sea of ​​sand, which indicates the traces of previous life and water sources.

The ruins of the Country of Whirlpool...the Country of Waves...

The Kingdom of Water...the Kingdom of Thunder...

The Kingdom of Earth...the Kingdom of Wind...

at last.

It took a day and a night for Rixiangxiao to make a complete circle.

Finally, he completely walked through the entire ninja world.

The conclusion is......

I am afraid that there is no life left in the five major countries.

Not to mention life, even the soil and water sources that breed life have disappeared.

What exactly is it.

Let the life ecology of a planet disappear so completely.

Hinata Xiao doesn't understand.

"are you back?"

Kamui Sakura is cooking.

When Ri Xiangxiao returned to the base, Kamui Sakura entertained Ri Xiangxiao with hot food.

Seemed like old friends, not enemies.

"Why is the outside world like that?"

Hinata asked.

He didn't believe it.

Even if the world is destroyed, it cannot be so complete.

No matter how powerful the technique is, it can't do this kind of thing.

"Did you find it?"

Kamui Sakura crossed her legs and leaned on the chair.

The long white legs dangle so much that it hurts the eyes.

The food she served Ri Xiangxiao was a pile of slimy nutrient solution-like extracts.


Hinata Xiao glared.

The left hand is escaping, and the space-time hole is released.

A piping hot bowl of luxurious Ichiraku Ramen appeared on the table.

The alluring fragrance quickly floated across the space and reached Kamui Sakura's nose.


The corner of Kamui Sakura's mouth twitched.

"The cunning worthy of being a white devil..."


Hinata Xiao stopped Kamui Sakura from reaching out.

Mingyu·Space-time hole can absorb matter.

Naturally, this also includes Ichiraku Ramen.

Inhale the prepared Ichiraku Ramen into the Escape.

It can be guaranteed forever.

What it looks like when it's done is what it will look like when it's released.

That is to say...

This is a bowl of freshly baked Ichiraku Ramen.

Since Kamui Sakura has been in this ghost place for so many years.

Then it must be extremely lacking in material terms.

As long as she is still a human being, she will have pursuits, such as the enjoyment of delicious food...


Kamui Sakura slowly stretched out her hand.

The smell of Ichiraku Ramen reminded her of many memories.

"To put it did destroy the world, but you didn't destroy it..."

Still Riddler behavior.

But Ri Xiangxiao knew.

Even if all humans die.

Mother Earth still spins.

And can continue to give birth to new life.

The ecological system will only be destroyed by human war.

But there will be no real destruction.

As the old poem goes.

Wild fire, in spring.

"Are you sure you want to know the truth? The truth may be very cruel."

Kamui Sakura stared at Hinata Xiao, never so seriously.


Ri Xiangxiao let go of her covering hand.

Kamui Sakura directly brought the Ichiraku Ramen over and took a sip of the soup happily.


She let out a contented sigh.

Just this sigh, combined with that beautiful face, can make most men unable to control themselves.


But Ri Xiangxiao remained as still as a mountain, his eyes burning.

After taking a bite of Ichiraku Ramen, Kamui Sakura shed tears of emotion.

"I haven't had Ichiraku Ramen in years... I miss it so much..."

Ichiraku ramen is inherently delicious.

I haven’t had a bite in years, so you can imagine the suffering.

"You did destroy humanity and even the three holy places."

Kamui Sakura said.

"But you did not destroy the "breeding of life" on this planet. "


Ri Xiangxiao said nothing.

Of course he knows.

"The thing that made this planet so me, or rather us."

Kamui Sakura said something shocking from her calm words.

1225. The truth of the world, copy the earth


Hinata asked.

Isn't Kamui Sakura the last human?

Or did someone plan something with her before she died?

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