Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Chapter 1503: Hokage That Started With Blind Eyes

What I got was a scene in which the female ninja weapons were amazed.



Tsunade was blown away.

This time, she was much embarrassed.

He staggered back a few steps before standing still.

And the trembling right foot showed that she was at a disadvantage.

"What a little girl..."

Tsunade narrowed his eyes.

As an old senior, it's not okay to be so embarrassing.

"Yin seal, undo it!"

Tsunade cast the spell on the spot, untiing the yin seal on his forehead.

With the mark lighting up, the seal is released!

so far.

The chakra that Tsunade usually accumulated on his forehead began to circulate in his body.

The amount of chakra soared!

If you want to describe it...

Tsunade at this time, compared to the past.

The size of the slug that can be summoned.

From a few thousandths, it suddenly jumped to a few tenths!

It can be said that the chakra has increased a thousand times!

With such a terrifying effect, the result obtained is the ability to smash half of Susan with one punch!

"I will gather as much power as possible..."

Tsunade said.

"No need, Hokage-sama."

Kamui Sakura was smiling.

"Because... this technique, I can also..."

With a long sigh.

Kamui Sakura...also unlocked the yin seal on her forehead!

And... the degree of completion is higher than Tsunade!

The complexity of the liberation technique is even higher!

"This...could it be..."

Tsunade opened his eyes suddenly.

"That's is the final version of the complete combination of the unfinished yin seal and the creation and regeneration of Naruto-sama..."

Its name is...

"The technique of Baihao!"

Kamui Sakura was in high spirits, and she punched across the spot.

In Tsunade's full resistance.

Kamui Sakura power up, speed up, chakra up...

All the surged data showed that her attainment and strength were higher than Tsunade's.

The so-called blue comes from blue and is better than blue.

A disciple... has already surpassed the master.


Tsunade fell down, eyes still full of disbelief.

And Kamui Sakura, who maintained her punching movement, immediately put away the Baihaozhijutsu on her forehead.


"Who... are you?"

Tsunade asked incredulously.

"Those who carry out the past, present, and future."

Kamui Sakura's smile, under the moonlight, is like the most mysterious traveler.

1230.X Ninja: Reverse the Future!

At the same moment, the Witch Hall...

"Kamui Sakura defeated Tsunade...hehehe..."

Bai Juezi emerged from the floor and said to Hinata Xiao.

boom! boom! boom!

At this moment, Hyuga Xiao was fighting three snake demons and a tree demon in the hall.

a few days ago.

Hyuga Sho released the split personality Arthas and attacked Wuyin Village.

Some casualties were caused to Wuyin Village.

Yagura didn't hold back this time.

As early as a few years ago, he successfully passed the real waterfall and became a real perfect Jinzhu Riki.

As a result, the full capabilities of the three tails can be brought into play.

Alsace was defeated after a great battle.

But he was also defeated by Alsace.

Afterwards, Hyuga Sho devoured Alsace and rushed all the way back to Konoha.


Hinata Yodo is in the main hall behind the witch.

In order to eliminate the side effects of personality, he fought several snake monsters, and by the way, he also fought with the tree demon Zhuanju Xiaochun.

"Kill you... must kill you..."

Turning to bed, Xiaochun's voice was like weeping, full of hatred.

But her strength is not as good as Hinata Xiao, so she was defeated by Hinata Xiao.

boom! boom! boom!

Hinata Shari shot fiercely, without mercy.

Turning to sleep Koharu...or the aggregate of cells between Senshoubashira.

There is still a difference between Baijue and Baijue.

Although Baijue is cultivated by cells between the columns of thousands of hands.

But essentially, a different creature.

And after molding, the whole body is covered with white cells, plus a small amount of Qianshouzhujian cells.

However, Zhuanxing Xiaochun's body does not contain white cells, it is pure essence.

The three snake demons have been temporarily subdued.

So Hinata Xiaochun is now fighting against Zhuanzhu Xiaochun.

Only those with kage-level strength can withstand Hinata Xiao's physical skills.

"Is it."

Hinata Xiao murmured when he heard the news about Bai Juezi.

boom! boom! boom!

He didn't pay any attention to Xiaochun's cry.

"Next, Kamui Sakura will order others..."

Bai Jue said.

The others, of course, refer to the second class.

Defeating the second is basically equivalent to subduing the Ninja Weapon Legion.

The last opponent should be Izumi Uchiha.


Water escape!

Hinata Xiao used Water Escape, and directly sent Zhuanzhu Xiaochun flying.

After turning to sleep, Xiaochun screamed unwillingly, and fell to the ground hard because of the terrible water escape ninjutsu.

"Are you going to watch it?"

Bai Jue asked.


Hinata Shakes his head.

"I'm going to Yanyin Village... It's time to release the next personality."

Hinata Xiao, who has eliminated the side effects of Alsace's personality, is ready to go to Yanyin Village.

Wait until Diablo is unleashed at Hidden Rock...and then Kerrigan if things go well.

if not.

Just release Kerrigan in Konoha.

As a test of Konoha's ability...

At the same time, it is also an important part of testing Kamui Sakura's ability.


Hinata Xiao didn't even look at the unconsciously twitching Xiaoharu, and left the scene directly...


Konoha Houshan.

Kamui Sakura earned Tsunade's respect.

Also began to unify Hinata Xiao's ninja weapons.

"From now on, when the white devil is not must obey me, presumably the white devil has told you..."

Kamui Sakura looked around the scene.

His eyes flicked across the faces of Nohara Rin, Er, Hyuga Yin and others.

"Hmph! Although you defeated Hokage-sama...but you really thought you were invincible..."

Two steps forward.

Among the many ninja weapons, he is a powerful shadow-level player.

Plus immortality.

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