Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1521

Nothing in the Tsukuyomi world can be taken back.


Money in this world is meaningless, not much better than waste paper.

As Hinata's opponent, she is obviously too weak.

Ri Xiangxiao is a kind person and does not want to see others die.

He said that at most he could beat Hinata half to death, and then he would be replaced with another sparring partner.


"Money, I need money!"

Tiantian's eyes were immediately confused by money.

Bai Juezi had a wad of money dangling in his hand.

This money is enough for one month's living expenses every day.

"Then you come with me. I have a good place to make money, much more than this money."

Bai Jue said bewilderedly.

The innocent tone confused Tiantian who fell in Qian'er's eyes.


Tiantian happily ran away with Bai Jue...

The direction to go was naturally towards Tanchu Street where Ri Xiangxiao was.

Probably, we can arrive there early tomorrow morning...


Tiantian was not the only one invited.

A few hours later...

Night, nine o'clock.

Ino's flower shop is closing.

Ino, who helps her mother run the flower shop and has a soft-girl temperament, is about to close the flower shop.


A voice appeared unexpectedly, startling Ino.


Ino jumped to the side.

Not timid.

But it's too simple.


Ino turned around and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Hinata clearly.

But here comes the problem...

"Hinata, it's so late, what can you do?"

Different from the main world, Ino is very good at dressing up and passionate.

Ino, who is limited to the Tsukuyomi world, is more conservative.

The pants are long pants, never shorts.

The coat is exposed at most to the elbows.

No lipstick, no exaggerated hairstyle.

She is totally a good Otome at home.

But even so.

Her excellent appearance and temperament also make her shine. She is as beautiful a girl as Hinata at the same age.

"I'm not Hinata, Hinata was taken away, hehe..."

Bai Jue showed a cruel smile.

"If you want to save her, you are not allowed to tell others... You have to do it alone. Otherwise... you will see Hinata being ripped off and died tragically, all because of you. Oh."


boom! boom! boom!

Time is like water.

In the blink of an eye, time went from night to early morning.

At this time, everything was silent.

All the lights went out.

Even most of the stores on Tanchu Street are closed.


It won't take a few hours of silence before the street becomes noisy again.

after all.

This is one of the most famous places to play in the Land of Fire.

And in this quiet environment...

Ri Xiangxiao's battle continues.

boom! boom! boom!

Ri Xiangxiao's attacks were still swift and powerful.

But his opponent didn't have it so easy.

From the beginning, he was fierce, arrogant and unreasonable.

Tears fell like rain at the end.

Once the shell of the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan is gone, you will know who is really swimming naked.

After all, rights are just a layer of sugar.

After peeling it off, the essence is revealed.

Without power, you are nothing in this world.

Rixiangxiao kept changing her movements.

Use various physical techniques to attack your opponent.

Hinata Xiao is proficient in almost all taijutsu in the ninja world, and has endless ways to change it.

That was something Hinata Hinata had never seen or heard of.

Hinata Xiao used her powerful ninja strength to defeat Hinata Hinata.


Kill people and kill your heart.

In order to increase the fun of the battle, Hinata Xiao still has some things to tell Hinata Hinata.

for example......

Hinata Hinata's favorite person - Menma Uzumaki.

About his true identity.

"Hinata Hinata, do you know why Menma Uzumaki was injured?"

After being silent for most of the night, Ri Xiangxiao, who was working hard to fight, finally spoke.

boom! boom! boom!

"Did you do this?!"

Hinata, who was a little dazed at first, immediately woke up.


Hinata Xiao stared at Hinata's beautiful Otome face and said.

Then, Hinata's eyes turned into anger.

After Uzumaki Menma was defeated by Hinata Xiao.

Some dark energy disappeared from his body.

That might be the darkness in Uzumaki Menma's heart.

It may also be caused by some kind of magic.

But in short, Namikaze Minato and his wife saved Uzumaki Menma.


The next moment, Hinata Xiao, who struck hard, put her mouth to Hinata's ear.

"Uzumaki Menma... is the internationally wanted S-class criminal, the culprit who killed countless people, including the elderly, weak, women and children!"


Hinata's eyes widened in disbelief.

boom! boom! boom!

"You're lying! You're talking nonsense!"

Hinata's miserable screams echoed throughout.

Of course she couldn't believe that her sweetheart would be the vicious murderer who killed countless ninjas.

"Even Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, died at the hands of Menma Uzumaki."

boom! boom! boom!

Hinata Xiao said to Hinata while continuing to make moves.

"You said...if the ninjas in the ninja world know about this...especially the Konoha ninjas who love Jiraiya, will they take Aso Uzumaki's side? What about tearing him alive?"

Hinata's cold words made Hinata feel cold in her heart.


She struggled and screamed.

Hinata Xiao made a fierce move.

"Water escape......!"

Ri Xiangxiao used water escape.

A violent torrent rushed towards Hinata Hinata in an instant.

The terrifying Water Release Ninjutsu knocked her body up on the spot.

The sad scream lasted for more than ten seconds before slowly stopping.

at last......

There was a pop.

Hinata Hinata, who was hunched over, collapsed back.


Before losing consciousness, she saw Ri Xiangxiao attacking again.

boom! boom! boom!

Shaking vision...gradually sinking into darkness...

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