Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1509

Now, seeing Yuno's appearance, Kurotsuchi suddenly felt bad in his heart.

"you're awake?"

Someone is unconscious.

But Kurotsuchi is awake.

A sudden sound made Kurotsuchi tremble.

"Wu, wu~!"

Kurotsuchi looked around, only to find that there was no one there.

Just like when she was taken away.

Without being able to see the other person's face, he was taken away by the other party.

It's Zeratul!

It must have been Zeratul!

When Kurotsuchi thinks this...

A piece of furniture suddenly trembled.

It was as if there was an invisible force overwhelming it.

"It will be your turn later, don't worry..."

said the voice.

boom! boom! boom!

The terrifying sparring scene made Kurotsuchi suddenly open his eyes.

1235. Hinata Xiao vs Kurotsuchi

The battle between ninjas is extremely cruel and terrifying.


Even though Kurotsuchi is already a chuunin, he is 16 years old.

He has carried out countless dangerous missions.

I still have never seen such a horrific scene.

It was a frightening scene that she could never imagine and had never seen before.

boom! boom! boom!

The battle between the unknown enemy and Yuno was so fierce.

It seemed like the whole room was shaking.

Kurotsuchi's eyes widened and his body trembled because of this horrific scene.

Such a terrible battle.

Theoretically, I shouldn't watch it.


As a ninja, it is your job to collect information about the opponent.


Kurotsuchi could only force himself not to relax at all, and tried to find ways to analyze the enemy's abilities.


Even if there are some things on his mind.

In reality, it reflects something else.



Kurotsuchi was so frightened that he shed tears.

And the tears flowed more and more.

no way.

This is a normal physiological reaction.

Kurotsuchi stared at the battle with tears streaming down his face.

She wanted to roar, but because her mouth was blocked, she could only purr.

And when the unknown enemy used water escape, Yuno's body arched up suddenly.

Black Earth also seemed to have been hit hard.

The girl's body trembled violently, and her eyes suddenly turned to the ceiling above her head.

A large amount of water flowed along the floor.


When the final water escape is completed...

The actions of the other party and Yuno were in a stalemate for a moment.


Finally, Yuno fell back to where she was.

Soon, a rustling sound came.

As the loser, Yuno was pushed aside by an invisible force.

next moment.

Kurotsuchi only felt the invisible force pulling him over.

Then, the hot breath said in her ear: "Be prepared! I will beat you to death!"


Hearing this, Kurotsuchi burst into tears and his body trembled violently.

next moment.

The terrible battle swept over her.

An enemy that is simply invisible.

Target that cannot be captured.

It made Kurotsuchi lose his direction.

This is an enemy more terrifying than ever before.

When Kurotsuchi thinks this...

A pain that he had never felt before, coupled with extreme fear, suddenly hit his heart.

In uncontrollable screams.

Kurotsuchi fainted from fright on the spot.

But even so.

Rixiang Xiao also used his physical skills resolutely and violently attacked Kurotsuchi.

boom! boom! boom!

Various physical techniques are performed in turn.

If you are a ninja, you must be a ninja.

If you pick up a weapon to kill, you also have the possibility of being killed.

Ri Xiangxiao stared at Kurotsuchi with a cold face and accelerated the speed of performing physical skills.


I don’t know how much time has passed.

The battle continues.

Hinata Xiao said that he would beat Kurotsuchi until he was on the verge of death, so it must be on the verge of death.

When Kurotsuchi opened his eyes suddenly, his face seemed full of disbelief.

she fought back.

But his strength is not as good as Ri Xiangxiao.

Plus the enemy is invisible.

So fighting back is a drop in the bucket.

Ri Xiangxiao had long since untied the shackles of Kurotsuchi.

Therefore, Kurotsuchi can perform taijutsu and even form seals to perform ninjutsu.

"Earth Escape!"

See the black soil seal.

Preparing to counterattack with ninjutsu... counterattack?


She wants to escape!


Hinata Xiao snorted coldly.

What a despicable act it is to run away from a fight.

Kurotsuchi's disrespect for his opponent angered Hinata Xiao.


Ri Xiangxiao struck out suddenly, this time.

It is the Sixty-four Palms of the Hyuga Clan.

A few tenths of a second.

Kurotsuchi didn't have time to complete the seal.

Baguazhang has arrived.

From two palms, all the way to sixty-four palms.

It only takes a few tenths of a second before and after.

When Kurotsuchi, who was forming the seal, reacted, unimaginable pain caught up with her pain nerves.


Kurotsuchi's eyes suddenly rolled up, and his body was even more rigidly arched.

A lot of tears flowed out.

Another pain she had never experienced before caused her to pass out for the second time.


When Kurotsuchi woke up again.

She changed tactics.

"Melting Escape!"

He formed a seal with black soil and wanted to use the technique of lime condensation.

Although the enemy is invisible, as long as you use the lime condensation technique, you can make the opponent's outline appear.

Kurotsuchi's countermeasure was correct.

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