Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Hokage That Started With Blind Eyes Chapter 759

After eating all kinds of food, Kisame's body quickly repaired itself.

the next day.

Kisame's body improved a lot.

He is leaving.

"Before I leave... I have one more thing to do."

Ghost shark grinned.

The pupils did not change.

The smile on his cheek was still that fake smile.

"Coincidentally, I also have something to tell you..."

Hinata Xiao looked at Kisame.


Under the witness of Morino Ibiki and others......

Ghost shark made a move.

"If you can defeat my move, then I might do as you said... Water escape!"

Ghost shark seal.

The two are 10 meters apart.

"The art of the big shark bomb!!!"

In one go, Kisame used his trump card.

A-level Water Escape·Great Jiao Bullet Art.

The roaring shark soared into the sky.

The 18-meter-long shark made of water looks like a tailed beast.

At this time, Morino Ibiki and others remembered.

There is another title for Kisame's Weird Man, Kisame Kisame.

Known as... Tailless Beast!

His ninjutsu, once he makes a move, is of an earth-shattering level.

This large-scale technique is devastating, like the most terrifying map cannon.

So... how will Hinata Xiao take over this ninjutsu.

"Hee hee~, my ninjutsu can devour other techniques and strengthen myself..."

Kisame maintained the seal seal.

Change the blood mist?

Then let me see if you can defeat my strongest ninjutsu first.

Face the roaring chakra shark.

Hinata Xiao didn't make any moves.

Just stand there.

Immediately... it was devoured by the shark.

After a while.

Sharks spilled and turned into useless running water.

Hinata Sho was completely unharmed, not even a drop of water stained her body.

Facing Kisame with a frozen expression and a sluggish face.

Hinata Xiao said lightly: "The momentum is good...It's a pity that the single-target damage is not enough..."

583. Wash your neck and wait!

Skeleton chakra mode.

The defense power is greater than "Phase 1: Rib Susan", but smaller than "Phase 2: Skeleton Susan".

It is not a problem to resist the attack of the fourth generation of Raikage.

because of proliferating bone cells.

Although it is ninjutsu, the final form is solid bones.

That is to say...

Kisame's "Great Jiao Bomb Technique" does not add damage to non-ninjutsu physical substances such as corpse bones.

The characteristics of the technique of the Great Flood Dragon Ball and the occasion of its use are quite obvious.

——It is used for "against waves".

Perhaps Hinata Xiao's use of Lan Dun·Qigong Wave would have strengthened her skill of Dajiao Bomb instead, but she was counter-killed.

But the problem is...

Hinata Isamu has "white eyes".

One can see through the particularity of this ninjutsu that is very different from other water escape ninjutsu at a glance.

Judge carefully.

Although the Dajiao Bomb technique is mighty, it is "lethal per unit area".

But it's not as good as Kakashi's Rachel.

There is also his own Lan Dun·Qigong Bo.

After realizing this.

Hinata Xiao just stood there calmly, letting the big dragon's bomb attack strike.

After all... the Jutsu of the Great Flood Dragon Ball is an A-level ninjutsu.

This is the pinnacle of it.

Perhaps one day, Kisame can increase its power a bit, like Kakashi's A-level Chidori, which evolved into an S-level Raikiri... Let's have a look at the big kunjutsu.

"It seems that the white demon's defeat of the Fourth not a lie..."

After a short period of sluggishness, Kisame grinned again and said with a smile.

He was even confident that he could use the Great Flood Dragon Ball Technique to swallow the fourth generation Raikage's Thunder Dungeon armor for a short time.


The opponent is that man... any white demon who is cautious in the countless blood mist.

"So, Mr. White Devil... one thing you want to tell me is...?"

After Kisame noticed Hinata Xiao's strength again.

A thought came to mind.

This man... Maybe he can really subvert Wuyin Village...

"When you go back... give Terumi Mei a message..."

Terumi Mei?

Ghost Shark's pupils shrank suddenly.


He then remembered that Terumi Mei and Hinata Xiao were the same age, and had participated in the same Chunin Exam.

It was also from that time... the name of the white devil had already begun to spread.


Going back to the first person who uttered the name "White Devil"...

It's actually Terumi Mei.

Terumi Mei, who was 6 years old at the time, recognized the strength and terror of this man Hinata Sho.


No one took it seriously at the time.

Now think about it...

Maybe that woman with big breasts really has a very strong insight...


What is the connection between Konoha's white demon and Kirigakure's noble native ninja, Terumi Mei?

"Go back and tell her... Let her wash her neck and wait! I will visit in person...!"

In a cold tone, Hinata Xiao said what he would do to Mei Ming.

Kirigakure ninja ninja weapon plan.


Ghost shark nodded, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became brighter and brighter.

That's... the smile of seeing something interesting.

It is also a rare expression on Kisame, not a fake smile.

"I'll pass it on to her."

After finishing speaking, Kisame turned around...and left.

"Just let him go, okay?"

Ibiki Morino stared at Kisame's back who was quickly moving away, and asked.

He wasn't worried about letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

It's about whether the dried persimmon ghost shark will really become his own undercover agent.

"It's not important."

Hinata Sho stood with her hands behind her back.

Kisame has seen his strength several times.

Invisibly, an invincible image was erected in his heart.

From then on, he could no longer afford to resist himself.

"As long as he can pass my that woman Terumi Mei."

With cold words, Hinata Sho carried out her will.

Compared with Meiming, he is bound to win!


When the dried persimmon ghost shark returned to the country of water, the hidden fog village.

Hinata Xiao stayed on this island.

Morino Ibiki and others withdrew and returned to Konoha.

They have already obtained all the information of the Wuyin Cipher Squad, so it is meaningless to stay here.

This also indicates that the Kirigakure ninja is completely useless.


For Hinata Xiao, it is still somewhat useful.

Morinoi Hiki knew it well, so...he left.

The one who stayed on the island with Hinata Shoto.

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