Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1514


The Han of today and the Han of the past are not the same.

A few years ago, after training at the True Waterfall, Han had surpassed Lao Zi and became the perfect jinchūriki.

He has made full use of his tailed beast's abilities and has few rivals in the ninja world.

If it weren't for Onoki's Dust Release, he could break down everything.

In fact...

Han has surpassed Ohnoki.

But this is the man who has made countless contributions to Iwagakure.

Being kicked around like a ball by Kerrigan.

All this is because Han also has weaknesses.

His weakness is the lack of perception type, making it difficult to detect the invisible Kerrigan.

"Sensory Ninja!"

Onoki yelled as he floated back into the air.

Because he swallowed the tailed beast capsule and was wrapped in the tailed beast suit, he was not harmed.

far away......

Tens of thousands of Iwa ninja outside the center of the explosion in Iwagakure Village heard Onoki's cry.

Although because of the attack of Diavolo and Kerrigan.

In total, Iwagakure lost thousands of ninjas.

However, the policy of exploding troops over the years has allowed them to still have sufficient troops.

Yellow Earth, Akato and others heard Ohnoki's cry and immediately summoned the Sensing Ninja.

I saw the Sensing Ninja sitting cross-legged.

With the help of auxiliary instruments, thoughts began to be transmitted into the minds of Ohnoki and Han.

"Lord Tsuchikage, Lord Han, she's at 2 o'clock!"

Following the command of the sensing ninjas.

Ohnoki and Han began to regain their disadvantage.

Seeing the invisibility being detected by the sentient ninja.

Kerrigan materialized directly from the air.


He heard her snort coldly, and her whole body was as fast as lightning.

What's even more exaggerated is that Kerrigan moved silently, completely ignoring the obstruction of the air.

"It's Swift Escape!"

Such a weird way of movement can only be achieved by Blood Succession's limited speed escape.


Ohnoki was knocked away again.

Because Kerrigan's speed is too fast.

She flickered between the Tsuchikage and Han's combined efforts with ease.

And Han also clearly felt that a complete tailed beast transformation was not suitable for this kind of combat.


Then he switched from a complete tailed beast to a half-tailed beast.

Han, wrapped in a scarlet coat, had five tails swaying.

On Ohnoki's side, nine tails were shaking.

"Rock fist!"

Onoki condensed rocks in his arms, combined with the tailed beast's chakra, and hit Kerrigan hard.

"Boiling Escape! Unparalleled strange power!"

With the blessing of the tailed beast's chakra, Han also performed his proud Boiling Escape.

The two forces cooperated and hit Kerrigan hard.


Kerrigan felt pain for the first time.

This inspired Kerrigan's ferocity.

next moment.

The violent psionic energy swept out and turned into a psionic energy storm.

It is the AOE large-scale version of radiation fluctuation.

The indiscriminate radiation attack created a lightning storm.

And this storm has become a restricted area of ​​life.

Any rock ninja who wants to get close will be wiped out in an instant.

Not even the bodies were left.

See this scene.

They backed away in horror.

Expand the circle of encirclement again.

"This is not a level we can interfere with...!"

Loess shouted loudly.

In fact.

If it weren't for Onoki eating the tailed beast capsule, he would have the protection of the tailed beast suit.

That psionic storm just now could send him directly to meet the Earth Shadows of the past.

"What a terrifying power..."

Ohnoki was swaying in the storm, and finally settled down.

He looked at the frantic Kerrigan with fear on his face.

The entire Yanyin Village is under normal conditions.

Except for Han, no one can withstand this storm of psionic energy.

This can't help but make Onoki feel happy.

The correctness of his transaction with Danzo Shimura.

Although it cost a huge amount of money.

But at least he saved his life.

"I'm afraid except for the Sandaime Raikage... all the other Kages will be turned into ashes on the spot..."

Ohnoki quickly rose into the air.

Staring at Kerrigan who had transformed into a psionic torch.

Be it Sarutobi Hiruzen, Tsunade, Terumi Mei.

Without the special protection of the Tailed Beast Clothes, it would be torn apart in the end.

"it's over......"

Kerrigan, whose eyes were glowing purple, said in that charming yet cold voice.

next moment.

A ball of psionic energy gathered above her head.

Kerrigan stretched her hands and raised them above her head, staring at everyone.

Prepare to wipe out the entire Iwagakure Village with one blow.

This psionic energy ball with a diameter of more than 10 meters is the most powerful attack Kerrigan can unleash.

The power is equivalent to a nuclear explosion.

That is to say.

The equivalent of a nuclear missile leveling the Hidden Rock Village.

When this nether energy ball is released.

The first is energy blast damage.

Then came the shock wave.

At the same time, it is accompanied by extremely strong radiation.

When this sphere destroyed Iwagakure Village with one blow.

The large amount of radiation energy left behind will affect the local ecology for years, even decades.

The radiation sickness, genetic diseases, etc. caused by it to humans are even more incalculable...

The Iwagakure Village of the Five Great Nations will become history.

Except Ohnoki and Han.

Everyone else will die.

There will be only Onoki, Han, and Kurotsuchi left in Iwagakure Village.

This is also the destruction that the strongest existence in the Blizzard personality created by Ri Xiangxiao can cause.


Complete despair enveloped everyone's hearts.

They could only watch Kerrigan's demon-like figure floating in the air.

The energy ball she was supporting with both hands was like a divine punishment from heaven, ready to fall at any time.

Face this situation.

Han was silent.

Perhaps the general of Iwagakure Village was thinking about how to make a final effort.


Don't talk about saving the village.

If he didn't escape immediately, he might be killed directly.

Onoki, who was unable to use Dust Escape to destroy the energy ball, looked even more sad and angry.

Iwagakure Village... must not be destroyed by one's own hands!

"It seems this is your limit..."

Kerrigan admired this scene and raised the corners of her mouth.

Human despair is her best pleasure.

"Destroy... pathetic humans."

As soon as Kerrigan finished speaking, the energy ball above her head was thrown down...

With unstoppable momentum.

Flying towards the land of Iwagakure Village.

And in this despair.

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