Hyuga Xia gradually became familiar with the operating mechanism of Konoha Hospital.

became one of them.

Rescue patients, treat wounded patients, prepare medicines, and study medical ninjutsu.

busy life.

Enriched Hyuga Natsu's life.

Once a person gets busy.

There will be no more time to think about it.

Hyuga Xia gradually regained her confidence.

Became an elegant and gentle Hinata maid nurse ninja weapon.


Hinata Xiao, who was free from her busy schedule, came here many times to inspect Hinata Xia's work.

And in a separate ward, he had many heart-to-heart talks with Hinata Xia.

Hinata Natsu inspired by Hinata Soi.

His complexion became more rosy, and his mood became brighter.

the good news is......

Hinata Hinata's mother's condition gradually improved, and she was completely out of danger.

The little Hinata, also in the busy life of spying on Naruto's practice, occasionally takes a little time to visit her mother.

The days passed like this.

Uchiha Izumi's practice has taken shape.

The eligibility for special Jonin is approved.

In the assessment, it was a blockbuster.

Although Uchiha Itachi joined Anbu, he is still a Chunin.

Uchiha Izumi, who is the same age as her, is already a very ninja...

A hole card that Izumi Uchiha still hides... Sangouyu Sharingan.

It is not known to anyone other than Hinata Xiao.

A 10-year-old special jonin.

This means that at the age of 11 or even 12, you can apply for Jnin qualification.

Izumi Uchiha's life...is a smooth one.

Another half month passed.

Hinata Hinata's mother was discharged from the hospital.

She returned home and was reunited with her husband and two daughters.

After some greetings, the couple began to discuss another matter.

Enrollment problem of Hinata Hinata.

Soon, Hinata Hinata will be 6 years old.

6 years old is the school age for most children.

According to news...

The head of the Ministry of Intelligence, the daughter of Yamanaka Kaiichi, Yamanaka Ino.

The head of the logistics department, the son of Akimichi Dingza, Akimichi Dhoji.

The class leader of the ninja class, the son of Nara Shikahisa, Nara Shikamaru.

The patriarch of the oil girl clan, the son of oil girl Zhiwei, oil girl Zhi Nai.

Inuzuka Hana's son, Inuzuka Kiba, the leader of the reconnaissance team.

The son of the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato, Uzumaki Naruto.

Uchiha Police Department, Uchiha Fuyue's second son, Uchiha Sasuke.


The children of many bigwigs, the rich second generation and the second generation of power gathered.

It is a very good admission opportunity.

Even if Hinata is a good-for-nothing.

Getting to know these second generations... is also extremely rewarding.


Judging from Hinata Xiao's attitude towards Uzumaki Naruto...I'm afraid Uzumaki Naruto is of great use.

A useless daughter with no skills, if she can marry Naruto Uzumaki in the future.

Even if Uzumaki Naruto is a cripple, he will definitely fly up the branches and become a phoenix.

have to say.

Hinata Hinata has experienced many realistic beatings.

For example...the incident where the eldest daughter was almost kidnapped by the ninja leader of Yunyin Village...

After these things.

Hinata's political sense of smell has made great progress.

He tacitly allowed Hinata to go out to watch Naruto Uzumaki every day.

This is the reason for not stopping at all.

There is nothing wrong with Hinata Hyuzu's guess.

But he still underestimated Hinata Xiao's methods.

Hinata Xiao really valued Uzumaki Naruto.

But it's not as important as Hinata Hyuzu thought.

Rather...the value of Naruko Uzumaki's plan.

Also, it's worth mentioning that...

The next Patriarch, Ningji Hinata, has been enrolled for almost a year.

Ningji Hyuga also met two good friends during his life at the ninja school.

Locke Lee, Tian Tian.

Locke Lee is the child whom A Kai fancyes.

Hinata Xiao often visits the ninja shop opened by Tian Tian's family.

The three of them have no guesses.

Presumably... we can become quite good friends in the future.

When Hinata Hinata thinks about these things...

Hinata Xiao here.

It is also arranging the admission of Naruto Uzumaki.


Look through the list of admission lists.

From the full 90 student places.

Hinata Xiao did not see a certain name.

"Where did Kamui Sakura... go?"


When I was in Loulan.

Hinata Xiao got acquainted with Kamui Sakura and Future Uzumaki Naruto.


Hinata Sho had known about the existence of Uzumaki Naruto a long time ago, but he didn't know him at that time.


By speculation, verification.

Hinata Aya confirmed one thing...

Uzumaki Naruto is Uzumaki Naruto, the son of Namikaze Minato.

This is also one of the reasons why Hyuga Sho wanted to turn Uzumaki Naruto into Uzumaki Naruko.

He doesn't want to develop according to the established future.

Uzumaki Naruko is one of Hinata Xiao's plans to fight against fate.

like now.

Hinata Mami is still alive.

Uzumaki Naruto became disabled, not as healthy as Future Naruto.

But these are not problems...

The issue is......

Where did Kamui Sakura, also known as Haruno Sakura, go?

Hyuga Sho noticed something was wrong.

I took other materials.

Even took the Konoha census register.

Start reading one by one.

But I searched the catalog of 100,000 people.

I didn't see a Haruno Sakura either.


I found one called Haruno Zhao and Haruno Mebuki.

Hinata Xiao immediately concluded.

Haruno Zhao, Haruno Mebuki this couple.

They should be Kamui Sakura's parents.

But for some reason...probably...self-induced butterfly effect.

Lost Kamui Sakura? ?

Hinata Xiao who has watched many movies and literary works.

Some people also know the butterfly effect caused by the traversers.

Hinata Xiao put down the roster.

I personally visited Haruno Zhao and his wife.

Haruno Zhao is an uncle with starfish hair who likes to tell bad jokes.

Haruno Mebuki is a fashionable woman.

The couple had always wanted a child, but were unable to conceive.

at last......

give up.

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