Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1591

The whole cloud hidden.

The only people who can punish such a super-speed master are Kirabi and Yukito.

Although the Sandaime Raikage is unparalleled in offense and defense.

But facing Sephiroth, he always suffered from speed.


The Sandaime Raikage stood in the office without saying a word.

Because he knows that incompetent rage will have no effect.


Outside, Sephiroth was still wreaking havoc on the crowd.

Just a few minutes.

He has harvested the lives of more than 2,000 people.

Sephiroth, who was in a deserted place, had no idea what retreat was.

He always had a faint smile on his lips.

Like the god of death from the underworld.

next moment.

Yukito roared with sadness, wrapped in the Tailed Beast Jade.

Coming from a distance.

A tailed beast with supersonic speed and large-scale destruction.

It was also Yumu Ren's last resort.

Release the tailed beast in a village filled with corpses of his companions.

A difficult decision, no doubt.

Maybe he will be sent to a military court.


even so.

In order to destroy the enemy, Yumu people also transcended pain.


Sephiroth stopped moving and stood there, looking at the tailed beast jade that exploded above his head.

Even at his speed.

It is impossible to escape such a large-scale bombing.


The light spread from the Tailed Beast Jade, centered on Sephiroth, covered every inch of land... and corpses it passed.

The corpses of the ninjas of Kumogakure Village who died in the battle are in the Tailed Beast Jade... and the light is in the dust.

Sephiroth was also hit by the Tailed Beast Jade.

He didn't hide away, couldn't hide away, and didn't need to hide away.

Quietly bathe in the light of the tailed beast jade.

The skin breaks and the muscles turn to ash.

The handsome face reveals the skeleton, the eyeballs evaporate...

In a matter of seconds, Sephiroth was no longer human.

But he still stood there.

Relying on the ultra-high-speed regeneration ability of "Jenova Cells".

Sephiroth's lost body was quickly replenished and regenerated back.

Wait until the tailed beast jade's light has completely dissipated.

Sephiroth is almost healed.


Sephiroth just said this, then moved his body again and continued to rush towards the enemy's formation.

1308. The sealing and release of zombies, the resurrection of Minato Namikaze

Sarutobi Hiruzen's surgery was just one of the scenes.

After Kamui Sakura's surgery.

He immediately rushed to Namendo on the outskirts of Konoha.

At night, the cool moonlight shines on the quiet suburbs.

A dilapidated temple stands in this deserted wilderness.


When Nagato attacked, this place was not destroyed.

Because it was far enough away, it was very lucky to survive.

"Ho ho... this is it..."

Orochimaru stood next to Kamui Sakura.

The two of them looked up and stared at the temple.

In addition to some charms, there are various masks hanging above.

This place is the "Namen Hall" of the Uzumaki clan.

On the surface, it's very inconspicuous.

In fact, the solution to the Uzumaki clan's S-level secret technique, the Seal of the Ghouls, is hidden.

"Which one is it?"

Orochimaru looked at the masks.

However, Kamui Sakura stepped forward first and directly picked out a horned demon mask from among the many masks.

"that's it."

Kamui Sakura brushed her mask and wiped away the dust.


The fourth generation Hokage, Minato Namikaze, relied on the S-level forbidden technique, Ghoul Seal, which he learned from Kushina Uzumaki.

The power of the Nine-Tails that was half lost was sealed away.

This also means that the Kyuubi is cut into two parts.

Part of it belonged to Naruko.

The other half is inside Namikaze Minato.

And as the price for using the corpse to seal off this forbidden technique.

Namikaze Minato's soul, along with half of Kyuubi's soul, will be swallowed by the God of Death, and will be entangled in the God of Death's belly forever.

This is also the reason why the reincarnation of the dirty land cannot channel Namikaze Minato.


Namikaze Minato's soul is not in reality at all, nor is it in the underworld.

But in the belly of death!

Following the First Hokage Senju Hashirama and the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama.

It was also necessary to pull up Minato Namikaze's soul.

Only with the complete Nine Tails.

Only then can we finally defeat the white devil.

"bring it on!"

Kamui Sakura raised her mask slightly.

"Orochimaru...stay away from me..."

Kamui Sakura is ready to perform the spell.


Orochimaru interrupted her.

"Use this technique and you will die."

This is not a question of immunity or not, but a necessary "price" for lifting the seal of the ghouls.

That is... "equivalent exchange".

"no problem......"

Kamui Sakura stared at the mask.

"I won't die."

next moment.

Kamui Sakura put on a mask.

Start performing the surgery.

I saw the flames of death burning on her body.

As the surgery proceeds.

The god of death, burning with will-o'-the-wisps, appeared behind Kamui Sakura.

Use the "Death Mask" to summon the God of Death and let the God of Death attach to his body.

Then, open his belly.

The seal will be lifted.

In this way, Namikaze Minato's soul can come back.

Of course, the other half of Kyuubi will also return.


Kamui Sakura raised her arms.

The Death God behind her moved in sync, raising the Death Blade.

This scene was undoubtedly terrifying.

Can scare away most humans.

After all, seeing death with your own eyes is a terrifying thing.

But neither Kamui Sakura nor Orochimaru are weak.


Kamui Sakura aimed at her abdomen and drew the void——

laugh! !

Death's belly was opened.

at the same time.

The sound of the bell rang.

A purple light shield flickered around Kamui Sakura's body.

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