Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1531

Of course Hei Jue doesn't know.

Kaguya is no ordinary puppet.


At her core, she is very different from other puppets.

After fusing the broken core of Monzaemon's Joruri.

Kaguya can be called a mechanical life form.

Like humans, there is life, but it is very different.

On this basis.

Kaguya also possesses the power of the nine tailed beasts.

The nine tailed beasts originally possess the power of yin and yang and huge vitality.

This kind of vitality gives Kaguya the possibility of becoming a combination of organic and inorganic life.

That is to say...

Kaguya is neither a robot nor a human.

It is more appropriate to say that it is a fusion of the two.

At this time, a third party joined.

That is...

Ri Xiangxiao's blood.

The living dead, the living bones.

Every drop of blood is comparable to the elixir of demon blood.

It's not just demon blood.

Maybe compare it to Mi Mei, limited Tsukuyomi, Tenten... and other ninja weapons.

That is a great tonic, a regenerative medicine.

That's all.

But for Kaguya's Joruri core, it is an evolutionary diagram, a feedback to another broken evolutionary diagram.

Monzaemon is indeed dead.

The Joruri Evolution Chart is also down.

But the core of Joruri remained.

From it, the miracle of life was born, which is the existence of Princess Kaguya.

When a whale falls, all things come into being.

Many factors add up to become Kaguya herself.

"Who are you?"

Xiaonan is looking forward to it.

She looked warily at this woman who could fly higher than her.

Those white eyes...especially made Xiaonan wary.

It even reminded Xiaonan of some bad memories.

Her body, which had been injured by Ri Xiangxiao, was still aching and became a lingering nightmare.


Kaguya ignored Konan.

Because her goal has never been Xiaonan.

Oh, maybe in the future.

Like...kill her?

But within the set plan.

Points for now…

It is the power of the Four-Tails and the Six-Tails.

Here, Kaguya found some remnants of them.

Gather strength and strengthen yourself.

This is Kaguya's current philosophy.

1254. The road to the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, two Ten-Tails

A few days later.

The news about Kawa no Kuni was known to all the countries in the ninja world.

Unknown people fight against the Akatsuki organization.

Finally Nagato took action.

The Akatsuki organization base was razed to the ground.

Everyone in the Akatsuki organization is missing.

When the news was delivered to the Five Shadows' table... some additional information was also collected.

Over the years, Nagato's name became widely known.

Everyone knows that he is the real leader of the Akatsuki organization and the owner of the Samsara Eye.

Although everyone coveted his eyes.

But no one dared to really attack him.

After all, Nagato once single-handedly leveled Konoha's existence.

these past few years.

The reason why Nagato faded out of people’s sight.

Naturally, it is because the heretic demon statue died and was not resurrected.

Nagato is afraid of Ri Xiangxiao.

Without the Heretic Golem, there is no certainty of victory.

This gave the ninja world a chance to breathe.

And when the Five Kage...and everyone in the ninja world learned.

When the Akatsuki organization base was razed to the ground...

In their hearts, they only felt fear.

Who exactly is he?

Destroyed the Akatsuki organization base and made Akatsuki organization members missing?


That character appeared in everyone's sight.


A woman with classic beauty appearance.

According to Yukito, there is also information pieced together by other insiders.

After another week.

Five Shadows learned part of her story.


This name is tied to the power of monsters and the white devil.

After the "death" of the white demon, Princess Kaguya was controlled by the demon.

Although everyone didn't know it at all, the demon was also disguised as Ri Xiangxiao.

On that day, Xiangxiao showed up in Yanyin Village two months ago and had sex with Akai.

Things become even more confusing. she under the control of the white devil now?

same day.

Kaguya entered the Land of Earth alone, killed several ninjas from Iwagakure Village, and then disappeared.

Three more days passed.

Princess Kaguya appeared in the island country thousands of miles away, the Kingdom of Water, and disappeared again after killing several Kirigakure Village ninjas.

Because it appeared so quickly and its location was so remote.

Konoha was too late to provide support.

after all.

Kaguya only attacked small scattered places.

Not the center of Iwagakure Village, or Kirigakure Village itself.

What follows is a series of various pieces of information.

Shows Kaguya appearing at the speed of light and disappearing at the speed of light.

It was kill, kill, kill every time.

I don’t know what I’m planning or pursuing.

"As of today, the New Year... Kaguya's last appearance was in the Land of Rain... What can be confirmed is... she does seem to be looking for something... ....”

Bai Juezi's report was known to Ri Xiangxiao.

Within two weeks after returning from the limited monthly reading period.

Ri Xiangxiao didn't show off her personality.

But waiting for the beginning of the new year.

12 years old.

Graduation season for Naruko and Sasuke has also arrived.

At this time, it was also the beginning of everything Kamui Sakura said.

Last world.

Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, and Kamui Sakura formed a genin team and began their ninja journey.

Everything starts from the time of graduation.


Copy the earth, that is, this world, and everything will be different.

The history of the previous world can no longer be found.

That is to say.

Naruko, Sasuke, and Kamui Sakura may be embarking on a different ninja path.

Kamui Sakura was also prepared for this matter.

A different future is called the future.

Just over there at the ninja school, busy with the graduation season...

Ri Xiangxiao had a premonition.


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