Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1529

He has a life that makes others envious.

One day, Menma Uzumaki had an idea in his heart that he deserved to be beaten.

"This is not the life I want at all~~~!"

1252. The departure of Nine Men, Uzumaki Menma, and Kaguya

——This is not the life I want at all~~~!

Such lines and ideas.

It often appears in the mouths of current people, rich second generation, powerful second generation, happy families, etc.

Because life was going so well.

It’s easy to have some secondary ideas.

for example......

"Scar literature", "I want to destroy this world!", "This world is dark!", "Reality is a river of sadness"... and other such thoughts.

no doubt.

Uzumaki Menma is also one of them.

When the idea of ​​secondary school came up.

Uzumaki Menma's good days were coming to an end.

His idea is to conquer the world and become the overlord of this world.

Ri Xiangxiao declined to comment.

Hinata Xiao just wanted to know why Uzumaki Menma was so dark.

Is it the influence of Ling Jiuwei's nagging behind him?

Or some special technique.

Even Uzumaki Menma was plotted against?

"At first I was just curious, and started to delve into various secret techniques and blood inheritance limits..."

Uzumaki Menma looked up at the ceiling.

"Later on, I became addicted to it unknowingly, and even my own personality changed..."

According to what Ino, Tenten and the others said.

Menma Uzumaki is a very gentle and sunny person like Mr. Minato Namikaze.

From here you can see how much his personality has changed.

"That technique...the technique I studied..."

Uzumaki Menma's jutsu.

There is a risk that even he himself will change.

Nine-faced Sahaha.

It’s called Nine Faces for short.

It was a top-notch art that relied on mental power to manipulate the mind and play with memories.

Not only can it be used on oneself, but also on other people, even objects, and beasts.

Menma Uzumaki learned this technique first.

Darken yourself and suppress unnecessary memories.


Use the Nine Faces to manipulate the Nine-Tails Chakra and divide it into nine puppets.

This is just the primary use of this technique.

If used on others.

It can even transform one person into someone else.

It sounds strange, but in fact it is a spiritual phenomenon.

Like the nine puppets used by Menma Uzumaki.

It is based on the nine sides and uses huge spiritual energy as a means.

Forcefully twist it and inject your own will into it.

It's a bit like hypnotizing the other person into the role you want.


On this way.

Menma Uzumaki hypnotized himself.

"It's a bit like other gods and my split personality."

Ri Xiangxiao thought.

Brainwashing by other gods can turn a person into someone else, just like hypnotizing Madara Uchiha.


Cutting off your own mental power can also turn you into an independent split personality.

Uzumaki Menma's Nine-faced Jutsu also has the same effect as it.

"Tell me this technique in detail."

Ri Xiangxiao said.

If you can absorb the advantages of this technique.

Maybe he can be better at shaping his personality and create a more powerful existence.

If you break through the Sixth Level, you will have greater confidence.

Uzumaki Menma spent a while and told Hinata Xiao about this technique.

Ri Xiangxiao also learned the art of nine faces.

After getting this technique.

Rixiang Xiao couldn't wait to use it.

Whether using others as experimental subjects.

Or use yourself as the experimental subject.

"What will you do after you get this technique?"

Menma Uzumaki asked.

"Don't worry, I won't destroy this world."

Hinata said.

I am not interested in this world.

The only way is to treat this world as your own backyard.

"Is it......"

Menma Uzumaki breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, he just accidentally embarked on a wrong path and did not really intend to do anything bad.

As for Jiraiya and others who were killed...

These sins must be reserved for him to confess.

"If you think your world is boring and want to see a stronger world... then find a way to come to my world."

Hinata Ao left the contents of Uzumaki Uzumaki's book.

The "Book of the Red Moon" records the connection between the two worlds.

For Ri Xiangxiao, it has been completely learned.


If people in this world learn it, will they be able to travel to their own world?

It's definitely possible.

People who want to become stronger.

This world is indeed too weak.

Hinata Xiao gave Uzumaki Menma a chance.

"In the world over there, Jiraiya is still alive."

After saying this, Ri Xiangxiao closed the ward.

"take care."

Haruno Sakura came back and said stupidly.

When Minato Namikaze and his wife saw Hinata Xiao, they were shocked at first, and then immediately went to the ward to see their son.


As the glass beads were crushed, Hinata Xiao returned to Konoha in a burst of white light.

He believes it.

When Menma Uzumaki is ready, he will definitely come to this world to find out.

By the time......

He can also contribute to stopping himself from destroying the world.

It was considered a casual move by Ri Xiangxiao.

As for how much it can be used, we will talk about it later.

After Xiangxiao returned to this world that day.

Bai Juezi's clone left in this world brought bad news.

"It's not good! Hinata Xiao!"

Bai Juezi's clone was in a panic.

"Kaguya... ran away!"


Kaguya's self-awakening and departure.

It was beyond everyone's expectations.

Shennong even thought that Ri Xiangxiao gave the order to Kaguya and that puppet ran away.

The result now seems not to be the case.

A puppet with self-awareness?

No, no, no, that's ridiculous.

Totally impossible.

Shennong even believed that something else had lured Kaguya away.

Everything is normal in the training room of the Flying Fortress.

Kaguya just left normally and flew into the sky.

She has the ability to fly.

Naturally, you can fly away at will.

No one knows where Kaguya went.

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