Do not......

Nohara Rin is still different.

Although Nohara Rin used to be very good to Kakashi and Uchiha Obito.

But it didn't make goodwill cheap, it treated everyone like this.

in other words......

Miru, the female ninja, is the legendary "Holy Mother".


Kisame couldn't tell the difference.

She didn't respond and looked forward.

And speed up your own speed.

As a result, Miru and the others had to quickly follow him.

laugh! !

After an unknown amount of time, a muffled sound suddenly broke the tranquility of the team's progress.


Kisame quickly looked at the place where the sound came from, a kunai was nailed to their side, and the detonating talisman dragged behind was burning.

"Quickly spread out!!"

Kisame immediately directed his companions to evacuate.

Afterwards, continuous Kunaiyu hurled towards them, but they didn't hurl them directly at the vital points. Instead, they seemed to be constantly forcing and guiding them to the desired position of the enemy.

In the end, Kisame and his companions from the Signal Department landed in an open space, and the enemies who were chasing them also showed their respective figures.

"Surrender, you are completely surrounded... There is no chance of winning."

A man with a turban and several scars on his face said calmly.

"I know you...Konoha Anbe tortured the elite of the interrogation unit..."

Kisame stopped in front of all his colleagues, holding a big sword in his hand.

In front of them, there are 20 ninjas.

Judging from the forehead guard worn by the enemy, it is obvious that it belongs to Konoha.

There are ordinary ninjas and there are Anbu.

The leading man had a scar on his right face, and was unusually tall, even comparable to Kisame.

"Minister of Torture Department..."Sadist" Morino...Ibiki..."

As soon as the words fell, Kisame assumed an offensive posture.

rub rub rub!

The clear voice resounded through the forest, and the ninjas on Konoha's side and Anbe drew their weapons one after another.

There was no howling, no harsh words, only the invisible and indifferent confrontation.

"Do it...!"

Following Morinoi Hibiki's low shout, the two sides started a confrontation.

cumbersome...too much...

After Kisame slashed and killed an enemy cleanly, he jumped into the sky.


Not too many enemies.

It's because there are too many burdens on my side.

Dried persimmons and ghosts are called "fools of wuyin".

To a certain extent, it is even more famous than "Ghost Man·Momochi no more cut".

Because of his huge amount of chakras and weird behavior, he is impressive.

Kisame pulled out several kunai bound with detonating charms from the ninja tool bag, and threw them straight at the enemy, and the smoke of the explosion swept across the scene instantly.

"Now! Run away!"

Kisame took advantage of the confusion and hacked down several Konoha ninjas again, then flew back and quickly chased after his colleagues from the Signal Department.

"call out!"

A ray of cold light cut through the darkness in the forest, and a ninja from the Signal Department who fell at the end was hit in the leg by the enemy. After he groaned, he fell straight from the tree trunk to the ground.

"Catch him alive!"

Hibiki Morino maintained his throwing posture and ordered.

Konoha ninjas quickly caught up with the injured ninja, ready to restrain him.


Kisame stopped and turned around.

"There are too many people to protect..."

Even as an elite among the top ninjas in the blood mist, they cannot perfectly protect every ninja in the secret department under the pursuit of a large number of enemies.

"no solution anymore......"

The unsmiling ghost's face remained unchanged.

He threw the detonating talisman Kunai in his hand at his companion without hesitation.

boom! !

The explosion resounded.

This ninja from the secret sign class in the blood mist was blown to death by one of his own... dried persimmon ghost.

"Go! Don't stop!"

After killing a colleague, Kisame quickly turned around and joined his colleagues in the distance.

Another moment.

The troops led by Morinoi Hihiki caught up.

This is also impossible.

Because the ninjas of Kirigakure's secret code class are not good at footwork and fighting.

Facing the Konoha chasing troops led by Morino Ibiki.

It will be a matter of time before they are caught up.

Morino Ibiki threw the detonating talisman Kunai at the enemy.

The detonating talisman hit the enemy's foot, directly blasting the ninja in the blood mist from the tree.


The two ninjas of the secret code class who were blown away screamed.

Falling from the tree, and rolling at the feet of the ghost shark.

"help me......!"

One of them extended a helping hand to Gui Shark.

Kisame stared at the two expressionlessly, examining his companion's injuries.

‘One leg was injured and unable to move. Another organ was injured...'

After judging this, Kisame raised his sword.

"You... what are you going to do?!"

A look of fear appeared on the faces of the colleagues in the cipher class.

Responding to him... was the butcher knife swung down indifferently.


The sound of the knife piercing the flesh was clearly discernible, after which Kisame twisted hard!

The human body underneath loses its life.

Then, there's the second person.

After finishing this, Kisame immediately turned around without hesitation, and chased after the remaining companions from the code department.

However, Kisame and others who deviated from the original route did not know what kind of obstacles were waiting for them ahead.

Soon, that obstacle appeared.


In front, there is a cold wind howling, and the dark to bottomless cliff fissure.

And Kisame and others who have come this far... seem to have no way out.

"Mr. Persimmon! What should we do?!"

Miru, who didn't know that Kisame was killing her companion indiscriminately in the back, asked worriedly.


Guixie didn't speak, but turned his head, staring at the remaining three colleagues with a strange and serious expression.


Meiru was keenly aware of the change in Kisame's breath.

"Dried persimmon... sir?"

What responded to her was the butcher's knife that Kisame raised towards the two of them.

"You, what are you going to do!"

The two ninjas from the secret code department shouted loudly.

"Onisame, you must not let the ninjas of the code class fall into the enemy's hands... No matter what happens, your task is to stick to the code. You should be very clear about what this means."

"I understand that I will never hand over the ninjas of the secret code class to them alive..."

The secret order of the boss Xiguashan Puffer Ghost resounded in Guixier's heart.

at the same time......

Kisame's heart was also bleeding.


The sword was swung down, and the two fell down in response.

Members of the cipher class. He is no match for the elite Jōnin Kisame of the martial arts faction.

In just an instant, the two lost their lives.

579. Sho Hinata Kindly Rescues the Ninja Kirigakure

"Why did you kill your companion?"

Morino Ibiki and others surrounded Kisame Kisame.

For Konoha Ninja, Kisame's behavior is unreasonable.

"Sometimes intelligence is more important than life...I can't give our codes to the enemy...and if they fall into your hands, they'll let go...they I definitely won't survive the interrogation..."

Kisame Kisame pointed the dagger in his hand at the only female companion after answering Morino Ibiki's question.

At this moment, Konoha's ninjas hesitated when they saw Kisame Kisame.

That was the only hesitation that Kisame Kisame showed tonight, but it was only a fleeting moment.

Then, Kisame Kisame raised his sword.

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