Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1518

Although Kakashi is famous for copying ninjas.

But Akai is more cruel.

When the six doors were opened, the fist had already exceeded the speed of sound.

At this speed, let alone the Three Magatama Sharingan, even the Mangekyo Sharingan's insight is questionable.

Akai has surpassed Kakashi since then.

With the acquisition of the seventh gate.

Kakashi doesn't even deserve Akai's shoes anymore.

Because Qimen Akai can even briefly challenge the Sixth Path level.

Such a huge difference.

Akai is still "harassing" Kakashi as he did in the past.

At this time, it was pure friendship.

And now...

"There's no need for the eight gates, just stop there."

Ri Xiangxiao said to Akai.


They both took stances at the same time.

This will be the strongest showdown between taijutsu ninjas.

A showdown to the point.

As for why Akai is not allowed to open the eighth door, it is because it is not necessary.

Akai will die if he opens the eight gates.

He saw Ri Xiangxiao's whole body wrapped in a black halo.

So far...

The Soul Life Chakra mode has some new changes.

It seems... something is different.

There are some more special properties.

Ri Xiangxiao felt this change.

Then, he met Akai's iron fist again.


Released at 0 distance, with a huge explosion.

The black halo on Hinata Xiao's body didn't even flicker.

The attacking jade beast did not cause any harm to Ri Xiangxiao.

Instead, the violent wind of the explosion blew everyone away except Ohnoki and Han.

"It's your turn, Hinata Xiao."

Seeing that his attack was ineffective, Akai put on a defensive posture.

After saying that, he grinned, showing a smile with shining teeth.


I saw Ri Xiangxiao slap a palm towards Akai from afar.

That kind of move is something that Akai is very familiar with.

Hyuga clan.

In other words...his student Neji uses the Bagua Kongzhang.

And this palm shot.

The defense on Akai's body suddenly dented, and he felt as if he had been hit by a big mountain.

Fortunately, the torrent formed by chakra withstood this damage.

So far.

The results are already showing.

"Want to go back to the village?"

"I still have things to deal with."

Hinata Xiao shook his head.

"Take the first step."

Ri Xiangxiao said, turned and left.

"I will become stronger in the future, and then... try to stop me again..."

I leave this message to everyone.

Ri Xiangxiao's figure flashed and disappeared.

Ri Xiangxiao's words echoed in everyone's hearts, and their faces were full of confusion and fear.

This indicates that various more powerful characters will continue to appear in the ninja world...

1243. The ninja world is in turmoil, and the limited monthly reading is coming again

That night.

News of the battle at Iwagakure spread throughout the ninja world like a typhoon.

The news of the deaths of thousands of Iwa ninjas was suppressed by Ohnoki.

Because this has such a huge impact.

But even so.

Hinata Xiao, who was thought dead, reappeared and destroyed most of Iwagakure Village.

Even being reborn from Kerrigan's body confirmed the Akatsuki organization's speculation.

——The characters of Dongli, Xuanhuan, and Blizzard are all inextricably related to Ri Xiangxiao.

Suddenly, Ri Xiangxiao's name also became known as the White Devil.

It once again became everyone’s nightmare.


At night, the red moon shines high.

Hinata threw the glass ball into the air.

Then, a limited monthly reading was launched.

He and Bai Juezi were sent directly into another world... also the back garden world.

Swallowed the two masters Zeratul and Kerrigan.

Ri Xiangxiao's Taoism degree reached 86.5%.

There is still 3.5% left to advance to the sixth level.

Before continuing to become stronger, solving the side effects of personality is Ri Xiangxiao's first priority.

Enter the limited monthly reading world.

Ri Xiangxiao locked the target.

The first target is naturally Hinata Hinata.

Following the mark of the caged bird's seal, Hinata Xiao immediately sensed her presence.

at this time.

The red moon hung high above Konoha.

It indicates the synchronization between this world and the main world.

Ri Xiangxiao's figure flashed and disappeared.


On the streets of Konoha.

Hinata was returning from Konoha Hospital.

She had just gone to visit Uzumaki Menma.

And what makes her angry is.

That guy Haruno Sakura is there too!

That idiot girl is pestering Menma... Damn it!

An angry Hinata walked on the way home.

Surrounding her were several ninjas from the Hyuga clan.

Since the last attack on Hinata Hinata happened.

Hinata Hizu sent extra manpower to protect his daughter.

These branch ninjas are all elite, and each of them is a jounin in strength.

From here we can see how much Hinata and Hinata dotes on his daughter.


Completely different from the indifferent Hinata Hinashi in the main world.

Hinata Hinatsu, who is limited to the Tsukuyomi world, loves his daughter as much as his son.

I don’t dislike Hinata at all.


Hinata, who is limited to the Tsukuyomi world, has a combat power higher than Hyuga Neji.

Compared with the main world, it can be called a reverse mirror image.

As the first genius of the Hyuga clan.

Hinata Hinata will definitely carry forward Rouquan in the future.

boom! boom!

In the black night.

There were several muffled sounds around.

Then there was the sound of a human body falling.


Hinata was immediately alert.

"Roll your eyes!"

Hinata opened her eyes and looked around.

The extremely pure white eyes immediately discerned the scene in the dark night.

It doesn't matter if you look at it.

When he saw the members of the branch family who were responsible for protecting him all falling to the ground...

A chill surged from the soles of his feet and went straight to the top of his head.

At this moment.

Hinata Hinata is deep in the outskirts of Konoha.

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