Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1552


The bitter pill of arrogance is swallowed.

Let the previous world completely turn into dust.


In order not to repeat the same mistakes.

We can only break the arrogance in everyone's hearts first.

That is...escape.

I felt powerless, afraid, terrified and defeated.

Only then can you think carefully and face up to the enemy's strength.

Instead of talking about useless things like the Five Shadows and the Five Great Kingdoms every day.

"Run away, let's compete with who can run faster."

Kamui Sakura's ability to make funny jokes is no worse than Nagato's.

"The right choice."

Uchiha Obito stared at Kamui Sakura and nodded.

"Weak people and trash should recognize themselves clearly... Ants will always be ants. Compared with me now, the Five Shadows are just a bunch of trash."


Naruko, who originally wanted to understand the overall situation, conquer her heart... and wanted to run away, stopped because of Uchiha Obito's words.

"You can't even be the Hokage, so don't look down on the Hokage!"

Naruko said.

A large jade spiral pill was condensed in his right hand.


When Sasuke saw this, he immediately wanted to stop Naruko.

"It's not a provocation, it's just that I can't swallow the breath in my heart. At least this guy..."

Naruko said, rushing towards Obito Uchiha.


Uchiha Obito snorted coldly.

Then, with a finger, several Tao-Seeking Jade spun on their own, heading towards Naruko in an irregular manner.

1273. Save Naruko and stimulate Sasuke easily

next moment.


Naruko's body ignited with golden flames.

After entering Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, his speed has almost surpassed Ai's speed!

"So fast!"

"This little girl, the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki... looks just like the golden shining Namikaze Minato!"

Ai and others sighed.

However, their sigh lasted only a few seconds.

Naruko bypassed the seeking jade and faced Uzumaki Naruto Payne in front of Uchiha Obito.

"How? Facing your own feelings?"

Uchiha Obito said.

At the critical moment.

Uzumaki Naruto Pain stopped Naruko from moving forward.

The way he uses it is...

Immortal mode!

Uzumaki Naruto Pain's eyelids changed when he entered Sage Mode.

Rely on the immortal mode's super sense of danger.

He waved the Uchiha fan in his hand and it got stuck on the Rasengan in Naruko's hand.

boom! !

The Rasengan explodes.

In a radial form, it attacked Naruko.

Uchiha...fight back!

The move called Uchiha Counterattack can counter almost all radioactive attacks.

Warring States Period.

Uchiha Madara once used this fan to kill countless release ninjas.

And obviously.

Naruko, who uses the Rasengan, also belongs to the release type.

The rebounded attack was reversed by Naruko!

next moment.

Naruko was hit by her own attack and instantly flew back.

But before landing, Sasuke had blocked him with his body.

"You idiot, don't rush up alone...We are not his opponents now..."

Uchiha Sasuke had a cold face and saw this reality clearly.

No matter how hard he and Naruko tried, they decided that it would be impossible to defeat Obito Uchiha, who was at the Sixth Path level.

The difference in strength is too big.

Almost everyone present is the most potential and top master in the ninja world.

They may hold the greatest power.

But they are definitely the most capable group of people.

This is how a team of almost all the strongest survivors in the ninja world was assembled.

Still vulnerable to Uchiha Obito.

How could everyone still have the will to fight?

"Want to run away?"

Before Uchiha Obito finished speaking, he rushed forward.


Hatake Sakumo was startled and his cheek was pinched.

"So fast!"

Uchiha Obito's true form shows speed that exceeds the speed mode of Ai and the golden body of Naruko!


next moment.

Hatake Sakumo used Flying Thunder God and left the place.


Hatake Sakumo said to everyone in the most serious tone.

Five Shadows were stunned for less than a second.

They also saw the fact that Uchiha Obito's true form was countless times stronger than the Uzumaki Naruto Pain he controlled.

"Spread out!"


Everyone showed their special abilities.

Ready to run away directly.


This is indeed not an opponent they can deal with!

Of course, in the process of escaping, they also did not forget to use various ninjutsu and throw various flying props.

But no matter what kind of attack, no matter what method.

In front of Uchiha Obito, the tin staff and the seeking jade in his hand, they all became as fragile as tofu.

Although Uchiha Obito has not mastered the "power of all things".

But the Dao-seeking jade itself has the ability of "all things".

All ninjutsu can be broken down into its most basic molecules.

It can be said......

It is another more advanced "Chen Escape" that is superior to Chen Escape.

On the way to seek Daoyu.

Matter is broken down.

Even entities like kunai and shuriken.

All became vulnerable.

Like an ordinary blade facing a magical weapon.

I saw a flash of lightning passing by.

It was Ai who had used the Thunder Escape Armor.

He's very fast.

But Uchiha Obito is faster.

Then he waved down the tin staff in his hand.

Ai's Thunder Armor and his arms were cut open directly, which was easier than cutting butter.


Ai roared angrily.

However, the body was rolled up by the octopus tentacles released by Kirabi, and the man left the scene with a broken arm.


at the same time.

The Eight-Tails transformed by Kirabi spit out a mouthful of ink.

Sealing Technique: Billions of wrath will trouble the slaves!

Although it looks like ordinary ink, it is actually the Eight-Tails' unique sealing technique.

Uchiha Obito stretched out his hand to block it.

The ink collapsed.

Not because it was annihilated.

But this level of sealing technique is ineffective against Uchiha Obito.

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