Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1541

That's really terrible.

"It's if it could swallow the whole world!"

Xiang Ling was the first to stop, holding his head and shivering.


A being even more powerful than the chakra of Naruko...that is, the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki.

Of course it was Obito Uchiha.

A few more seconds passed.

Xiang Phosphorus shouted again.

"There's an attack!"

she screamed.

"'s the Tailed Beast Jade!! It was shot from 10 kilometers away! It's dozens of times more powerful than Naruko's Tailed Beast Jade!"

1263.Four Red Yang Formation VS Ten Tailed Beast Jade

Bombing from a distance.

Of course it was Uchiha Obito.

The ten-tailed beast jade is equivalent to a miscellaneous fish identification device.

Send it down.

The supporting cast is all dead... in theory.

Uchiha Obito didn't mind consuming a wave of ninja allies first as his morning greeting.

10 kilometers is far from the limit distance for the Ten-Tailed Beast.


As a precise positioning, this distance is about the same.

The ten-tailed beast flying at high speed in the air came towards everyone like a shooting star.

The tailed beast jade with a diameter of 10 meters is no different from a small building.

This kind of thing comes over.

Not even Ri Xiangxiao dared to resist naked.


The ten-tailed beast jade is not the same concept as the one to nine-tailed beast jade.

"10 meters? It seems like you didn't try your best?"

Kamui Sakura was thinking.

What should be the limit of the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki.

"In other he not even serious? He really underestimates us..."

The limit of the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki...

It is a tailed beast jade with a condensed diameter of over 100 meters! !

Uchiha Obito's contribution was not even one-tenth.

"8 kilometers... we will arrive in 20 seconds at most!"

Xiang Phosphorus shouted.

Her Kagura Heart Eye perfectly monitors the Tailed Beast Tama.

It can be said.

That piece of tailed beast jade is as dazzling as the sun in Xiang Phosphorus's "eyes".

And her sensing ability is obviously superior to that of most sensing ninjas.

The moment Xiang Phosphorus finished speaking, everyone stopped.

Tsuchikage Onoki's voice sounded.

"Everyone with long-range means takes action together to defend it!"

While talking.

In the dawn sky, a small black spot appeared in the distance.

The tailed beast jade cannot be seen clearly by ordinary people, but it was captured by ninjas with extraordinary eyesight.

That black spot will soon continue to enlarge.

Finally its original appearance is revealed.

Ohnoki spoke.

The ninjas in the team prepared to form seals and planned to use defensive ninjutsu.

In an instant.

The tailed beast jade is enlarged.

Ri Xiangxiao's figure flashed and disappeared.


The tailed beast jade also disappeared.

Finally, Ri Xiangxiao returned to where she was.

It takes two seconds before and after.

The first second.

Ri Xiangxiao became invisible and rushed out 1,200 meters.

Directly use the Dark Escape to devour the Tailed Beast Jade.

Second second.

Ri Xiangxiao came back from 1,200 meters away and revealed herself.

In the combined two seconds, everyone focused on the Tailed Beast Jade, and no one paid attention to the silent and inconspicuous Hinata Xiao.

Even if you care.

You may also think that you are just dazzled.


Seeing the tailed beast jade disappear suddenly, everyone's faces were full of disbelief.

Kamui Sakura noticed something and immediately understood.


10 kilometers away.

"The tailed beast tama has disappeared."

The Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki and Uchiha Obito opened his eyes and sensed what was happening in the distance.

"This indeed that of Ri Xiangxiao."

Only Ri Xiangxiao's ability to escape and become invisible could move the tailed beast jade away so quietly without anyone noticing.


The corners of Uchiha Obito's lips curled up.

Not only did I not feel depressed, but I felt very excited.

This proves the fact that Rixiang Xiao has indeed arrived.

"The grudge between you and me...will come to an end soon..."

Uchiha Obito raised his hand and began to condense the tailed beast jade.


In the blink of an eye, the diameter is 180 meters.

Nearly 10 tailed beast jade, the size of nine tails, was condensed in Uchiha Obito's hand.

And this scale of tailed beast tama is also the largest range of tailed beast tama that Uchiha Obito...or the Ten-Tails can use.

Once blasted down.

The ninja coalition will be completely wiped out!

"Maximum output...Ten-tailed beast jade!"

As Uchiha Obito threw it violently, the purple-black sphere in his hand flew out!

"Sa... Ri Xiangxiao, let me see how you can block this move."

Ri Xiangxiao's Ming Escape·Space-time Hole determines the absorption speed based on the size of the object.

Tailed beast jade with a diameter of 180 meters and the largest output scale.

It takes at least half a minute to suck it into the space-time hole.

Calculated based on flight distance.

Ri Xiangxiao had no time to absorb it.


Rixiangxiao has a way to avoid injury.

But what about everyone else?

Before the two of them met, the killer move was already in full bloom!


"here we go again!!"

Xiang Phosphorus exclaimed.

This time, a lot of sweat appeared on her forehead.

"It's 180 meters in diameter. It's impossible...such a huge tailed beast's impossible~~~!"

Because of being too frightened.

Xiang Phosphorus's tone was extremely trembling.

She couldn't believe it, this was an absolutely crushing force that she had never seen before!

"It requires space transfer or dust escape to avoid it."

Tsunade thought calmly and looked directly at everyone.

"Chen Escape..."

Ohnoki floated into the sky with a solemn expression.

"I don't know if I can make it in time..."

Dust Release can indeed destroy Tailed Beast Jade.

But after it is destroyed, the tailed beast jade will be eliminated directly.

Or whether the remaining parts will explode, no one knows.

After all, Ohnoki had no experience fighting against the Ten-Tails.

"No, there is another way."

Kamui Sakura raised her finger.

"We can use the "Four Red Sun Formation" that can only be used by four shadow-level experts, and use barrier techniques to block this tailed beast jade. "

Four red sun formations.

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