Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1573

But it brought a severe cold like winter.

As the cold wind passed by, the entire island was frozen to a large extent.

The mobile fortress of the villain BOSS Hyde also stopped most of its operations.

This caused people inside to panic.

Naruko hasn't seen the other person yet.

Was he beaten first by Steel Seadramon? ?

"Damn! It's so cold..."

There was a bang.

The esophagus of the Iwajuku giant toad summoned by Sasuke disappeared.

This revealed the uninjured figures of the three people.

The esophagus of the giant toad of Iwajuku can feed on magma.

Of course it can withstand the cold.

"Good job...hum..."

Steel Seadramon snorted coldly.

"But don't think that you can resist my Steel Seadramon with these little tricks!"

"What the hell! Where did this thing come from?!"

Kamui Sakura complained repeatedly.

I have never seen this thing in the previous world. Could it be that...

"Is it Ri Xiangxiao's split personality?"

While Kamui Sakura was speculating, Sasuke's attack had arrived.

"Fire Escape..."

Sasuke seals.

"The Art of the Great Fire Dragon!!"

Boom boom boom! !

Several high-speed flying dragon-headed fireballs roared towards the Steel Seadramon.

Bang bang bang!

The fireball exploded.

Steel Seadramon was unscathed.

Not even a trace of burning could be left.

"You see, Naruko and Sasuke, these are the opponents we will face now and in the future."

Kamui Sakura warned.

"The enemies will only become more and more numerous and stronger... If we don't become stronger quickly..."

"I got it! Sakura!"

Naruko clasped her hands together, and golden chakra flames ignited all over her body.

Instantly entered the Nine-Tails Chakra mode.

Naruko, who turned golden, roared and formed a Rasengan in her hand.

With the blessing of Nine-Tails Chakra and Senju Chakra...

The name of this move is...

"Senfa·Dayama Rasengan!!"

The roaring immortal method, the Otama Rasengan, is three times the size of the ordinary Otama Rasengan.

The power has also been increased by at least 5 times.

The Rasengan, which was the size of a small water tank, attacked Steel Seadramon.

"Thunder Javelin!!"

The steel horns on Steel Seadramon's forehead began to gather lightning.

This skill is through the "Thunder Blade·Broken Blade" buried in it.

That is, it was transformed from Ri Xiangxiao's big power generator.

The roaring electricity struck Naruko like a divine punishment.


Just a violent explosion.


As Naruko screamed in pain.

The Otama Rasengan exploded.

Thunder Javelin defeated it.


Steel Seadramon looked at Naruko who fell back and was hugged by Sasuke, and couldn't help laughing.

"You idiot, don't rush up alone."

After Sasuke put Naruko down, he couldn't help but scolded her.

1292. A strong man with a Taoist degree above 87%

"Hydesama, everything is frozen outside..."

Inside the Iron Fortress.

Three female knights in armor were reporting the situation to a middle-aged man.

A man sitting on a seat, wearing a robe, a high hat and a single-lens lens.

It is Hyde, the villain BOSS that Naruko wants to defeat on this trip.

He was also the culprit who attacked the southern coastline of the Kingdom of Wind.

The three female knights under his command were similar to the young knight Timsi whom Naruko knew.


One of Hyde's three female knights, she wears turquoise knight armor. She can transform into a bat-orc form through the Gray Stone and is good at flying in the air.


One of Hyde's three female knights, she wears purple knight armor, can transform into an ape form through the Gray Stone, and can control thunder and lightning.

Outside the wind.

One of Hyde's three female knights, she wears blue knight armor and can transform into a werewolf form through the Grayl Stone and send out sonic attacks from her mouth.

These three women have obvious overseas appearance and dress.

Although the people of the knight clan possess chakra, they do not know how to use ninjutsu.

Their power mainly relies on the Grel Stone's ability to amplify and mutate the physical body.

The three female knights have different looks and are aged between 16 and 20 years old.

The three of them have almost the same red eyes.

This is the alienation of the body caused by long-term use of Grayl's Stone.

If we use Ri Xiangxiao's standards to judge the quality of the three people.

Then, they are probably existences similar to Anko.

Can be used as a dark chakra seedbed.


"Speed ​​up the excavation of the underground veins...and then...get ready to fight!"

Hyde waved his hand and made a plan.


The three female knights replied in unison.


outside world.

Steel Seadramon is wreaking havoc.

If it is Ri Xiangxiao's true body.

Kamui Sakura would definitely run away with Sasuke and Naruko.

Because she knows.

As a leveling object.

Ri Xiangxiao's strength is too much.

Moreover, Ri Xiangxiao is ruthless and has a high IQ.

Kamui Sakura, who had experience on the previous Earth, would probably use the Flying Thunder God to forcefully leave with Naruko and Sasuke in an instant.

But if it were someone else...

Kamui Sakura will consider it.

Think of it as an experience for Sasuke and Naruko.

Facing the giant behemoth.

Kamui Sakura's emerald green eyes just looked at it quietly.

"Ri Xiangxiao's split personality?"

"Little girl, you know quite a lot."

Steel Seadramon turned its head and looked at her.

" made a mistake..."

Steel Seadramon sneered.

"Ri Xiangxiao is my split personality, and I am the real body!"

Kamui Sakura: "..."

Start with personalities like Steel Seadramon.

Ri Xiangxiao will attack the Sixth Level.


These personalities are the strongest and most evil beings.

They are not weaklings.

On the contrary, everyone is the strongest!

He is a super master who can compete with Senju Tobirama and even Senju Hashirama!


The resistance level is very high.

The strength of each personality is above 87% of Taoism.

This level of intensity.

It has surpassed a single tailed beast, and even a single perfect tailed beast jinchūriki.

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