Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Hokage from the White Eye Chapter 246

I want to protect my eyes.

Even at the expense of his own eyes.


In the end, Qing got one.

Qing Jiang implanted the precious trophy of the Zong family into his own eyes.

Kiriyin Village became the only Shinobi village with white eyes except Konoha.

The recording ends abruptly here.

Before and after the cause and effect, the specific enemy, Shenwei Sakura did not mention.

She only mentioned the name "Ao", the elite Jounin.

Clearly, she thought she could handle it all.

"What was 'I' doing then? Why aren't you there? "

Ri Xiangxiao pinched his eyebrows.

Kamui Sakura didn't mention it.

This might also be a hint.

Because Hyuga Mo was not dead, she was still alive.

So the Zong family must punish themselves.

The self who will definitely not accept this result may embark on the road of betrayal and escape, and become enemies with Konoha...or even the entire ninja world.

Hyuga I guessed based on herself and her own personality.

After Hyuga Mo died, what would she do?

Death in the line of duty is impossible.

Although I didn't have a good impression of Hyuga Mo, it was just that.

She died, and she couldn't die with her.

This is not a Joan O TV series.

Instead, she will consider what she should do after she dies.


"In other words, you can pass 'Stay away from the clan' without triggering the 'Mark of the Bird in the Cage'. "

As long as you escape to the ends of the earth, hide and find a way slowly.

Can get to the back.

"What is Sakura Kamui trying to tell me?"

Sun Xiangxiao pondered.

When she said this, she hoped that she could save Hyuga Momi? thereby changing the future?

Hyuga Jasmine didn't die if she didn't.

You don't have to betray yourself.

With Konoha as the backing, it is a very stable way to slowly gather strength and become stronger.

Just follow the clan on the surface.

The Zong family will not do anything to themselves.

In the last life, he was hunted down by the whole world.

In this life, again?

"It's kind of boring..."

Sun Xiangxiao shook his head.

The thing about being hunted, although it doesn't matter.

But already experienced, now want to change the taste.

Except for this big event.

Haruno Sakura also mentioned one thing.

This matter... can be said to be the private will and private goods of Sakura Kamui.

It seems to be related to a certain boy she likes.

The Uchiha clan will be destroyed.

What kind of death method, she asked herself to investigate.

Hyuga Io takes into account the tool man attributes of Uchiha Tiehuo, Uchiha Rice Fire, and Uchiha Yatsushiro.

There are a few related households who can handle the case, and it will be much smoother in the village.

The previous Ninja version of the Metropolitan Police Department interrogation program left a deep impression on Ri Xiangxiao.

Keep it useful.

Then try to find a way to see if it can be saved.


at last.

Ri Xiangxiao went to the underground of Loulan.

Namikaze Minato also came along.

in the vast underground space.

A platform stands at the end.

Namikaze Minato's special kunai was inserted on the seal.

The seal like a ghost painting is clearly identifiable.

"At that time, I was using the power of the dragon veins of this seal..."

Minato Namikaze scratched the back of his head.

He made up for this behavior by himself...or corrected it into his own actions.

But in fact.

This kunai traverses space and time.

Greetings from the future 20 years later.

It is also the only proof that Sakura Kamui once existed in this world.

"Everyone has forgotten you, but I won't..."

Ri Xiangxiao secretly thought in his heart.

Of course, this is not a confession.

Rather, it is a meeting between opponents and opponents.

Ri Xiangxiao has a very small mind.

At that time, Shenwei Sakura used "Shenwei" to sneak attack, but he did not forget at all.

"Sooner or later, it will be returned..."


Hyuga Io and Minato Namikaze left, leaving only Fei Lei Shen Kuai quietly inserted into the seal.

153. Sun Xiangxiao Training Sun Xiang Mowei

"That eye... what kind of pupil technique is it?"

three days later.

The team returned to Konoha.

Hatake Kakashi was highly regarded for his outstanding performance in the mission.

As he himself said.

It is very likely that in the short to medium term, he will be able to qualify for promotion to Jōnin.


Probably, Kakashi will be taken to the battlefield to kill the enemy by Namikaze Minato.

As long as you brush up on your military exploits, becoming a Jōnin is almost a certainty.

Hyuga Ia personally didn't care much about being "robbed" by Kakashi.

I'm not afraid that Kakashi's excessive expansion will fill his brain with false memories.

There are many powerful enemies, and the enemies on the battlefield will teach him to be a man.

In the courtyard of the Hyuga family.

Hyugayo carefully recalled Sakura Kamui's eyes.

I don't know what happened to that eye.

It will never be something like the evil king's true eyes...

There is also An Lushan Baizu.

How did he bring himself to the point where only one head was left to live?

Did you use the puppet technique of Sand Hidden Village?

Too many questions.

Sun Xiangxiao shook his head.

The decision is still to increase strength.

Of course, the incident of Hyuga Mo's death that Shenwei Sakura mentioned is also worthy of attention.

Get out of the branch compound.

Ri Xiangxiao came to the Zong's house.


Hyuga Momi, who was already ready, nodded towards Hyuga, ready to start her daily practice.

Occasionally, people such as Hinata and Hizu will come to watch.


There is only Hyuga Momi in the dojo.

Sun Xiangxiao put on a soft fist stance, ready to... start.

In the past... and Hyuga Mowei's duel training, Hyuga Night was basically fishing.

He didn't pay too much attention to Hyuga Momi's strength.

Now, there is a sense of crisis.

He had to find a way to keep Hyuga Momi as alive as possible.

"Sun you have something to say?"

Hyuga Mo did not notice the expression that Hyuga was showing on purpose, so she asked.

"No, nothing..."

Sun Xiangxiao faltered and shook his head.

Of course, this is also acting.

This performance further aroused Hyuga Momi's curiosity.

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