Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Hokage That Started With Blind Eyes Chapter 752


Something was thrown at the red bean.

Hong Dou took it, reflecting the moonlight, she could see the thing clearly.

It is a data book.

Or...a special jonin qualification certificate.

Hinata Xiao got this certificate for Hongdou.


The special jonin qualification certificate is real and issued by Konoha's senior management.

Hongdou's memory and emotions are still at the age of 13.

At that time, she was just a "Chunin".

The wasted 5 years... She can become a special Jonin because of her virtue and ability.

"Just hate..."

Hinata Shoto looked back at her.

"As long as you hate Orochimaru to your heart's content, even hate me and everything in the world, you can become stronger."


Hongdou didn't believe what Hinata Xiao said at all.

But soon...

She felt a surge of power.

A black breath rose from her body.

What's even weirder is...

Red Dou felt the burning heat in her lower abdomen...

The seal of the caged bird played another important role.

Red beans that have the ability to produce and receive at the same time.

Homegrown dark chakra.

She is a seedbed, a mother body, and can also be used by herself.

Hate Orochimaru, hate Hinata Xiao, generate dark chakra, strengthen yourself...

A perfect circle is formed.

"This, what is this...?!"

Feel the uncontrollable tremendous power emerging from your body.

Red Bean looked surprised.

To say it is powerful is just what Hongdou thinks.

In fact, there is at most about "1 card".

After all, the dark chakra provided by Hongdou is actually not as good as that of the two cat girls.


This dilemma can actually be broken.

First of all, Hongdou needs to ensure that she promotes herself to Special Jonin.

Then, Hinata Xiao will test his loyalty and ability.

If appropriate, expand the Dark Chakra and upgrade her to the "Zero Tail Spell" version.

At that time... the red bean will acquire an extremely powerful amount of dark chakra.

Even because of being possessed by Zero Tail, it is possible to become an elite jonin, or even a shadow class.

As for why not Ye Cang...

to be frank.

Don't look at Ye Cang's arrogance and arrogance, but his willpower seems to be strong.

After Hinata Xiao's operation many years ago, pretending to be Maji to rescue her, the result verified Ye Cang's mental weakness.

In contrast, red beans.

Although the strength is completely crushed by Ye Cang, but in terms of character, it is much higher than Ye Cang.

I have been studying continuously for 5 years, and I am not discouraged at all.

This spirit is worthy of admiration.

It is also suitable to be the mother body of zero-tail surgery.

"I... have become stronger?"

Red Dou looked at her hands, waiting until the dark chakra disappeared.

The power in her body was surging.

Instantly changed from 1 red bean to 1 red bean + 1 cal chakra.

What Red Bean doesn't know is...

This is the effect of accumulating over a long period of time and water dripping through stones.

As the so-called freezing three feet is not a day's cold...

How could she be where she is today if she didn't have the previous five years of further study?


"Still getting stronger? Power...I feel the power coming up!!"

Hongdou's expression became slightly distorted.

Anger, hatred, and endless negative emotions poured out of her body.

A large amount of dark chakra instantly turned her into a blazing black torch.

"Ha, ha...hahaha!!!"


Sensing that Hongdou's spirit was a little abnormal, Hinata Xiao stopped in her tracks.

Turning around, he stared at the mutated red bean.

In the spirit of red beans.

It is impossible for her to have such a mutation.

Well, the problem is...

Hinata Xiao's sight instantly fixed on the back of the red bean's neck, on the black three-hook jade curse seal bestowed by Orochimaru.

For example, the curse seal on the wheel eye pattern case is called "Heaven's Curse Seal".

Corresponds to Kaguya-kunmaro's "Earth Seal".

Both have the same, but different powers.

Under the curse seal of the sky and the curse seal of the earth.

There are also curse marks for some mass-produced goods, which have a lower level of effect and a lower risk factor.

For example, Tayuya, Jirobo, Sakin Ukin, and Kidomaru of the "Otonin Four".


The curse seal of the sky is lighting up, and the orange light is like a flame, slightly illuminating the night.

From that curse seal, a strange chakra spread out.

This chakra gives people a very evil feeling.


Hinata Xiao watched the changes in the red beans calmly.


Black runes... or flame-like curse marks, like stripes, spread all over Hongdou's body.

The speed of the spread is like a flower blooming in a movie video.

Wait until the state of the red beans stabilizes.

The corners of her mouth were raised, revealing her white teeth and a wild smile.

"Hinata Sho...I'll kill you first!"

Saying that, Hong Dou rushed towards Hinata Xiao.


The figure disappeared.

Because of the role of dark chakra, red beans have at least 2 more calories of chakra.

And because of Orochimaru's Heavenly Seal, this number will double again.

That is... red beans have at least 4 calories of chakra.

At the same time, all the qualities of the body were improved by the curse seal.

In an instant, his strength was promoted from "Chunin" to the strength of a particularly elite Jonin.

Probably... crushing goalie Ebisu.

Stronger than Moonlight Gale.

The strength is between Shiranui Xuanjian and the same.


Facing the unbelievably fast red beans.

Hinata Xiao just held out a finger.

Before Hongdou's claws scratched his own cheek, it poked on her forehead.

"Soft fist."


Facing Hongdou who opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe it.

Hinata Xiao not only organized her further movements, but also released soft fists from her fingers.

The soft fist chakra penetrated her skin and entered the brain along the meridians.

Hongdou crashed on the spot.


She groaned and fell directly to the ground.

"It need to re-understand the rules outside..."

Hinata Sho looked down at the red beans lying at her feet, and said in a cold tone.

"An hour more."

Hinata Xiao took out his pocket watch and checked the time.

An hour later, the team will set off to chase the secret sign squad in Wuyin Village.

"In time..."

Hinata Xiao said.

next moment.

Hinata Xiao directly used the Eight Diagrams Explosive Palm on Hongdou.

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