Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1570

More knowledge can be processed through multi-threading.

For example, when Hinata Xiao was reading 8 books at the same time.

The other seven personalities can also do the same thing as Hinata Xiao.

It can be said to be mutually beneficial.

A large amount of knowledge flowed into Ri Xiangxiao and the spirit of split personality.

Let them take control of it all.

Ri Xiangxiao said it before.

The future split personality will be stronger than the previous Dongli, Xuanhuan, and Blizzard.

Not only do they have exaggerated strength, but they also have independent abilities and can even learn to evolve.

Ji Dongli’s "Body \u0026 Spirit"

Fantasy "Seven Attributes"

Blizzard's "Bloodline"


The newly created personalities of Hinata Xiao have surpassed the previous ones and are moving towards the "blend of seven attributes".

That is to say.

The next split personalities.

You can create it yourself.

Achieve things like Payne's Shinra Tenzheng, Uchiha Madara's Senra Vientiane, Hinata Xiao's power transmission... this kind of thing.

Combine seven attributes together.

This creates each person's unique skills.

This is also a necessary preparation for advancing to the Sixth Path level and condensing the Jade of Seeking Dao.

It only takes a lot of repetition, training, learning, and evolution to achieve the seven attributes, especially Yin and Yang Escape.

To accumulate enough proficiency.

In order to promote to the Sixth Level, it is not to be promoted to the Sixth Level.

Instead, you can create the strongest six-level category of seeking jade by yourself.

1289. The white devil is resurrected, terrifying the ninja world

"I actually read multiple books at the same time..."

After a brief exclamation, Uchiha Nobu nodded, the enthusiasm in his eyes unbearable.

"As expected of the white devil, standing at the top of mankind and representing the most evolved creature!"

Time passes slowly.


Ri Xiangxiao has finished reading books that ordinary people would not be able to finish in decades.


Ri Xiangxiao closed her eyes and digested all this.

Various ninjutsu, illusions, taijutsu, secret arts, swordsmanship, blood succession boundary jutsu, etc. in Yunyin Village.

As well as various technologies from the Kingdom of Thunder, including some information on the space-time chakra cannon.

They were all circulating in Ri Xiangxiao's mind.

After integrating all the information, Ri Xiangxiao's path remained unchanged.

"Release the split personality, kill people, kill a lot of people."

"Find a way to get stronger rebirth ability, the core weakness can no longer keep up with the era version..."

As everyone knows.

The strongest regenerative power under the Six Paths is Orochimaru's Orochimaru-ryu Substitution Technique.

But even the Orochimaru-style substitute technique.

I can't even touch the tailed beast jade with my face.

Above a certain amount of damage, even Orochimaru will die.

Therefore, the Orochimaru-style Substitution Technique actually has weaknesses.

You must ensure that your health bar drops to a certain level before you can successfully cast it.

Next, there is Tsunade's "Creative Regeneration"...oh no, it should be said as "Hundred Heroes' Technique".

The deaths of Senju Nousuki and Kato Dan led Tsunade to invent the art of regenerating limbs even if they disappear.

In fact, Bai Hao's Technique can be simply understood as Wolverine's regeneration ability.

Not just the internal organs and lungs.

Even if Tsunade's brain is knocked out, she can still regenerate it as long as she has enough chakra.

To a certain extent, these are the two strongest regenerative forces.

And to the six levels.

The Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki showed even more terrifying self-healing abilities.

The fact that Uchiha Obito can regenerate his upper body is enough to know that the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki does not have the weakness of the human body.

But Hinata Xiao didn't intend to become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki.

Orochimaru's Substitution Technique is also meaningless.

Then...there are only two paths left to take.

1. Learn the art of XI Baihao.

2. Use split personality and combine seven attributes to create a unique regeneration technique with no weaknesses.

"If the Baihao Art is not activated, it is no different from useless... What I want is... the infinite regeneration ability that can take effect passively!"

Think of this.

Ri Xiangxiao was ready to take action.

"Someone is coming."

Uchiha Nobu raised his head and looked into the distance.

Ri Xiangxiao observed for a moment and saw clearly the appearance of those people.

I saw a dozen ninjas flying in the sky, with wings sprouting from their backs.

"He's a guy from "Koragakure"..."

Kongyin Village.

He is a subordinate of Shennong.


Shennong found a reason and annexed Xingyin Village.

The village changed into Kongyin Village.

That is to say...

Kongyin Village is the merger of Star Hidden Village + original Kongyin.

This ninja village belongs to the "Bear Country".

Because the Bear Country is surrounded by natural gas barriers.

So there was almost no war.

Over the years, Kongyin Village has grown and become a force that cannot be ignored.

"What are they doing? Where is Shennong?"

Hinata Xiao asked.

Shennong is the real mastermind of Kongyin Village, and he has the right to control his men.

"Kongyin Village, under the pressure of the five major countries, joined in the pursuit of us... They are mainly responsible for aerial reconnaissance..."


Uchiha Shin smiled coldly.

"White Devil, you don't have to worry about that old man Shennong. You also know that old guy's temper..."

A combination of frustration and frustration.

Shennong, who was inclined towards self-destruction, obviously believed that even Kongyin Village would one day perish.

Because this is force majeure.

It is the human instinct to seek death.


"Teach them a lesson."

Hinata Xiao glared with his left eye.

The left eye activates the death beam.

A red beam of light shot through the sky.

Like a shooting star.

Wherever they passed, a dozen Kongyin Village ninjas were directly shattered into pieces, burned into a pile of powder, and fell from the sky.

Although Kongyin Village was forced by the five major countries.

But aiding the tyrants is obviously a crime.

Rixiang Xiao didn't kill them completely.

Still alive.

The only survivor screamed in surprise, turned around and returned, and immediately ran away.


Kongyin Village also lost the courage to fight against Ri Xiangxiao.

It can also give an explanation to the five major countries.

We are no match for the white devil at all...

As if nothing had happened, Ri Xiangxiao took steps and headed directly towards somewhere overseas.

"White Devil, where are you going?"

"Go to the ruins of overseas knight civilization."

The information obtained from Uchiha Shin showed.


Overseas knight civilization appeared in the southern waters of the Kingdom of Wind.

An attack was launched on the Kingdom of Wind.

The power they control is called the "Grael Stone"!

Before making Yunyin Village pay the price.

Rixiangxiao needs to obtain stronger regeneration power.

And the Grayl Stone.

It is the key to achieving super regeneration and even resurrection with blood.

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