Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Hokage from the White Eye Chapter 235

In the process of performing the mission, Akai, who has an adventure, likes to mention the C-level psychic technique.

Added a talking turtle companion.

By mastering this only ninjutsu, he is finally qualified to enter the door of Chunin.

However, Akai's father, Maitdai, was still tolerant, and he couldn't learn the art of connecting spirits, which made people feel a little regretful.

Uchiha Obito and Nohara Lin continued to be Kakashi's teammates.

Kakashi has been encouraged by Akai in recent years.

More or less angry.

Although there is still a little indifference, it is still much better than when his father "died".


The mission is the most important, and the ruthless setting of his companions is the second, and it still spreads in his heart.


A sunny noon day.

Hyuga Momi and Hyuga Io, who came back from a mission, met Jiraiya on the way back.

Jiraiya is also full of dust and dust, and I don't know where I came back from.

After the outbreak of the Third Ninja World War.

Just run around.

Just like investigating the true identity of the two-tailed person Zhuri before, he ran around in various battlefields in the ninja world.

Investigate all kinds of affairs for Konoha.

The three enter the famous meatball shop in Konoha.

I asked for three cups of red bean soup and a dozen strings of meatballs.

"Ri Xiangxiao, I want to catch up with you."

Jiraiya also said this to Sun Xiangxiao with a serious face.

But the "evil" nature in his heart was penetrated by Ri Xiangxiao long ago.

"The eldest lady of your Hyuga clan...will definitely grow into a great beauty in the future."

Jiraiya also showed a wretched smile.

Sun Xiangxiao: "..."

Hyuga Momi: "..."

Closer to home.

Jiraiya really wanted to catch up with Hi Xiangxiao.


This time, he came specifically to find Ri Xiangxiao.

"Listen to me, Ri Xiangxiao, this time, I have a task for you..."


Go back three days in time.

Jiraiya, who was originally investigating affairs at the border of the Land of Winds, was summoned to "Mt. Mt. Miaomu" by the "reverse psychic technique" after a puff of smoke rose.

The so-called "reverse spiritism" is the reverse version of spiritism.

Ninjas can make a blood pact by learning C-level psychics.

Summons contracted creatures like toads, turtles, cats and dogs.

Inverse psychics, not human ninjas summoning psychic beasts.

Instead, the psychic beast summons the human contractor.

Jiraiya's contract... is the toad of Mt. Myoki.

Miaomu Mountain is one of the three holy places in the ninja world.

It is said that there is a very ancient heritage.

From 1000 years ago, it has been passed down to the present.

Jiraiya, who was teleported back to Miaomu Mountain by the reverse psychic technique, immediately understood the seriousness of the matter.

There must be some big event here to summon myself so urgently.

as predicted.

The guardian of Mt. Myogi... The Great Toad Immortal, who has survived for more than 1,000 years, told Jiraiya the omens of the future.

The big toad fairy has an extremely large chakra.

This chakra is huge enough to see the future.

It tells Jiraiya.

When Namikaze Minato went to "Roulan" to perform a mission, let him bring Ri Xiangxiao with him.

The prophecy of the great toad fairy is always ambiguous.

Having said that, it stopped abruptly.

Just as it prophesied about the "Savior".

146. To the future 20 years later


Predict future?

Even Ri Xiangxiao, who was full of confidence in extraordinary power, felt incredible.

"Teacher Jiraiya."


Namikaze Minato is passing by.


Zilai also got up.

Namikaze Minato has changed into a suit.

Seems to be on a mission.

In the past six months, with the northeastern part of the Land of Fire, the "Anti Yunyin" front has gradually stabilized.

Namikaze Minato went to other places to perform his mission.

The AB combination is indeed very powerful, but after getting familiar with the information, there is a certain method of targeting.

A ninja is a creature that focuses on intelligence warfare.


The front line headed by Commander Uchiha Fugaku is still on hold.

"Watergate, where are you going?"

also asked.

"I'm going to find Kakashi and go on a mission with him."

Namikaze Minato said, turned his head sideways, nodded to Hyuga Momi and Hyuga Momi, showing a warm smile.

"Are you going to Loulan? "


Generally speaking.

Ninjas don't reveal their missions.

Not even close people can tell.

Jirai also asked in such a large audience, Watergate suddenly...

"It's a prophecy. "

Zilai also said calmly.

"The big toad fairy told me about it."


Minato Namikaze's expression immediately became serious.

As a disciple of Jiraiya, Namikaze Minato also went to Mt. Miaomu to practice.

The big toad fairy's prophecy...

"This mission, no matter what, bring "Hyugayo" with you. "

Zilai also instructed.


Ten minutes later.

Namikaze Minato, Kakashi, Hyuga Io, Hyuga Momi... The four formed a team.

Originally, Namikaze Minato planned to find oil girl Zhiwei and Qiu Dao Dingzuo.


Because of the prophecy, the team structure was temporarily changed.

in the squad.

The strongest is Namikaze Minato.

The second is the sun and the night.

Then there is Hyuga Momi.

Kakashi is at the bottom.

The reason why Kakashi was asked to carry out this task was because Minato Ninikaze helped him.

After all... is his own disciple.

After learning about the situation, the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hiizan immediately approved the application of Minato Namifeng, and let Hi Xiangya join the team.

"Teacher Jiraiya, won't you come with us?"

The entrance of the Konoha Meeting Gate.

Namikaze Minato looked back.

"No, Watergate, I have other things to do..."

Zilai also beckoned.

Jiraiya, who seems to be very fishy, ​​is actually Konoha's gold medal hitter.

Quan Konoha, Jiraiya completed the first number of tasks.

Originally, this title was maintained by Tsunade.

However, since the first model worker, Tsunade, lost his younger brother and lover Kato, and left Konoha.

A model pillar who worked hard and never complained, became Jiraiya.

Zilai is also very busy.

There are too many tasks to complete.

This professionalism is beyond doubt.

Although I usually laugh and spy on girls, my lord Jiraiya is actually a good ninja.

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