Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Hokage That Started With Blind Eyes Chapter 747

Of course, it will take a long time for her to change her inherent ideas and accept women's clothing.

But Hinata Xiao was not in a hurry.

Hinata Sho...was very patient, waiting to slowly build Naruto into a Nine-Tails Ninjutsu Ninja weapon.

The strongest...Tail Orc Churino weapon.

The second week after school starts.

Hinata Xiao personally visited the two wives, Jing and Chun.

Hinata Isamu, who wanted to be aggressive, found out very regrettably.

The husbands of these two young wives were both ninjas, but they both died young.

They are the ones who have worked so hard to bring their children to adulthood.

The idea of ​​helping Naruto vent his anger has faded a lot.

Hyuga Xiao is forgiving and forgiving.

Not only did he not retaliate, but instead he greeted them with warm greetings.

It is not easy to pull a child alone.

Not only is it very difficult for money, but excessive work will also damage the body.



one night.

In the dead of night, a certain residential building in Konoha.

Hinata Xiao completed a round of Rouquan Baguazhang to relax muscles and activate blood circulation for the two, expand meridians and strengthen their physique.

In this world, even ordinary people.

There are also meridians and chakras in the body.

The difference between ordinary people and ninjas is not only the use of chakra, but also the difference in physical fitness.

However, it may be that for ninjas, the effect of relaxing tendons and promoting blood circulation that can be tolerated is too strong for ordinary people.

The two were so moved beyond words that it was difficult to speak.

But Hinata Xiao understood and knew the gratitude in their hearts.

Before leaving the residential building at dawn, he put a wad of money on the table.

It is used to subsidize the daily expenses of two families.


It will definitely alleviate the urgent needs of the two wives and make their lives settled.

“I will be visiting again...”

at last......

Hinata Akira glanced at the two of them.

He closed the door behind him.

572. Masochist Kakashi \u0026 Itachi and Shisui's Sympathy

Dusk of the day.

Anbu Sixth Squad Team.


Captain Kakashi Hatake issued an order to disband.


The figures of Suliu, Uzuki Xiyan, Yamato and others turned into afterimages and disappeared on the spot.


Kakashi looked at Itachi.

Now, in this open space, only the two of them are left.

Itachi has been with Anbu for several months.

All missions were completed perfectly.

Although when I joined at the beginning, I encountered difficulties from all sides.

But Itachi was very calm and patient, which made him persevere.

And the absolute talent and overwhelming strength displayed.

Hatake Kakashi, who is the captain, was amazed.

One thing Hatake Kakashi had to admit was that...

The 11-year-old Uchiha Itachi is much stronger than the 11-year-old him back then!

"Asma is leaving... we will go see him off later, won't you go?"

Kakashi asked.

Asma, Sarutobi Asma.

Recently, the conflict with his father, the third Hokage Hiruzaru Sarutobi, has intensified.

Asma is about to leave Konoha and go to the ninja world.

The farewell crowd included Kakashi, Akai... and other partners, and of course Asma's lover Kuroyuki.

Itachi is Anbu, and there is also a Chunin.

He once carried out missions with Asma and Kurenai Yuhi, so strictly speaking, it belongs to a few acquaintances.

"No, I still have something to do... I have to go back to practice."

Itachi replied in a stiff tone.


Hatake Kakashi scratched his head.

Looked very sorry.

As the captain of the sixth class of Anbu.

Hatake Kakashi is always able to pay attention to the demands of his subordinates and give them humanistic care.

For example, Itachi is still a rookie in Anbu.

Kakashi has been looking for opportunities to talk to him and impart experience.

And Kakashi often said, "We must pay attention to our companions".

In general.

Is a very good captain and boss.

And some people who are jealous of Kakashi are spreading rumors.

It is said that Kakashi did not hesitate to kill his companions in order to complete the mission.

Itachi thinks.

Those people are not only ugly in their hearts, but the most direct root cause is jealousy of Kakashi's talent.

In fact...

Itachi's perception is still shallow.

Hatake Kakashi's father is Konoha Shirato Hatake Sakumo.

Back then, Hatake Sakumo committed suicide because of public opinion.

same treatment.

It fell on Kakashi.

Slander, bad words, gossip... all kinds of negative information are persecuting Kakashi.

However, Kakashi did not kill himself.


Kakashi is a masochist.

His mother died of dystocia.

Father committed suicide because of public opinion.

His friend Obito Uchiha died because of him.

Nohara Lin no longer contacted him.

The teacher's child becomes disabled.

Then she became a girl again.

...All kinds of hardships have created the tormentor Kakashi.

It also contributed to Kakashi's strong psychological endurance.

Kakashi, who has received all kinds of negative blows, will only suffer silently without refuting.

"Well, then... Itachi, see you tomorrow."

Kakashi waved at Itachi and left the spot.


"How is your sister?"

that night.

Itachi went to Nanhe Shrine, preparing to participate in another secret gathering within the ethnic group.

On the way, he stood side by side with Uchiha Shisui.

Uchiha Shisui's younger sister, Uchiha Kei, suffered from autism due to her mother's death.

"It's okay... started talking to me recently..."

Uchiha Shisui smiled.

What about his sister... made him feel a long-lost warmth in his heart.

Staring at Shisui's happy expression.

Itachi thought of his younger brother, Sasuke.


The two entered the shrine, the basement.

Uchiha Izumi and Itachi passed by, completely ignoring him.

Then, Uchiha Hehara, who pretended to be inconspicuous and ordinary, took his seat.

The it goes.

"Itachi has joined Anbu for several months, and he has gained a firm foothold."

Uchiha Fugaku sat in the upper seat and said so.


Cheers rang through the shrine.

The family finally had a channel leading to the center of the village.


Uchiha can no longer only be passively monitored by the village, but can also inquire about the village in turn.

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