Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1578

Suddenly there was a violent sound of lightning piercing the air from behind.

Without even looking, Sephiroth turned around and stabbed him.


Ai's roar and the scene of his body flying into the sky appeared at the same time.

One knife.

Sephiroth cut off Ai's arm.

Ai's injury heralded the collapse of this support operation.

Luo Sha and others saw that the situation was not good.

Under the command of Kamui Sakura, he ran away.


A few minutes later.

Sephiroth's body squirmed and he transformed into Ri Xiangxiao.

Ri Xiangxiao left the scene where he was cut with knife marks, turned around and walked towards the three female knights.

"What did you do to us...?!"

The three female knights clearly saw the scene where Steel Seadramon turned into Sephiroth, and Sephiroth turned into Hinata Xiao.

Therefore, the three people are directly regarded as one person.

But it's a pity...

They come from overseas knight civilization.

He doesn't understand what's going on in the ninja world at all.

That is to say...

They didn't know the title White Devil.

Because of the influence of Jenova cells [Grel Stone].

The three of them were lying on the ground, their bodies twitching, but they couldn't get up.


Ri Xiangxiao glanced casually.

Using Byakugan's vision, he could clearly observe the changes in the three people's bodies.

The Jenova Cells [Grel Stone] are eroding the bodies of the three of them.

Plus the brainwashing influence of Nine Faces.

That is to say...

"You three will become Sephiroth's puppets sooner or later."


The three female knights were startled.

Of course they could feel that the Grayl Stone suddenly lost control.

And it caused changes in the body.

But they don't know what will happen.

"My strength is average, but my mental strength is good..."

Hinata Xiao stared at the three female knights.

Their strength is that of elite chuunin.

But his willpower is stronger than most jonin.

Maybe it has something to do with their training.

Being able to withstand the power of Grayl's Stone means having a strong willpower, so that it can be used as a suitable carrier.

And those that don’t fit…

Ri Xiangxiao casually glanced at the huge knight armor puppets.

Those that are not suitable will naturally be made into mass-produced products.

"Be loyal to me and I will save you three from becoming Sephiroth's puppets."

Sephiroth selected these three people to become carriers.

Once you die, you can be reborn with the help of three people.

more importantly......

The three of them have now become Jenova cell carriers.

This kind of carrier will spread Jenova's power.

and then infect others.

For a long time.

Everyone, even rivers, lakes and seas.

will be completely infected.

The entire planet will become a slave to the power of the Grayl Stone.

How dangerous Sephiroth is.

To some extent, it is more terrifying than Steel Seadramon and other personalities.

Using the planet as a boat is not just a literal description.

Instead, it infects the entire planet.

That's why he's hell-bent on gaining the power of the Grayl Stone.

It is precisely because Grayel's Stone has activity that is no less than that of Hashirama's cells.

Coupled with Sephiroth's power, even dead objects can be corroded.

This is already a much more terrifying existence than the former.

“If we are loyal to you, won’t we lose our freedom?”

the three female knights asked.

The villain Hyde is dead.

All they can do now is stay safe.

"By being loyal to me, you will lose your freedom, but you will not lose yourself. It is up to you to choose to wear shackles or completely become a puppet with distorted consciousness."

Ri Xiangxiao gave the three people an ultimatum.

There were only two paths they could take.


The three of them looked at each other.

Nature does not want to lose its sense of self.

Putting on the shackles is just a matter of changing bosses and continuing to work.

There are rules and regulations in the company, but there is nothing you can do about it. After all, you have to make a living.

"We choose to be loyal to you."

The three female knights said in unison.

From now on, I will be loyal to Ri Xiangxiao.

"very good......"

Hinata Xiao nodded.

He stretched out his five fingers, and a faint blue light ignited on them.

next moment.

The five fingers pressed hard.

The seals of the caged birds were engraved on the lower abdomens of the three of them.

As the three screamed.

They became Ri Xiangxiao's subordinates.

"Not even Sephiroth can remove this curse seal..."

Ri Xiangxiao said to the three people huddled on the ground holding their stomachs.

To release the caged bird, Sephiroth must become a six-level powerhouse.


The Seal of the Caged Bird can stop the erosion of the Grayl Stone.


Ri Xiangxiao asked the three of them to get up and leave.

Then, he used Qigong waves and started bombing the scene.

"Sir, what are you doing?"

The three female knights asked with puzzled expressions.

"Clear the influence of Sephiroth... He turned the Grayl Stone into a plague-like existence..."

After Ri Xiangxiao explained, the three of them understood.

What Sephiroth had done before had almost turned the scene into a plague area.


Ri Xiangxiao used Baiyan's insight to directly use high temperature to kill viruses and eliminate these pathogens.

Just eliminate any remaining power.

Sephiroth can't infect others.

Wait until the job is completed.

Ri Xiangxiao turned around and faced the three people.

"Tell me about your knightly civilization..."

To things outside the ninja world.

Rixiang Xiao was still very interested.

After all, in the final analysis, the five major countries in the ninja world are just tiny places.

With the description of the three people.

Hinata Xiao learned about the completely different civilizations of knights and ninjas.

They did not receive the inheritance of the Six Paths Immortal.

But with the power of Grayl's Stone.

Different civilizations developed.

Mainly specializing in physical arts, Grell's power, and magic circles similar to barriers and seals.


They call the spell magic.

It can be activated by chanting a spell or by blood.

But it's a pity...

The knight clan is basically extinct.

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