Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1523

"Cough cough cough! Cough cough cough!!!"

After finally swallowing the food, Tiantian started coughing.

After coughing for a while, he raised his head and looked at Ri Xiangxiao.


She looked at the thick amount of money in Ri Xiangxiao's hand and nodded eccentrically.

"That's right...that's right."

Hinata Xiao nodded.

"You have to earn money by yourself. Among a group of brightly dressed who are particularly poor seem to be out of tune with them...but this will change soon. .....”

Ri Xiangxiao pulled over Tiantian, and a rustling sound came.

"In the future, you will make money, make a lot of money..."

Ri Xiangxiao said, assuming an attack posture.

He reminded Tiantian that sparring was about to begin.


Tiantian swallowed.

I'm a little scared, but as long as I think about the huge reward for this mission, I also have the imagination of a better life in the future.

She gritted her teeth and settled down.

"In the future, you no longer have to be afraid. When your friends get together for dinner, you will find reasons to refuse... In fact, you have no money and can't afford the AA system for dinner... "


Ri Xiangxiao's attack arrives.

Got hit every day.

She covered her mouth, tears streaming from the corners of her eyes.

Ninjas can't cry.

Even if his eyes were gouged out and his arms were broken.

"Your future...will be bright..."

boom! boom! boom!

The battle between Ri Xiangxiao and Tiantian begins.

Both are ninjas.

Tenten is a taijutsu ninja.

She worked hard to cater to Ri Xiangxiao's attack movements, which were raw and immature.

"Don't be afraid, leave everything to me..."

As Ri Xiangxiao spoke, a violent storm of physical skills swept across Tiantian.

And every day is like a boat in a storm on the sea.

As the storm continued to ripple, it seemed like it would be overturned at any moment.


The vase tipped over.


The chair fell to the ground.

at last......

Ri Xiangxiao used water escape.

The fierce water flow caused Tiantian to fly high and hit the ceiling directly.

By the time she fell, she was almost unconscious.

Before she closed her eyes, what she saw was... Hinata Xiao's violent attack.

The target of the attack was herself.

1247. Kamui Sakura and Kaguya

When Hinata Xiao was sparring in the limited Tsukuyomi world and Tiantian...

The main world...or the copy world, ushered in a meeting.

"The world of Beiruhu, the main world, the copy world, the limited Tsukuyomi world..."

Kamui Sakura thought about this matter.

at present.

There are four known worlds.

Each world has unique characteristics.

The most mysterious limited Tsukuyomi world, Kamui Sakura has only heard the term from Hinata Xiao.

She has never really arrived in that world.

"Can't you find a white devil in the world..."

Listen to the report from your subordinates...that is, Hinata Xiao's ninja weapons and the roots to which Saoi belongs.

Kamui Sakura couldn't help but nodded.

"It seems that he is either hiding or going to the world limited to Tsukuyomi..."

Hinata Xiao went to the limited Tsukuyomi World and knew what she was doing without even thinking.

She must be training with other kunoichi to eliminate the side effects of split personality.

"As for Uchiha Obito...he went to the world of capture the nine tailed beasts in that world, with the intention of becoming the Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki..."

That is to say.

The world is currently facing two major crises.

1. One day, Uchiha Obito returned as the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, and then released the Infinite Tsukuyomi. The world is broken, BADEND.

Although Kamui Sakura asked her daughter Sarana to simulate infinite moon reading for Hinata Xiao.

But it is a simulation after all.

When the time comes, there is only half a chance of being able to withstand it.

2. Ri Xiangxiao continues to split her personality, and her powerful personality destroys the world.

1 and 2 are mutually exclusive.

Whether Obito Uchiha succeeds first or the White Devil succeeds first, it may lead to the destruction of the world.

"I have a headache..."

Kamui Sakura sighed.

And the biggest problem is not yet ahead.

The key is......

"The timeline of this world has deviated too much... Naruko and Sasuke are only 11 years old, it's too late..."

There is not much time left for this world.

Naruko and Sasuke are too young to grow up to the strength to save the world.

Kamui Sakura could only place her thoughts on Ri Xiangxiao for the time being.

Count on Hinata Xiao to kill the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki Uchiha Obito in order to delay time.


It's just delaying time.

Because after Hinata Xiao defeats Uchiha Obito, I am afraid that she will continue to become stronger.

When the time comes, he changes directly from the savior to the destroyer, completing yet another transformation of his identity.

"It still have to rely on me..."

Kamui Sakura felt great pressure and challenges.

But these years were not in vain.

She prepared a lot.

Among them...including the specificity of this world.

What Kamui Sakura didn't tell Hinata Xiao was...

There is a problem with her "imitation" ability.

It can also be said to be a flaw.

That is......

"There are no two identical leaves", or it is impossible to step into the same river twice.

There will always be differences in things that are copied.

That difference is the key to breaking the game.

Just like this world.

A guy named "Inuzuka Maple" appeared.

When he was a genin, he joined Hinata Xiao's team.

In the previous world, there was no such person as Inuzuka Maple Leaf.

Inuzuka Maple was not created by Kamui Sakura, nor was she a soul pulled over by Kamui Sakura.

It is an existence that is passively attracted by the projection of the ability of "imitation".

Kamui Sakura tries to reincarnate Inuzuka Maple Leaf in the dirt.

I learned a piece of news from him.

Inuzuka Maple is not from Earth, at least not from this planet.

He comes from another world and calls himself a time traveler.

They are also commonly known as "outsiders" and "foreigners".

It's not a big deal.

After all, Sakura Kamui has played time travel many times.

The key is......

Inuzuka Maple Leaf is one of the unique points that makes this copied world different from the previous world.

There may be many guys like Inuzuka Maple Leaf.

They are hidden throughout the ninja world.

Waiting for an opportunity to cause trouble.

In addition, there are various other unique points in this world.

for example......

That puppet of Princess Kaguya.

It has never appeared in the previous world.

Kamui Sakura is very interested in the power of the seven tailed beasts contained in Kaguya's body.

she guessed.

Ri Xiangxiao did this just for experimentation.

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